Success: EU Parliament Upholds Pesticide Ban

Target: David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament

Goal: Praise European Parliament for blocking the weakening of rules against bee-harming pesticides.

The European Parliament has blocked an attempt to weaken the new regulations protecting bee colonies from toxic pesticides. Sixteen states, as well as the European Commission, had tried to push back against these new regulations, demanding they be brought to a vote. Instead, the Parliament reminded these states that such pesticides were the main reason for the collapse of bee populations across the continent.

“The parliament’s objection is sending a strong signal to the commission not to bow to the pressure of member states and the agrochemical industry,” says Dutch Green Party MEP Bas Eickhout. The agriculture industry has pushed back for years against a ban on pesticides. But for those same years, bee populations have been negatively impacted by the use of these chemicals. Many petitions such as this one circulated, demanding Europe outlaw their use.

Bees are a vital part of the environment, and the Parliament has taken another important step in preserving the remains of the population. Sign this petition to thank them for not bowing to public pressure.


Dear President Sassoli,

Thank you for rejecting the demands of 16 states and the European Commission to weaken the new regulations against the pesticides responsible for destroying bee populations. Your actions have sent the message that you value keeping your promises and protecting the environment over pressure from powerful corporate interests. In an age where politicians fail to keep even the simplest promises, your choice is extremely welcome.

Bee populations have been collapsing rapidly over the past several years due to the use of toxic pesticides. The chemicals weaken their reproductive organs, contaminate the flowers and plants they feed from, and outright kill them. Bees are vital to the ecosystem, and we applaud your dedication to keeping them safe. Thank you for not bowing to the agriculture industry, and keeping the pesticide ban in place.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: John Severns


  1. Thanks for holding strong EU! Now only if the US could find the courage to do the same.

  2. Sigrid Krueger says:

    I am proud of Europe and the people who have fought for this so hard, including myself!

  3. Thanks EU for taking a stand against dangerous pesticides harmful to bees! The US needs to follow your example and ban the pesticides too!

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1512 Signatures

  • Lissa F
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Azia Cassell
  • Velina Ussery
  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
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