Target: Ivonne Higuero, Secretary General of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Goal: Praise CITES for tightening fishing regulations to protect mako sharks from extiction.
A record number of governments voted to regulate the trade of the mako shark, along with 16 other species of sharks and rays. The vote has been a huge wake-up call for countries with a large fishing economy, much to the relief of animal and marine conservationists.
For years, the oceans have been almost drained of sharks, particularly the mako, as the demand for shark fin soup among gourmet diners grew. Shark finning has come under fire as one of the cruelest and most unethical practices. The mako in particular was hit hard with this, so much that petitions such as this one began to circulate demanding stronger protection for the species.
CITES has taken a vital step in protecting a vulnerable species, thus increasing the overall protection and well-being of the oceans. Sign this petition to thank CITES for supporting the vote to protect mako sharks from further endangerment.
Dear Secretary General Higuero,
Thank you for overseeing the vote to regulate fishing of mako sharks. Overfishing and the demand for shark fin soup have endangered many shark species in recent years. The vote served as a huge wake-up call for countries with large fishing economies, who have ignored the mako’s decline for years.
Sharks are more vulnerable than their predatory image suggests. Countries have fished them to near extinction solely for their fins. Shark finning is one of the cruelest and most unethical practices in existence. Thanks to these new fishing regulations, the mako will have a chance to live in peace and safety, as well as rebuild their numbers. Thank you for enabling this.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mark Conlin
Thank you
The lives of the ones that were knowing that and allowing that r worth awhole hell of a lot less. Throw them in the ocean!
The Asians will and anything that swims and roams
Thank you for trying to regulate fishing of the Mako Shark! Hope it works!