Success: Breeder Convicted of Animal Cruelty Gets Jail Time

Target: Scott Whitaker, Assistant County Attorney for Coos County, New Hampshire

Goal: Praise the punishment of a breeder who denied dogs food, water, and veterinary care.

A breeder will serve jail time after he starved and neglected multiple dogs. Witnesses testified against him after one of his dogs was found to be in extremely poor health. Thank the attorney responsible for seeking this rightful punishment.

John Dumas was convicted of two Class A and eight Class B misdemeanor charges of animal cruelty after 14 dogs were starved and neglected in his home. The animals were incredible thin, coated in feces and urine, and several carried dangerous parasites. One of the dogs, known as Carmella, presented with extensive skin and eye problems, red sores on her body, and overgrown nails. Thanks to this ForceChange petition, the judge agreed with the prosecutor’s recommendation and sentenced Dumas to 60 days in the Coos County House of Corrections. He is to serve them concurrently, followed by two years’ probation, and he cannot have custody of animals for three years.

This sentence sets an important precedent and shows that those who deny animals food and care will be punished. Sign below to thank the prosecutor who found justice for these dogs.


Dear Assistant County Attorney Whitaker,

Justice has been served for fourteen dogs who were starved and denied veterinary care. Their breeder, John Dumas, was sentenced to jail for his role in their mistreatment. He is also banned from owning animals for three years. Thank you for your dedication to this important cause.

John Dumas was convicted of two Class A and eight Class B misdemeanor charges of animal cruelty for denying food and much-needed veterinary care to 14 dogs. The animals were underweight, suffered with skin and eye problems, and many of them hosted dangerous parasites. One dog in particular, known as Carmella, sparked a lot of attention due to her extremely poor health. Now, these dogs have justice and one more animal cruelty offender is off the streets.

The dogs in Coos County are safer, thanks to your perseverance and dedication, and I appreciate all that you did to bring justice in this case.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: ivanovgood


  1. Victoria Salter says:

    Does anyone know how the dogs are now? Are they in good hands?
    Please reply as soon as you can.
    Thank you to the moon and back.
    Have the best day and night ever!

  2. Linda Dianne Wheeler says:

    I am glad this POS BASTURD got what he deserved, but I think the 60 day jail sentence is way too lenient! He should be serving at least 1 year and banned for life from owning fur babies, not the 3 years he was given from owing another animal! Thank goodness he was convicted!

  3. Jacqui Skill says:

    This creep should never be allowed to have custody of animals again!!!

  4. The punishment is equivalent to a slap in the wrist. There is no justice for innocent animals. The system is severely flawed and does nothing to punish these cruel acts.

  5. Holly Homayonfar says:

    I hope you rot in hell John Dumas where you belong. You truly are a dum ass!!

  6. Jaime Perez says:

    60 days?? Is that all? This POS deserves to spend the rest of his miserable life in jail.

  7. Thank You !!!!!!!!!!! – I only wish his prison sentence would fit the crime; 60 days is nothing compared to what those poor helpless dogs have suffered. Hopefully they’ll put him in a cell block chock full of animal lovers.

  8. This ‘maximum’ punishment is a joke !!!

  9. Debra Goldstein Lustig says:

    Finally justice for the animals. Kt us bern goong on far too long that these scumbags are getting away with animal abuse and cruelty.

  10. Should have gotten 1 year in jail for each dog! Plus no food, water or medical care! And never,ever let him near any animal again! Make him sit in his own feces!

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