Save Dogs From Being Strapped to Outside of Moving Vehicles

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Target: Flagler County Board of Supervisors Chair Gregory Hansen
Goal: Protect animals from being strapped to the outside of moving vehicles.

A bystander captured a video of a dog named Zeus tied to the top of a trailer speeding down the highway. The owner, a man taking his dogs to hunt, didn’t face any criminal penalties for his actions since authorities claimed that “no crime was committed.” This is outrageous and the laws must be changed to ensure no dogs can be abused like this is the future.

Authorities did follow up with the hunter and conduct a welfare check on Zeus. The hunter claimed that his dogs enjoy traveling outside the car and were not in any danger. In the video, Zeus can be seen attached to the top of a kennel that was holding two other dogs.

When a local news station stopped by the owner’s house, he defended his actions stating, “Don’t you have something better to do? “It’s normal. It’s legal.”

Technically, the owner is correct, since in Flagler County, it is perfectly legal to strap a dog to the top of a trailer or other vehicle, while speeding down the road. Of course, pet owners should do more than just what is “legal” and have a moral obligation to protect their animals. Additionally, Flagler County’s tether laws are outrageously weak and must be strengthened.

Sign this petition to ask Flagler County authorities to pass a proper animal welfare law that prevents owners from strapping their pets to the outside of moving vehicles.


Dear Supervisor Hansen,

In your county it is legal for pet owners to strap their animals to the outside of moving vehicles. Because of this, a hunter who was recently filmed with his dog strapped to the top of a trailer driving down the interstate, did not face any criminal penalties. This is outrageous.

Animals deserve better than this and must be protected from owners who are willing to endanger their wellbeing. We, the undersigned, are asking you and your fellow supervisors to pass legislation that will make it illegal to strap animals to the outside of moving vehicles.

Other jurisdictions already follow this commonsense rule, so I would hope that Flagler County will do the same.

[Your Name Here]

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  1. Roberta Jones says:

    Too bad the dog cannot tie that sorry POS owner to the trailer and drive down the road at high speeds.

    What would happen if the owner had an accident or had to unexpectedly slam on brakes.

  2. This is animal cruelty and endangerment!!! The person who did this could have put the animal in the vehicle.
    This person needs to be brought to justice!!

  3. Good thing I didnt see this. I would have followed until they stopped and took all their animals. This is animal cruelty. There is no way in hell this could be legal. I pray I never see this. I stay strapped for a reason. Do not do this!!!

  4. Amanda Scroghan says:

    The peoe who mistreat animals make me sick. Your not worth any empathy I hate you all. Hell is waiting for you.

  5. Robert F Knight II says:

    This is very cruel. I still think the owner should have had some punishment. The police could have used reckless driving against the owner as that is not a very secure load. It is upsetting that this is not covered under anamal cruelty laws.

  6. Anne-Marie Bergman says:

    Dear Flagler County, pit bulls do Not hunt..This is animal cruelty, your police need better training, and the Driver lied to the police because pits do not hunt. Please have arrest made, please contact animal rescue . Put bulls are indoor family dogs, gentle natured unless abused. HOW do you live with yourselves?!

  7. Why is there always another step to signing a petition. I signed n then it asks me for money n doesn’t give an option to skip that part or share instead. I’m broke if I had money I would donate but I can’t, sadly. That dog needs justice for being tied to a trailer. It’s disgusting how people treat animals. It really baffles me how people can do shit like n get away with it. If you cant handle them give them to someone that will and can take care of them the way deserve to he treated. People make me so sick. Something needs to be done about this and other criminal acts against animals in general enough is enough already. They are here and they are gods creatures and they deserve to be here n treated better.

  8. Pathetic people that do these things and see nothing wrong with it, along with the assholes “authorities” (laughable) that do nothing about it but ignore it, should all be shot dead. You all are nothing but a bunch of stupid, red-neck, brain-dead, country-ass hicks! You’re all so disgusting and worthless and heartless! Pull your heads outta your asses, and wake the fuck up!!! Karma is on her way to all of you now, bitches!

  9. Susan DeLooff says:

    I swear I can’t believe how stupid.people are. There needs to be a law to stop stupid people from this come.on this is another living creature who would think this was a right or decent thing to do.

  10. Jason sigman says:

    Need to tie those pricks to a trailer,
    Need to make taskforce to deal with these idiots

  11. The owner and the other people need to be taught a lesson. Punish them.

  12. I think it so cure to do that to dog!!! Own and police should be punish and they should be law that can’t hurt any animals if they do , they should get life or death plenty. See how the animals stuffer do…. We need to speak up for animals they do have voice too… I signed this petition.

  13. Teresa scott says:

    This is bull animal should be treated that way.they are suppose to be family to you.those jerks need jail time

  14. Jeanell Derr says:

    The owner should go to jai!!!!
    He should at least do a day for every mile and never legally be able to own an animal ever again!!!
    People like that make me sick to my stomach.

  15. Linda Tomolonis says:

    I’m speechless!!! If something would happen to the dog he would never know. I can’t fathom a state that has so little common sense and compassion that they would think transporting your pet like that would be acceptable. It’s absurd. It’s obviously NOT OK!!! In Oklahoma you would be arrested for that or fined and you would have to fix the situation right then. I’m just stunned and saddened.

  16. That’s truely fucked up don’t animals that way my God that they rights to can see he is very scary and afraid that’s bull shittttt let’s tie u up on roof of moving car asshole

  17. There are no words ?. How is this not illegal? We have to fix this now!!!!!!!

  18. Just seeing how scared he is in the video bummed me out!! This is not safe, no matter what! This wouldn’t be allowed if it was a child!!

  19. Doris chaffee says:

    Tie the driver up like that n I bet he would sign the petition

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  • Judy Lamon
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