Success: Woman Who Starved and Decapitated Dogs Given Jail Time

Target: Michael T. Gmoser, Prosecutor for Butler County, Ohio

Goal: Praise the prosecution and punishment of the woman convicted of starving three dogs to death and decapitating one.

A woman has been convicted of felony animal cruelty after she starved three dogs to death and another was decapitated on her property. Her charges were some of the first under Ohio’s new law encouraging harsher penalties for animal cruelty offenders. Thank the prosecutor for seeking a harsher penalty in this case, as advocated for in a previous ForceChange petition.

Judge Greg Stephens sentenced Tina Marie Jackson to 60 days in the Butler County Jail after she was convicted of fifth-degree felony animal cruelty. Jackson was charged following the fatal starvation and death of four dogs on her property. Two of those dogs died long painful deaths in doghouses and a third was discovered in a black plastic tote, along with another dog’s decapitated head. Jackson never offered an explanation regarding the decapitated dog.

In addition to the jail time, Jackson was placed on five years probation, ordered not to leave the state, and required to undergo a drug and mental health assessment. Sign below to thank Prosecutor Gmoser for seeking real justice in this sad case.


Dear Prosecutor Gmoser,

A woman will serve jail time after she was convicted of three counts of felony animal cruelty. This case, which involved the starvation and death of four dogs, sets a new precedent for the prosecution of animal cruelty in Ohio. Thank you for your dedication to this important cause.

Tina Marie Jackson will serve 60 days in the Butler County Jail after she was convicted of starving three dogs to death. Two of those dogs’ bodies were discovered in barren doghouses on Jackson’s property. Investigators found the third deceased dog inside of a black plastic tote alongside another dog’s decapitated head. You brought these poor animals justice.

Thank you for taking animal cruelty seriously and for bringing justice to these poor dogs.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Pexels


  1. Dianne MacDonald says:

    Not near harsh enough punishment considering how bad the dogs suffered!!

  2. Derinda Nilsson says:

    60 days? Are you kidding me? It should be 16yrs. at least for the life of one dog and 16 yrs for each additional dog. Probation shit, is nothing compared to what she did to these dogs. Well, she’ll go on with her life and KILL again, this time her choice will be human. At least don’t allow her near any animals again PLEASE!!!

  3. kimberly skiba says:

    This makes me sooo furious. when are these poor innocent animals ever going to get justice for what these abusers and murders do to them. these arrives that we are talking about here . they can see they can hear and they sure in the he’ll can feel. what is wrong with the system. these abusers and murders need to pay for their actions. if they want to hurt or kill an animal then they should get a stiff sentence not a slap on the hand. what is wrong with you people. put yourselves in these poor animals place see if you would like being treated this way

  4. Margaret Kinlaw says:

    She deserves to starve to death too. Rot in hell bitch!

  5. Might as well have just let her walk if only 60 days. No value on animals lives at all sad sad sad

  6. Eugenia Guilin says:

    It is ridiculous that she received such a short sentence. Her punishment should have been much more severe. 60 days for 4 lives that were spent in torture and pain?

  7. This is not a ‘success’, this is a joke!! She got a slap on the wrist for the torture she put upon those poor dogs! There is no way I am signing this one to say that I agree with this outcome!


  9. Is this a joke they want us to sign a petition thanking them for giving her a measly 60 days? Are you kidding me? This deserves a hell of a lot longer than 60 days that is a slap on the wrist.

  10. Jacqui Skill says:

    This woman should be confined for life in prison..the penalties for such animal cruelty and murder are not harsh enough !!’

    • Totally agree with everyone – this evil monster needs shooting at dawn or living on water/bread in a concrete cell for 50 years- wicked RETARD

  11. silver_wing says:

    This verdict certainly does not fit the crime. However, being the first time a person is given jail time for such a crime deserves a special mention.
    Will I sign this petition? I don’t think so.

    • My thoughts, exactly, and that is why I’m not signing either. 60 days is a joke when she killed 4 dogs. It should be more like 60 months.

      • Helene St-Pierre says:

        60 days or 60 months is a joke. It should be 60 YEARS. DON’T FORGET THIS MONSTER KILLED 4 DOGS. WHAT IS SHE GONNA DO NEXT TIME?

  12. This evil low-life scum only got 60 days in jail and 5 yrs probation??? What a joke! I’m not signing this petition

  13. Solo sesenta días de cárcel? eso es una ridiculez, una burla y falta de respeto.
    Mínimo debió ser condenada por diez años
    a los animales, les costo la vida.

  14. A dogs life is worth more than 60 days.
    60 days per dog isn’t even enough.

  15. Ummm, news flash to idiotic officials: that is literally the most pathetic punishment for such a sick and cruel crime in the history of the world. What the fuck is wrong with the laws in the country? You just enable psychos to continue to do sick actions with no consequences.

    • So true. The punishment is pathetic and the Animal Protection Laws are shit. This bitch should have been put to death. An eye for an eye. And when this animal torturing vile and evil psychopathic depraved lowlife monster gets out of prison this lowlife pos will continue torturing the precious and innocent animals. Come on the inmates, finish this evil bitch off forever.This evil bitch is a threat to all innocent animals. No innocent animal will be safe while she lives.

  16. Throw this piece of scum in jail – never slow her to own any animals again – poor babies


  18. Cathy Grossie says:

    Only 60 days, way way too short! Unbelievable

  19. This sentence is a crime in itself. I will not sign.

  20. Sorry but what the hell is wrong with a small portion of the American people?they’re just vile backward fucking assholes,(well can’t call them humans really) always weirdos who haven’t even been outside their backdoor,I know theres weirdos all over the world but I can’t help thinking this?!!!

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