Punish Man Accused of Burying Dog Alive

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Target: Joseph D. Early Jr., District Attorney for Worcester County, Massachusetts

Goal: Punish the man who allegedly buried a dog alive, leading to the dog’s death.

A dog suffered and later died when he was allegedly buried alive. The suspect reportedly buried the dog because he wasn’t getting along with his new kitten. Demand justice for this innocent dog.

“I got a message from him that Chico passed away last night. I said, what do you mean he passed away? How is that possible?” stated Kaylee Belanger, an acquaintance of the suspect. Belanger reportedly found the 18-year-old Shih Tzu buried alive in Richard Piquard’s backyard following the suspicious conversation. Chico was wrapped in a blanket beneath a pile of freshly laid dirt, Belanger stated, and hidden underneath a rock. Per veterinarians, Chico had internal injuries and dehydration from the prolonged exposure, and he had to be euthanized to ease his suffering.

Piquard was arrested and charged with one count of animal cruelty. Sign below and demand that he receives the maximum penalty possible, if convicted.


Dear District Attorney Early,

A dog was reportedly buried alive in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The dog suffered serious injuries that led to his death. We demand justice for this poor dog.

Wrapped in a blanket and covered in dirt, Chico was barely alive after he was reportedly rescued from Richard Piquard’s backyard. Per police, an acquaintance of Piquard found the 18-year-old Shih Tzu buried beneath freshly laid dirt and concealed by a large rock. Piquard had recently gotten a new kitten, the acquaintance stated, and Chico and the kitten were not getting along. Chico reportedly suffered from internal injuries and dehydration. He had to be euthanized to ease his suffering. Police arrested Piquard and charged him with one count of animal cruelty.

The person who caused this poor dog such suffering must be punished. We demand that you seek the maximum penalty in this case.


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Photo Credit: 12122

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  1. I pray the gas chambers or the electric chair was still in use to punish people who abuse Poor creatures all kind of animals perhaps these monsters can get the same I wouldn’t call it abuse for them I would call it justice

    • Yes your right

    • Agree…he should be punished the way he made that poor dog suffer. What low life scum.

    • It is very poor for your karma and health, to wish another being, more misery. This misguided man did something awful, unspeakable, and cruel. Let it be. Wishing hate and horror on others only effects you internally. Just because you hate them, it doesn’t change what happens to them. It only changes how your body, mind and spirit connect with eachother. Prey for the soul of this dog and this man. Wish peace on everything.

      • put the abusers in a gas chamber… i will turn on the gas with pleasure.i dont pray for the evil. sorry but i do not think it is bad karma i dont wish peace to them just the same misery that they caused.

      • He needs to be punished for what he did

      • You think this is ok? You’re what’s wrong with the world. It’s an eye for an eye and the person responsible should feel the same pain. I’d love to get my hands on this person and show just how monstrous I can be! That dog didn’t deserve that treatment. What could it have done to deserve such cruelty? Maybe YOU should suffer the same pain and then that would change your mind and if this person is doing this to a helpless animal what do you think it’s capable of doing to another human? It doesn’t just stop here! Peace gets you nothing! I’ll “prey” on him alright!

      • Bleeding heart, misguided “human being” Fk that POS. May he suffer every single day of his life. He’s beyond prayer.

    • Karan Kozlow says:

      Me, too! Time to clean up earth of human scum!

    • YES I AGREE 👍

  2. Lauren Neville says:

    This poor excuse for a human being has to be held accountable this is the most horrific thing I have read and there is so many animal cruelty cases as it is please don’t just give him a slap on the wrist

  3. Cynthia Stokes says:

    This is just a horrific tragedy. Inhumane!!! If this person can do this to a animal imagine what he could do to a person. People need to start being punished to the max for animal cruelty. There are so many many stories of neglect and abuse … it needs to stop. If punishments were more severe maybe this would help to prevent the abuse

  4. Kathie Hutchison says:

    Maximum sentence for animal cruelty

  5. Kathie Hutchison says:

    He deserves the same done to him . Eye for a eye. Wasted space on this earth he his . Maximum penalty by law.

  6. And if/when the kitten did something wrong, what would he have done to him/her?
    Poor doggy! To die like that, awful person.
    Please throw the book at him! This is why people do these horrible things, they know they’ll not be punished as they deserve.

  7. You know what- just cut the sub human up piece by piece-slowly..or turn me loose with him- I WOULD LOVE TO GET MY HANDS ON HIM

  8. Richard Piquard – hope you rot in jail for life, then rot in hell!! My God, that poor innocent 18 year old precious Shih Tzu :’(( how he must have suffered and been so terrified – I am sick over this. This should be a federal offense- what a subhuman to be able to go through the motions of burying his own dog alive!!! An eye for an eye would be the BEST punishment- May KARMA be swift and just !!!! RIP precious Chico – I am so sorry that you were tortured to death and by your owner … horrifying beyond words !

  9. Please rid the earth of this disgusting excuse for a life. Correction, rather than rid the earth, feed him to the earth. I’m sure we’d all enjoy the privilege of adding that first or last shovel of dirt on his loser grave.

    • It is very poor for your karma and health, to wish another being misery. They did something awful. Let it be. Wishing hate and horror on others only effects you internally. Just because you hate them, it doesn’t change what happens to them. It only changes how your body, mind and spirit connect. Prey for the soul of this dog and this man. Wish peace on everything.

  10. Adrienne Kaiy says:

    This POS needs to suffer the consequences of his actions. He needs to be fined and charged to the fullest extent of the law without exceptions!! Animal cruelty and abuse will continue unless judges impose strict penalties on the perpetrators!!

  11. Adrienne Kaiser says:

    This POS needs to suffer the consequences of his actions. He needs to be fined and charged to the fullest extent of the law without exceptions!! Animal cruelty and abuse will continue unless judges impose strict penalties on the perpetrators!!

  12. This is outrageous!!! I hope that kitten and any other animal this sick individual had was taken away from him. What a POS. I pray that dog is now at peace and this asshole gets what he deserves.

  13. Tammy Herron says:

    Bury him alive!!!!

  14. Bury the EVIL scum Alive. The despicable demon inflicted this brutality on this innocent, helpless dog. He deserves the same. Bye Bye 👋

  15. Mark garon says:

    Sob same should be done to him

  16. Coralyn Schaeffer says:

    The man who did this horrific deed needs to be held accountable and be punished!! He had other options than murdering the poor little dog.

  17. Perfect Wife says:

    Sounds not right in head

    5G is what killed in Wuhan
    It is a known weapons network
    Dept of defense is corrupt and top brass working for china.


  18. I don’t agree with lorne ! Would this person feel the same if the man buried a little kid alive ! Eye for an eye !!

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