Target: Nancy Hove, Sheriff of Pierce County, Wisconsin
Goal: Ensure that couple believed responsible for keeping over 1500 animals in deplorable conditions be arrested and punished harshly if found guilty.
A man wanted on drug charges is believed to have kept over 1500 animals on a filthy property in Wisconsin, apparently for the sole purpose of breeding them to be fighting animals in a dog and cockfighting ring. Investigators reportedly discovered dog and cockfighting paraphernalia, along with hundreds of dogs and chickens suffering from extreme neglect. While one woman living on the property has been arrested, the owner is still on the loose and must be brought to justice.
The scale of this alleged case of animal cruelty is shocking and has required rescue organizations from across the state to come in and ensure that the many hundreds of animals are removed safely. Most of the dogs confiscated from the home had reportedly been tied up using heavy chains and had injuries consistent with dog fighting. Similarly, the roosters were reportedly found to have been physically altered for cockfighting purposes, which appeared to confirm the investigators’ suspicions.
In order to prevent further acts of unthinkable cruelty, those responsible must be found and held accountable. Sign the petition below to demand that the owner of the property be arrested and that both he and his partner be punished severely if found guilty.
Dear Sheriff Hove,
A Pierce County man and his wife have been accused of animal cruelty and allegedly attempting to run a dog and cockfighting ring from their property. The over 1500 dogs and chickens recovered reportedly had injuries consistent with being made to fight, and many had physical alterations that are frequently seen in animal fighting operations. While the female suspect has been arrested, her partner remains on the run on alleged drug charges.
Dog and cockfighting operations are commonly associated with the drug trade and are far from being victimless crimes. We, the undersigned, ask that you dedicate as many resources as possible to ensuring that this suspect is caught and that both he and his wife are punished to the full extent of the law, if they are both found guilty.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Counselling
It’s time way way way past time that we STOP ANIMAL ABUSE,stop allowing this horrific cruelty happening to these helpless innocent animals from the hands of these degenerate heartless excuses of a human being!!!!!
Yes let him rott in jail and all other animal abusers they are sick and need to suffer
These Idiots should go to jail for a long long time. These babies (dogs) don’t deserve this treatment karma’s
The laws need to be tougher because it will happen again and again. These disgusting vile subhumans need to spend years in jail preferably given the same treatment that was given to these poor Animals, The neighbors knew about this going on but kept silent, they are just as guilty. I hope these Furand feather babies find good homes to ease their pain and suffering.
Animals deserve much better, someone needs to act for these animals. People like this are the reason so many landlords are afraid to allow dogs on their property.
Hell,is waiting for you 👎😡👿💯
I signed this petition.
I’m really saddened 😥
And angry 😡 about all
This animal abuse
That is happening all
Over the world.
I wish I could stop ‼️
All this animal abuse
Then no animal would
Have to suffer any
Longer ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Punish them to the extreme!
Oh my goodness, this is so sad innocent animals do not deserve to be mistreated! It’s heartbreaking & devastating to read anything like this please stop this madness. Our Holy Creator doesn’t want us to behave ourselves like this.
When is something going to be done to these people that torture animals? I thought it was a crime to do this but I guess its nothing but a slap on the wrist. No wonder we keep hearing about shit like this. Throw them in jail and let them rot.
Stop this insanity and start prosecuting animal abusers to the fullest extent of the law!! NOW is the time to make an example out of these horrific people!
HOw long do these innocent souls have to suffer no voice
No jail time. just string them up in a tree and leave them there. Start treating these losers the same way they treated the animals and children they abuse. Give them a slap on the wrist,a little fine, jail time they just deal with it and do everything again, and again.losers like this never learn. If you go Old school maybe they will catch on…….
Those people must be punished for what they’ve done they should be treated as they treated the poor animals
This is so awful. They have let ppl get by with this crap for so long, the punishment is joke! Change laws! Make the punishment fit the crime! Put a judge that lives animals on these cases. Wanted to make things right. I’m so hot headed I’d end up in prison for life if I cane across something like this because of give them a taste of what it’s like. They’d be begging me to end it.