Officer Accused of Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car to Die Must be Fired and Prosecuted

Target: W.H. “Skip” Holbrook, Chief of Columbia Police Department in South Carolina

Goal: Fire and arrest the police officer who reportedly left his police dog in a hot car for more than six hours.

A police dog in South Carolina was found dead after reportedly being left in a police car for more than six hours. According to Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook, the dog’s handler was suspended for five days without pay. This is not enough. The Labrador retriever mix named Turbo was only 22 months old and was allegedly left inside the car on a day that was 94 degrees.

According to other handlers, this man did not return to check on the dog at all during the six hours. When the officer returned, it was too late. Turbo allegedly had white foam around his mouth and died from organ failure two days later. This type of neglect cannot go unpunished. Turbo deserves better. Sign this petition and demand the officer reportedly involved is fired from the police department and then arrested.


Dear Chief Holbrook,

A police dog named Turbo died because of the alleged neglect of one of your K9 handlers, David Hurt. Turbo was only 22 months old and he was reportedly left to die in a hot police car. According to other handlers, the officer did not return to Turbo during the duration of the six hours to feed him, give him water, or let him go to the bathroom. Currently, the handler is suspended for five days. However, this is not enough. We demand Hurt is fired and then arrested for his alleged lack of care for Turbo’s life.


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Photo Credit: Columbia Police Department

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  1. Margherita Olivieri says:

    I’m just an idiot, but isn’t a police dog considered a part of the police department? So shouldn’t this be treated as if an officer was killed? This piece of shit should’ve known better. He should be fired and then arrested and be made to pay for what he did. If he isn’t held accountable, then this world has totally gone to shit.

  2. Aren’t the police officers supposed to show an example?–then others will take a cue –do the same -and think they will get away with this crime.


  4. Nadine Brundage says:

    How stupid can someone be? That poor dog must have suffered while this guy sat in his air conditioned home. Justice was not served in this horrific case of animal abuse.

  5. OMG…This dog was a police officer and his irresponsible handler must be severely punished and that MEANS NOT A SLAP ON THE WRIST WITH A 5 DAY SUSPENSION. THIS IS SO SERIOUS THAT HE SHOULD BE FIRED. THIS DOG OFFICER IS DEAD NOT HURT AND HE IS RESPONSIBLE.


  6. This cop is either a moron or an uncaring basxxrd. Either way, he is unfit to be a cop or carry any badge–except a badge of shame!
    But cops protect their own. Other than the brief suspension. nd although the announcement says without pay (to help appease the public), I will bet he still gets paid anyway.

  7. He needs to be fired. This dog is considered an officer in the department. Would he leave a child or other precious family member or human partner in a car unattended for six hours? My thought is…what was an on-duty officer doing AWAY from his vehicle for six hours? I call shenanigans beyond killing this fur officer.

  8. Vivian Vetere says:

    Police dogs are highly trained and valuable- I know as I have owned 2. It is not right to leave any animal in a hot car but to leave a valuable dog with a great deal of training at the public’s expense, is unconscionable. This officer must be punished to the highest extent of the law, NOT 5 days suspension!!!

  9. I have to agree with many. It makes no difference as an officer. He needs to receive the same punishment as any civilian. Set the example..this poor young pup suffered for those six hours alone depending on his handler to take care of him. How horrible it must have been..I hope he remembers that forever and by punishing him by law he won’t be able to forget it. Put him in jail with a picture of this pup far enough that he can’t reach it. Make him suffer looking at this poor pup by looking at it constantly. He should never be able to own an animal again.

  10. Anne Steph says:

    SIX HOURS!! This is a disgrace to the Police Force if this officer is not sacked. If he cannot look after his loyal K9 then he cannot be trusted with any duty as a cop.

  11. Mary J Zambrana says:

    Donna Weitting said it so eloquently. Stand up for the voiceless innocent who died due to malicious actions. Immediately dismiss the human half of this “partnership” according to the very extent of the law. Only then will justice be served.

  12. Wait…this pos moron is in charge of protecting the community…AND carries a gun????? He needs to be off the street let alone the police.

  13. Several years in prison for this stupid abuser,justice for Turbo!! RIP.

  14. That asshole must be fired. Never to be allowed to be a cop anywhere ever again.
    Not even be a security guard. He must serve 5 years in jail with no early parole, pay $100,000 fine, and never be allowed to own or go near any animals ever again. He must not get away with this!!

  15. Nena Miller says:

    Not again!!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with these dog handlers? This man must be stupid. This makes me absolutely sick to think his this pup suffered as he baked TO DEATH in a hot car. He shouldn’t have been left for ANY TIME AT ALL IN A CAR ON A HOT DAY!!!

  16. Ironic how a police officer might arrest a civilian for the same crime. As we all know, police dogs are specially trained to aide their human partners; in fact, they will do whatever they can to protect the officer. That said, they deserve – at the very least – the same respect and protection. This so-called officer must not only lose his job, but should be in prison for murder !!!!! Why on earth was this guy put on the canine unit to begin with ???

  17. He is an adult and has no excise f or leaving that puppy in his vehicle with no air only hot air. He knew what he was doing, if he is not further punished this police dept. had no morals at all. He should never again be allowed to be around a dog of any kind.

  18. SOB!!! How in God’s name could he kill his partner like that??!! Shame on him!! Poor Turbo… R.I.P. you did not deserve to die like that! FIRE THIS DAMN COP!!


  20. Amazing. And you trust this person to “serve and protect”? What a sad joke.

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