Officer Accused of Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car to Die Must be Fired and Prosecuted

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Target: W.H. “Skip” Holbrook, Chief of Columbia Police Department in South Carolina

Goal: Fire and arrest the police officer who reportedly left his police dog in a hot car for more than six hours.

A police dog in South Carolina was found dead after reportedly being left in a police car for more than six hours. According to Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook, the dog’s handler was suspended for five days without pay. This is not enough. The Labrador retriever mix named Turbo was only 22 months old and was allegedly left inside the car on a day that was 94 degrees.

According to other handlers, this man did not return to check on the dog at all during the six hours. When the officer returned, it was too late. Turbo allegedly had white foam around his mouth and died from organ failure two days later. This type of neglect cannot go unpunished. Turbo deserves better. Sign this petition and demand the officer reportedly involved is fired from the police department and then arrested.


Dear Chief Holbrook,

A police dog named Turbo died because of the alleged neglect of one of your K9 handlers, David Hurt. Turbo was only 22 months old and he was reportedly left to die in a hot police car. According to other handlers, the officer did not return to Turbo during the duration of the six hours to feed him, give him water, or let him go to the bathroom. Currently, the handler is suspended for five days. However, this is not enough. We demand Hurt is fired and then arrested for his alleged lack of care for Turbo’s life.


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Photo Credit: Columbia Police Department

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  1. Fire him and charge him as you with death of a officer as a human

  2. COLIN AHMED says:


  3. Norma Stather says:

    Absolutely disgusting fire him

  4. I agree with Tony Loyd, in comment above.

  5. The ENTIRE department was responsible for that officer (yes the dog was an officer). DO NOT allow them to have any other K9 officers because they have PROVEN they are NOT RESPONSIBLE enough to have such a precious team member. How much do you want to bet if anyone walked up to that car to break the window and get the dog out — the police would have shot you dead on site.


  7. Absolutely disgusting behavior. They should never be allowed such a privilege again and this man MUST be fired and given jail time.

  8. Would you trust your life to this, this, there is no name bad enough. Calling him a monster is an insult to monsters. What kind of backup and protection would he be to a human partner???? He/it is a danger to society and to anything that lives. GET HIM OUT NOW!!!

  9. Marye Garcia says:

    If that dog would of been shit by a civilian they would of been charged with a felony. That officer should be charged with the death of that k-9s death

  10. Very irresponsible… he’s your partner and you let him down.. how could you forget him???

  11. Fire him and charge him with animal cruelty. Then make him pay back the cost of a highly trained police dog. They’re very expensive for a police department to acquire.

  12. Michelle Pelletier says:

    I took a little of my time to read what people were thinking about this reprehensible act of criminal carelessness. All agreed on his behaviour of bad partnership and cruelty leading to an horrific death. And I saw 2 testimonials from, one, a K9 officer handler and second one, a Forensic Mental Health Professional trauma therapist saying the exact same things as us, ordinary people. This second one expressing his expertise advice by stating there is a “very strong correlation between the way people treat animals of any kind and the way they can all-too-easily, and without hesitation, remorse, or empathy, treat fellow human beings. For myself I have to ask that the scumbag who committed this irreparable deed must be fired immediately, prosecuted and punished, SETTING an EXAMPLE …. but this is just me speaking!

  13. Amy Wilson says:

    This man has displayed not only a horrid lack of judgment but cruel and selfish inaction. His preoccupation and choice to ignore the needs of his companion dog to the extent he loyal creature died shows exactly the kind of person he is. He is not cut out for any service to others – has neither the judgment or care to do so.. He has broken his contract and passively murdered this animal and should be prosecuted to the full extent possible for such cruelty

  14. What an IDIOT!! They should be the first ones to know about the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars! This poor dog suffered needlessly. This is inexcusable and unacceptable. What a SHAME this is.

  15. Dolores Proubasta says:

    It happens all too often that a police officer kills a fellow officer in this cruel manner. David Hurt — a misfit who should not have been accepted into, much less graduated from Police Academy — must be immediately terminated and charged as if Turbo had been a child or another cop. Prison is where he belongs and we can only hope that inmates will impose the “assertive” sentence that the court will not.
    The Columbia PD has proven criminally negligent and should be barred from the privilege and the advantage of a K-9 Officer during a long period of probation. Neither you, Chief Holbrook, nor any of the officers or staff “noticed” that someone was dying in a cruiser?! You are all blind or just no better than Hurt.

  16. Five days’ suspension is a joke! In addition to a charge of animal cruelty and a hefty fine, this idiot should be sentenced to a few days caged in the sun with no water and food.

  17. I say give him the exact same treatment.. Cuff his hands to the stirring wheel lock the car up, roll the windows up, n put it in direct sunlight.. After 20 minutes gather around the car, ice cold drink in hand, sip on it as you glare in at him… See how he likes it!! Bastardized needs hung.. This was his partner.. Human or on 4 legs, it doesn’t matter.. He committed murder intentionally!! He needs to pay with his life..

  18. He needs to be charged with animal cruelty. He knew that the dog was going to die, but he also knew that he would get away with it. Officers want respect. How about showing respect for animals?

  19. He needs to be thrown in prison for murdering a member of the police force and beat to bloody hell for being a cruel arrogant asshole.

  20. Patricia Wolf says:

    this police man is no better than any one else. He HAS to be prosecuted for killing his dog

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