Officer Accused of Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car to Die Must be Fired and Prosecuted

Target: W.H. “Skip” Holbrook, Chief of Columbia Police Department in South Carolina

Goal: Fire and arrest the police officer who reportedly left his police dog in a hot car for more than six hours.

A police dog in South Carolina was found dead after reportedly being left in a police car for more than six hours. According to Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook, the dog’s handler was suspended for five days without pay. This is not enough. The Labrador retriever mix named Turbo was only 22 months old and was allegedly left inside the car on a day that was 94 degrees.

According to other handlers, this man did not return to check on the dog at all during the six hours. When the officer returned, it was too late. Turbo allegedly had white foam around his mouth and died from organ failure two days later. This type of neglect cannot go unpunished. Turbo deserves better. Sign this petition and demand the officer reportedly involved is fired from the police department and then arrested.


Dear Chief Holbrook,

A police dog named Turbo died because of the alleged neglect of one of your K9 handlers, David Hurt. Turbo was only 22 months old and he was reportedly left to die in a hot police car. According to other handlers, the officer did not return to Turbo during the duration of the six hours to feed him, give him water, or let him go to the bathroom. Currently, the handler is suspended for five days. However, this is not enough. We demand Hurt is fired and then arrested for his alleged lack of care for Turbo’s life.


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Photo Credit: Columbia Police Department

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  1. This Police dog is a police officer. This is no different than if he caused the death of a fellow human officer.

    Negligent homicide, manslaughter, etc..

    There are several statutes that apply.


  3. Barbara Hansen says:

    I so hope and pray police officer is immediately arrested for animal cruelty and fired.

  4. This is so pathetic !! This officer should be put in a locked car for at least four hours so he learns how this poor dog suffered!!! People don’t know how severe and painful being locked in a car at 94degree heat—six hours!! God bless this poor pup!!

  5. YES, this officer should be fired and charged. This was another officer that he killed. Just because it was a dog does not make it OK. What would be the punishment if he were human?????

  6. Patricia James says:

    Your a disgrace to the badge and uniform, you should know better being chief of Police and setting an example to your colleagues. Turbo was 22 months old and had a life, you took that away from him when you left him for 6 hours. Through the book at this man and take away his pension. SHAME ON YOU!

  7. in 2016 or 2017 37 police k9’s were left in hot cars and died, this is an epidemic with the police and i suggest only women cops be allowed to have a k9 because they would take the responsibility seriously and treat the k9 like a valuable life which it is.

  8. Put this piece of sh#t in a hot car to die. Anyone, who commits this is committing murder, and should be punished to the full extent of the law.

  9. The same thing has happened a couple of times over recent years in the UK. Nothing happened to the officers concerned. They were ‘under stress’. So – unfortunately – were the dogs left to their painful, terrifying deaths. But hey, they’re just dumb animals!

  10. This is a “Special” kind of asshole ladies & gentlemen. This idiot needs to be banned from owning any animal, heavily fined, made to do community service in a shelter and if not fired then put at some menial task at the station. This was not a mistake, this was sheer fkn stupidity at its finest.

  11. I have worked as a Forensic Mental Health Professional and trauma therapist for over 25 years. During this time, I have contracted with jails, prisons, and community corrections in various states, after working as a correctional officer for a few years. I can attest that there is a very strong correlation between the way people treat animals of any kind and the way they can all-too-easily, and without hesitation, remorse, or empathy, treat fellow human beings. If you would not want your son, daughter, sister, brother, grandchild, or parent treated this way, take a stand and sign every petition against animal abuse that you can find – wild and domestic, in the USA and across the world! YES, the pictures & videos are heart-wrenching but ignoring them does not solve the problem. Be brave for the innocent; when you ignore this cruel, heart-less behavior, you are giving more power to the abusers.

    • I had completely stopped signing these for the Exact reasons you wrote about above. I couldn’t stand it anymore. The fact is, People just don’t change & I’m so tired of knowing about an Infinite # of Animals & Humans who’ve been Abused, Tortured, Neglected, Murdered, & yes there’s Worse. Always. For such a Long time, Like All of History & as far back as I can Remember & Beyond, It seems we are Not Capable of Changing those who have continued to be part of Our Society or any Society. The other disgusting part about all of this is it just never seems to change. So-called “Humanity” still manages to NOT exist in every place around the globe including here in the US as well as these I call a Sub Species, Not of the Human Race. Whether it’s our domesticated animals or farm or wild life there Exists A Heartless, Sub Species of “Humans” who care Nothing about Life period. They have NO Compassion, NO Empathy, & NO Conscience. Certainly have NO “Humanity” within them. This one not sure why made me click on because I’ve again seen too many where either they leave them in a hot car or they kill others because they deem them as Aggressive even though MOST are doing what their “Human” counterparts would do, Defending Their Family or Their Home or Their Own. You Always hope officers would be Different. While I Respect the MAJORITY wihtout a Doubt, those like THIS ONE?? NO Excuse, None. He Should be Fired, He Should Be Prosecuted & Charged, PERIOD. We Expect “THEM” to be Different, to be Law Abiding & to be Caring about those they SHOULD be Protecting. This is Not Excusable.

    • Mozelle, you are 100000% right! Anyone that harms animals, will harm humans just the same!

  12. Send this policeman to jail for 5 years.
    He MUST have known what would happen to his dog.
    What is it with Americans & leaving their dogs/children in hot cars?
    WAKE UP!

    • linday, why only 5 years?? What this scumbag did is either second degree murder or the highest felony manslaughter possible. That equals a sentence of about 35 years to life w/o parole! Yes this scummo needs to get his shit pushed in.

    • Five years is not nearly enough.

  13. Death wish for this ugly,animal abusing,uncaring,vile uncaring oinker pig cop. An eye for an eye is most certainly required.

  14. Catherine Hunter says:

    What an idiot, how can this moron possibly be competent enough to be a police officer? Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and fire and fine him. He failed to protect and serve his partner who would have taken a bullet for him. JERK!!!!

  15. He swore to protect and serve. He failed to protect his own partner. At the very least he should lose his job at most he shld lose his job and serve time. What’s he being kept on for if he can’t even do his job!!! Is he getting another canine partner to do it all over???

  16. This seriously Needs to stop with hot car incidents! No excuses!! Very sad for the poor dog to suffer! Disgusting! And that’s your partner?!

  17. Jacqui Skill says:

    Put him in prison for life!

  18. Thersia reyneke says:

    Being a K9 handler your first and foremost quality should be an imense love for dogs…being said how do you David Hurt explain the fact that for six hours you DID NOT ONCE check on Turbo on a scorching day to give him any water,food or to wee? You whom are supposed to protect and love this dear dog whom would have given his life for you without a moments hestation! You are a vile person and therefore should be fired from your position as a K9 Handler and NEVER be allowed to work with animals again!! How does one put your trust ina cop such as you? Your act are despicable!

  19. silver_wing says:

    Instead of helping to address this issue getting so much attention lately, he himself has an animal die this horrific way. Clearly an ignorant moron, should be fired immediately, prosecuted and punished setting an example.

  20. Hell awaits the turd who left turbo to die now. Unforgivable turd named David hurt now.

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