Officer Accused of Leaving Police Dog in Hot Car to Die Must be Fired and Prosecuted

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Target: W.H. “Skip” Holbrook, Chief of Columbia Police Department in South Carolina

Goal: Fire and arrest the police officer who reportedly left his police dog in a hot car for more than six hours.

A police dog in South Carolina was found dead after reportedly being left in a police car for more than six hours. According to Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook, the dog’s handler was suspended for five days without pay. This is not enough. The Labrador retriever mix named Turbo was only 22 months old and was allegedly left inside the car on a day that was 94 degrees.

According to other handlers, this man did not return to check on the dog at all during the six hours. When the officer returned, it was too late. Turbo allegedly had white foam around his mouth and died from organ failure two days later. This type of neglect cannot go unpunished. Turbo deserves better. Sign this petition and demand the officer reportedly involved is fired from the police department and then arrested.


Dear Chief Holbrook,

A police dog named Turbo died because of the alleged neglect of one of your K9 handlers, David Hurt. Turbo was only 22 months old and he was reportedly left to die in a hot police car. According to other handlers, the officer did not return to Turbo during the duration of the six hours to feed him, give him water, or let him go to the bathroom. Currently, the handler is suspended for five days. However, this is not enough. We demand Hurt is fired and then arrested for his alleged lack of care for Turbo’s life.


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Photo Credit: Columbia Police Department

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  1. Never ceases to amaze me that LE only receive slaps on the wrist for crimes of which civilians would be arrested: animal abuse/neglect; destruction of a VERY COSTLY piece of PD property.

  2. This office should get jail time. You should always have your partners back regardless 2 or 4 legs.

  3. Put this useeless subhuman in a car and locked it and forgive about this pos!!!!!!!

  4. there’s no excuse for leaving dogs in hot cars – none – zero tolerance – end this madness – there is no excuse -not even ignorance – if he does this stupid mistake what else is he doing – what’s going on with this person?

  5. How do you forget your partner when he’s by your side daily? Is this cop brain dead or just plain stupid? I never forget about my dog in the car, never, ever! My dog is always my first priority when in the car. I just don’t understand this!!! He should be fired, charged with animal cruelty, just like anyone else who is so stupid. This is unforgiveable!

  6. Karen Tipping says:

    Irresponsible shit for brains arse hole

  7. A perfect example of double standards – irrespective of how regretful he is, his actions and total lack of attention, for six hours, are totally inexcusable. His partner died as a direct result of his negligence and he should be held liable, he must be prosecuted.

  8. Stick the idiot in a hot car and leave him there all day

  9. Debra Goldstein Lustig says:


  10. Absolutely no excuse.My god that poor dog must of suffered and died a horrifc death.No excuse

  11. Katherine Belisle says:

    I simply cannot comprehend as to why petitions have to be signed to do what is right * We need to stand up & protect the helpless * People who are capable of such Evil Hateful acts * Let us not even think that there Hate/Evil acts stop there * At only hurting our precious helpless Animals * There cruelty extends outside that * We need to rid of people with such hate & evil inside of them * Do the harshest punishment possible & Lets wake up here * Stronger laws & punishments need to be made NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW, NOW . . . . . There are people in our society that have absolutely forfitted there right to live among us because of there own actions & there deceit

  12. That is one stupid Officer! He should not be a member of the police force!

  13. The only problem with this, police cars have a separate ac for the dogs in the back seat, if it malfunctions the officer is alerted remotely.
    However, technology fails. This is not the first time that a K9 unit fur baby police officer has died after being left in a police car after the AC and alarm device has failed to respond.

    It’s sad that this pup died so young. What the police need to do is get on the ball and make sure their K9 units equipment is working properly 24/7.

    Im sure the officer feels terrible about the death of his partner. K9 and officers have a very close bond just as any other civilian and their beloved pets/fur family.

  14. Linda Pearson says:

    I think that the officer failed in his responsibility to his K9 partner. The death of this K9 is tragic and needs to be taken quite seriously. The officer hould be removed from the K9 Unit. The story does not state why this officer did not do the required checks on his K9 partner. Depending on the outcome of that conversation, the matter of his employment should be determined.


  16. He should not have canine partner ever. He is pretty dam stupid not to know you can not leave a dog in a car period let alone for 6 hours, come on

  17. Wow and here I thought I’d heard it all, now we have a Police Officer leaving his “PARTNER” a canine named Turbo in his car for 6 hours…..WOW I’M JUST BLOWN AWAY with this one. What the hell is wrong with this officer to even think of leaving his dog/partner in the car on a day when it’s 94 degrees. Seriously, how stupid, idiotic, neglectful, ignorant can this guy be. He deserves to be FIRED, FINED, DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED and faced with negligence to a K9 officer in the line of duty and should pay whatever price to make this Turbo’s justice!!

  18. Kathleen Scherman says:

    What a piece of shit!! Leave that bastard in a hot scorching car for 6 hours, hopefully he will die too!!!

  19. Ellen giammarino munoz says:

    There is Absolutely no excuse for this officer leaving this service dog or any dog in a car for six hours. This just shows a blatant neglect and unconcern for this animal. These dogs are partners to these officers and would an officer or his partner want to be locked in a heated car for any amount of time of course not and this dog was in a heated car for six hours!! This is just beyond comprehension and is full-blown abuse and neglect toward this helpless animal who has suffered terribly. This officer should not only be fired he should be charged with animal abuse to the fullest extent of the law

  20. Vicky Davies says:

    Absolute scum…

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