Don’t Let Police Kill Heroic Dog Who Saved Owners From Attack

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Target: Chief Constable Andy Marsh, Avon and Somerset Police, Bristol, United Kingdom

Goal: Ensure that Kylo the dog is not put down by police after protecting his owners from an angry and violent mob.

A Staffie/Labrador mix named Kylo saved the lives of his owners in Bristol, UK, and now may be put down by the police. Kylo’s owners, an unnamed couple in their twenties, were attacked by a mob of 20 men when their faithful dog came to the rescue. The attack occurred at the couple’s home—the men reportedly believed it was the home of a pedophile to whom they intended to send their angry and brutal message. Despite the fact that he no longer lived there, the mob did not stop their violence and brutality. They attacked the couple instead.

The thugs spat on the 24-year-old woman and beat the 25-year-old man, breaking his nose and a rib, before Kylo managed to run them off. However, in the aftermath, Kylo was unable to distinguish that the police who arrived were trying to help, and allegedly bit two of the officers. Police have now seized him and are threatening to put him down. Kylo is a hero who saved his family. Sign below to demand that his life be spared.


Dear Chief Constable Marsh,

A Bristol couple was attacked by an angry and violent mob, and their lives were saved by their dog, Kylo. The attackers, heedless of the fact that their true target no longer lived at the house that now belongs to the couple, spat on the woman and laid into the man, breaking his nose and ribs. Kylo ran them off, but in the confusion that followed Kylo—unable to tell that police were not another threat—allegedly bit two officers. Now, Kylo has been taken by your police force, who want to put him down.

Kylo is a hero who saved an innocent couple from violence. He could not have known that the police were there to help. This dog and his owners should not be punished with such cruel finality for their bravery in the face of brutality and violence. I urge you to ensure that Kylo is not put down, and is returned to his owners.


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  1. Spend your time trying to find the perpetrators of that violent attack. It’s obvious the dog was just trying to protect its owners in the wake of this criminal attack. Let the dog go home, safe and sound.

  2. Derinda Nilsson says:

    This stupid mob was in the wrong for taking the law in there own hands which is against the law first of all second this precious and heroic dog was doing what any good dog would do. How the hell is this dog suppose to know the difference between these assholes or the other assholes. PLEASE let this dog live the only one that was in the right. Cowards and little babies got bobo from doggie. Grow a pair assholes. I pray this dog goes back home were he belongs.

  3. Give the dog back to his owners, he was only trying to protect them. PROSECUTE the people that was in the mob instead of trying to put down this dog!!!!! My dogs would of done the same, my dogs protect ME, I protect THEM!!!!!

  4. Carol Ann French says:

    This is a innocent animal who was protecting his family. Please don’t let him suffer for that.

  5. It takes humans a long time to calm down, feel secure and think straight. Why can’t it be the same for animals?

    I agree with some of those commenting here – the police should spend their time and energy finding the burglars and leave the dog alone.

  6. Sandy Collier says:

    Seriously???? Why are you attempting to put Kylo down for protecting his people?? Why???

  7. Veronique Peere says:


    What society is this ?

  8. Rosie Boyd says:

    Dear Chief Constable Marsh

    It would appear that rather than do your job of protecting and serving the public, you would prefer to let a dog do it, and then when the dog gets confused, after seeing his owners brutalised by an unlawful mob, you decide that the dog deserves to die.
    This is one of the worst miscarriages of justice I’ve ever heard of, concerning a dog. The dog was doing his duty, protecting his owners. Where were you and your officers when they were being attacked? Are you even bothering to look for their attackers?
    Any police officer worth his salt would realise that the dog was only trying to protect his owners and that he hadn’t singled them out to bite. It’s not nice receiving a dog bite but it’s understandable given the extreme circumstances. I very much doubt that the dog would bite an officer under normal circumstances.
    I’ve received accidental dog bites over the years and have never dreamed of reporting the owners or dogs, because I knew that the dogs didn’t bite me intentionally.
    You and your officers need to clue up on circumstances!
    Please be kind enough to reply personally to this message.
    Yours sincerely
    Rosie Boyd

  9. Catherine Emerson says:

    As one person commented. How can this Hero tell the difference from one set of assholes from another. This dog deserves an award not death. This country and its police force are becoming a bunch of spineless morons. Let this wonderful dog have a long, happy life with its family. The so called mammies boys should be finding out who the attackers are and getting them off the streets. Oh and another thing, give those two wasters desk jobs because they shouldn’t be let out on their own. Idiots.


  11. They should leave the dog alone it’s doing it’s loves it’s owner it will protect.just like we would protect our animals if they got attacked.for godsake let them be a family.police officers should understand this do they have a heart or they just cruel.

  12. victor peeke says:

    Everything that is wrong with society today . Instead of prosecuting the perpetrators of mob violence they take the easy route . As a dog owner of many years (German Shepard’s, loyal and intelligent), I understand the dogs mentality. How can it be that “Joe public” understands but but our amazing ‘boys in blue” fail to do so?

  13. Janet Garraghan says:

    Typical. Police need to use their power and scarce funding to deal with real criminals. Stop wasting time and tax payers money on picking on poor dogs and their owners such as these just because they’re an easy target. Power’s gone to your heads! Get a grip!

  14. Everything that is so very wrong in our world. Police should be doing everything they can to protect society from these despicable criminals, and here they are trying to destroy a brave dog who is doing for his owner what the damn police did not. Murdering this brave should will be a heinous atrocity if allowed. For once, stop and do the right thing.

  15. The police are supposed to be the good guys! Too often they are not, and that is so disappointing. This dog is a hero! The police evidently are not.

  16. This dog as most dogs protect there family. That is there job. That animal had no idea who the boy’s in blue were, it was busy protecting it’s family. To pit down a animal for doing it’s job is unheard of and very very cruel. Would they pit down a K9 police dog because it bit someone. I don’t think so. People have dogs for many reason., and some of those reasons r for protection. Please use common sense and send this doh back to it’s family
    This dog deserves a award not death.

  17. Christopher Sturges says:

    The dog was doing the job of the officers and protecting their owners. In the heat of the moment it made a mistake. Luckily the dog didn’t injure anyone, unlike when officers on this side of the pond open fire in the heat of the moment. To punish this family and their dog because of being victims of an angry mob is ludicrous. Imagine how much worse things would have been if the dog didn’t help before the police finally arrived? Disgusting if the police force takes revenge on the dog.

  18. Heroes should not be put down!!! Humanity is wrong police should be protecting this dog please!
    Humans the most cruel af all the species

  19. The dog was doing the job that the police were supposed to do. Return KYLO to his owners.

  20. Orna Zagiel says:

    Don’t dare put this wonderful dog down – if you do then you are very evil – the dog didn’t know that they were the police – but part of the mob…….The police should arrest every single one of the “Mob”” and leave this dog alone….What in the world are you thinking of……. Everyone should have such a dog to care and love – just like this dog did – care for his owners and love them !!!!!!!

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