Target: Xi Jinping, President of China
Goal: Shut down annual Yulin dog meat festival for good.
The annual dog meat festival in Yulin, China is approaching once again, despite several years’ worth of efforts to shut it down. While the government responded to the protests by “officially” prohibiting the slaughter of dogs in 2016, preparations for the festival continued for two years in a row.
Nearly 15,000 dogs are slaughtered every year for this festival, and in the most brutal fashion due to a belief that torturing the poor creatures before their deaths improves the taste of the meat. Worse, a good chunk of the dogs captured and tortured for the festival are pets stolen from loving homes and families. Not only is this festival a celebration of a trade that should have died a long time ago, but it is founded upon cold-blooded torture and theft.
Currently, China’s animal activists are working to rescue as many dogs as they can, including apprehending trucks transporting innocent pets and strays to slaughterhouses. But these noble actions are not enough. These dogs should not need to be rescued in the first place, as this festival should no longer be held. Sign this petition to shut down the Yulin dog meat festival once and for all.
Dear President Xi,
The Yulin dog meat festival is approaching, despite countless efforts by animal welfare activists to shut it down for good. Your 2016 ban on the slaughter of dogs for their meat did nothing to stop 15,000 dogs per year from being kidnapped off the streets or from loving homes, brutally tortured, and killed for the sake of a festival that should not even be held anymore.
You must not only call for the cancellation of this year’s dog meat festival, but declare a permanent ban on the event. This is not just a festival celebrating an outdated trade, but one that relies on kidnapping and murder of beloved pets, as well as the horrific torture of dogs under the guise of a superstition that such treatment improves the taste of the meat. It is a cruel and disgusting practice that must end now. Cancel the festival, for this year and for all future years. Dogs deserve better.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Alekma
These disgusting stone age idiots must understand that their cultural belief is misguided nonsense. Their governments and legislatives bear a huge responsibility for not conducting enlightening campaigns to drag their majority populations out of their despicable ultra primitive age of darkness.
This is so horror at its best. These are a bunch of sick depraved assholes that are going to hell. Stop this long overdue practice. This isn’t what dogs are put o earth for. This is so very sad.
this needs to be stopped these sickening subhumans that do this ought to executed for what they do to innocent dogs what the hell is wrong with this country and the countries that trade with them are just as bad and that goes for the US and Canada if people would stop trading with them maybe they’d all starve and make it a better world for the dogs at least
Or better yet, chickens, pigs or cows either. We can all make more compassionate choices. Have you seen this: https://mercyforanimals.org/the-problem .So sad that any animal has to suffer.
Most people in the world despise China, I for one NEVER BUY “MADE IN CHINA”. Cruel and greed driven at no expense to animals. Their Chinese medicines are ridiculous made at the expense of great animal suffering, ridiculous experiments and poaching endangered species.
You are right, Beth. It is a much hated country and Trump has got it right. As an Australian, I am angry that our PM panders to Chinese- they are the worst animal abusers in the world. They are the manufacturers of the most plastic in the world and they don’t care. If you care about animals and the future of this planet, be vocal, express your anger and don’t ever buy anything made in China. We need to establish industries in our own countries- stop being reliant on this communist, medieval country.
A curse on everyone that partakes in this barbaric carry on. Hope they all get food poisoning!!!! What are you going to do government? Surely you can’t be that backward to buy into this nonsense. Same goes for “traditional” chinese medicine.Tradition should NEVER mean cruelty. Make the whole thing illegal and enforce the full weight of the law on ANYONE found to be flouting it!!!!
Some traditions should be left in the past. Please, PLEASE stop these senseless killings. I just don’t understand how someone could look into the eyes of an animal & decide it’s fate in such a cruel & horrific manner. Stop this “festival” now – It is NOTHING to be celebrated.
Or better yet, stop eating chickens, pigs or cows too. We can all make more compassionate choices. Have you seen this: https://mercyforanimals.org/the-problem .So sad that any animal has to suffer.
Other countries that support China because of the Greed for money are just as guilty! Stop the gravy train to these countries if they continually do this disgusting evil Act. But money is more powerful,they don’t give a s***! God in heaven doesn’t seem to give a s*** either!
I keep sighing these petitions but dogs are still being slaughtered in China. What’s the point???? It’s time for action.
Me too but nothing ever gets done.
I watched a documentary on North Korea recently and they, like the Chinese, convince their people that if they are hungry, dog meat is delicious, AND it’s made even more delicious if the animal is beaten to death! Their governments CHOOSE NOT TO ENLIGHTEN their people about more civilized and modern ways that exist in the world. They WANT Korean & Chinese populations to remain ignorant & uneducated about food, and EVERYTHING ELSE GOING ON IN THE WORLD! Leaders like Kim Jong Un and President Xi will never release their hold over their peoples until they are overthrown by more progressive leaders! That cannot happen TOO SOON! In the meantime, we sign petitions & the barbaric slaughtering continues! What else can we do to reverse thousands of years of cultural conditioning….ANYONE HAVE AN IDEA???? There must be something more that we could do….
But Yulin is not a long established cultural practise- it’s only been going a few years!Why was it allowed to start? Why was it not nipped in the bud? Because their leaders have no control-or- they do not care! They prefer their peasants ignorant and superstitious. Just because they have learned to make kitchen equipment cheap they are still in the middle ages and don’t seem anxious to move forward. The best way is to refuse to buy their crappy goods or visit their backward country. There must be some good people there-I’m sorry for them and glad I’m not one.
China is one of the up coming super rich,yet still they are barbarians.They have an over populated country,so let them eat each other in a large cull.They are a sickening race.
Amen! The less of them, the more the world can come back from the brink it’s on!!!!
They’d animals deserve to live they r loyal more than ppl n give more love than ppl they r God animals plzzz stop killing them.
How is such savagery allowed to continue in China. Dear President Xi, you have the power to crack down on this horror, which brings international shame on China, encourages cruelty, and presents a major threat to public health. PLEASE DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO STOP THIS HORRIFIC EVENT!!!!!
They do not have a heart black or white. They are the animal torturing vile and evil monsters on our planet.
They are not human they are the monsters.
These monsters need to get some compassion in their black hearts. Dogs are not dinner!
This vile and evil animal torturing Yulin Festival of hell, terror and torture began in 2009.
It is definitely not culture or tradition. It is purely animal torture and suffering by the vilest of heinous animal torture and suffering that these evil Chinese monsters can commit.
The fake medicinal claims have been proven false – they are purely marketing tactics created and promoted by blood thirsty money hungry greedy dog and cat traffickers, butchers and dog and cat meat restaurant owners so they can make their blood money and greed by deliberately heinously torturing the innocent and defenceless dogs, puppies, cats and kittens to death by the vilest of heinous animal torture and suffering until these innocent sentient beings take their last and final agonizing breath. And all the precious other innocent animals these Chinese monster torture to death.
RIP the billions of defenceless and precious sentient beings that have been heinously tortured to death for this vile and evil Yulin Festival of hell, terror and a torturous death.
Down with China the vilest of animal torturers Worldwide.
They are definitely not human they are the vilest animal torturing monster on our planet.
Well said Bev. I couldn’t have put it better. I hope President Xi Jinping is listening.
When will the Government realise that eating dogs and cats is wrong for many reasons. When they stop these barbaric acts then people around the world will rejoice. President Xi Jinping please listen to everyone for god’s sake.
There should be a way. Rescuing as many dogs as they can will never be an end. This evil horrible disgusting practice must be stopped forever. Year by year it always got started once more. The innocent babies were thrown into agonies and most painful death. Burnt alive,cut alive,all unimaginable horror and terror to go through. Around the most frightening laughter of those satans. Some of the babies were still puppies. This got to be ended! But how..? Petitions didn’t work their best.
SICK FUCKS, ALL OF THEM !!!!!!!!!!!! – May they all choke and DIE after torturing and eating mans’s best friend !!!!!!!!!!