Target: Matthias Muller, CEO of Volkswagen
Goal: Support Volkswagen’s decision to stop barbaric diesel exhaust testing on macaque monkeys and no longer conduct animal tests unless legally required to do so.
Volkswagen (VW) was revealed to be funding disturbing research in which macaque monkeys were used in experiments to test diesel exhaust. The monkeys were locked in a chamber where they were forced to inhale diesel fumes for four hours at a time in order to illustrate the emissions’ effects on health. Now, following protests by PETA and its supporters as well as petitions like this one at ForceChange, VW has said it will no longer engage in any animal testing unless the law requires it.
The cruel tests on macaques split the monkeys into two groups, both of which were confined and forced to inhale diesel fumes for four-hour periods. Tubes were then forced down their windpipes to collect lung tissue and look for inflammation. The emissions were from an older Ford pickup truck and a modern diesel Volkswagen; the experiment was meant to illustrate that new technology has decreased the harmful consequences of these emissions, which are known to cause cancer and even premature death. The contract laboratory where the experiments were conducted was also well known for violating animal welfare regulations. As Senior Vice President of PETA Kathy Guillermo states, “Volkswagen did the right thing in pledging not to conduct tests on animals, which are irrelevant to human health and not required by law. PETA is calling on other carmakers that still test on animals to follow suit and embrace modern and humane animal-free research methods instead.”
Sign below to support the end of this needless cruelty.
Dear Mr. Muller,
Volkswagen’s decision to stop engaging in animal testing is the right choice. The diesel exhaust experiments conducted on macaque monkeys were cruel and inhumane. This research is not legally required, nor is it acceptable.
VW’s commitment to no longer be a part of this brutality is a positive step for morality and compassion, as well as for the company itself: hundreds of thousands of people spoke out against these experiments, and Volkswagen is right to heed their call. As PETA’s senior vice president stated, “Volkswagen did the right thing in pledging not to conduct tests on animals, which are irrelevant to human health and not required by law. PETA is calling on other carmakers that still test on animals to follow suit and embrace modern and humane animal-free research methods instead.” Thank you for taking this important step.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mathias Appel
Oh Please, thanking them for what. I am not to quick to thank anyone to stop doing something bad,especially when the only reason they stop is because of public pressure to do so.
Sometimes when your kind to someone even if they did wrong it goes a long way. That’s what were thanking for O.K. Ginger.
WTF! is wrong with human greed! Animals always get f*****!
You need new laws, a petition ..to tell ppl, who are the big progressive thinkers, to tell them what is right and what is wrong?? Thank God they finally did the right thing…after so much hateful, barbaric destruction.Hook up any living soul to breath a poison directly, in such concentration….a plant….it will die. And they got paid large sums for this already known, medieval “Study.”
Not for nothing but I don’t understand why we should be thanking companies when they should have been doing the right thing all along. To be honest the only reason I sign these is because people are so selfish and pathetic that praise makes them feel mighty and if it helps animals then so be it regardless of how insecure humans can be!
The VW animal torturing monsters should have banned these unimaginable atrocities committed against such defenceless and innocent monkeys years ago.
So make sure you keep your promise by banning this sadism and evilness VW.
Well spoken. I am with you all the way.