Dog Shot in Head and Left to Die Deserves Justice

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Target: Dwight K. Scroggins Jr., District Attorney for Buchanan County, Missouri

Goal: Demand that the person who shot a dog in the head and left her to die in the woods receives the maximum penalty by law.

A pit bull was shot twice in the head and left for dead in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The person responsible is still at large. Demand justice for this innocent dog.

“Taking her into the woods and shooting her, I don’t know anything that would justify that,” stated Danielle Reno, a member of Unleashed Pet Rescue. Mushroom hunters found the critically injured pit bull, named Lagertha by rescuers, in the woods and brought her to a veterinarian. Lagertha was shot twice in the back of her head, causing her skull to fracture. She suffered injuries to her jaw, teeth, and neck and lost a lot of blood. If not rescued and provided with veterinary care, she would have died slowly and painfully.

Thanks to Unleashed Pet Rescue, Lagertha is recovering. She has made considerable progress and is even walking on her own. However, the person responsible for this cruelty is still at large. Sign below and demand that this person is charged and punished to the greatest extent of the law.


Dear Prosecutor Scroggins,

A dog suffered and nearly died after she was shot in the head. The dog was then abandoned in the woods to die slowly and painfully. We demand justice for this innocent dog.

Mushroom hunters found Lagertha, a pit bull, covered in blood and dying in the middle of the woods. They immediately rushed her to a veterinarian, where an exam determined that she had been shot in the head twice. Lagertha suffered a skull fracture and extensive blood loss. She also sustained injuries to her teeth, jaw, and neck. Miraculously, Lagertha survived and is continuing to recover at Unleashed Pet Rescue. However, the person who is responsible for her suffering is still at large.

This person is a danger to animals and must be punished. We demand that you prosecute them and seek the maximum penalty in this case.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Unleashed Pet Rescue

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  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    Please find this MONSTER(S) & make them pay for such a horrific act!!!

  2. Derinda Nilsson says:

    You just got to find this kILLER. It could be your wife, brother, or sister etc. who gets shot next. Don’t kid yourself he’s or she’s a murderer. Poor precious dog didn’t deserve this.

  3. When is there ever going to be Justice. For the innocent suffering from ugly humans

  4. Tracy Combs says:

    It kept saying there’s a typo in my email address. I can’t find one and can’t sign petition for this reason. Anyone know how to fix this?

  5. Karen hurne says:

    You must find the person who done this were here to protect them not hurt it’s call unconditional love they are family hurt them who hurt the dog

  6. Heartless!

  7. Same here…???

  8. Laura Evans says:

    I think this person should get life or really the DEATH PENALTY ….

    • Beverly Carpenter says:

      I hope the person who is responsible for this heinous act suffers much more than this precious dog has! This person is nothing but a coward! He/she is nothing but evil! Your day will come, you animal torturing jerk! And I for one hope it’s SOON!!!

  9. Angela Shannon says:

    if we don’t help defenseless creatures who will. This stuff makes me so mad. I don’t think anyone has a heart anymore. How could that things like this even being someone’s mind.

  10. Becky Garrett says:

    Anyone that can do this to an animal is capable of doing this or other despicable things to children. The justice no longer fits the crime. Our society is in bad trouble. If this not taken seriously and makes an example of these idiots then lookout. Make the punishment fit the crime. Next time it could be your child.

  11. Brenda Gillie says:

    Please find who did this they are walking around waiting on another puppy to shoot an will do it again

  12. Danielle McCullers says:

    I’m having a major problem signing this petition because of my email address. It keeps saying the email address has a typo and there’s nothing of a kind.

  13. David J Horchak says:

    If You don’t penalize the horrible person/persons who did this, it will only escalate their violence, up to and including human life, it shows a total lack of empathy and for the value of life.

  14. Gwenna Carlson says:

    Stop telling me that my address is wrong on the petition. It is of the Cherokee language and is spelled correctly.

  15. People who do this to dogs will do this to other people. FIND HIM AND LOCK HIM UP!!

  16. J, Chubbs says:

    The people don’t seem to understand that people who abuse and are cruel to animals is a stepping stone to becoming a murderer of PEOPLE.If you know this EVIL PERSON and The DOG you need to get this murderer off the Streets before YOU may become HUS NEXT VICTIM.This so CALLED HUMAN BEING is an EVIL,VILE,PIECE of SLIME OF THE EARTH THAT THINKS HE IS INVINCIBLE.He is a COWARD and has SERIOUS PSYCHIATRIC DEFECTS. If you know who this is and think this is okay to do to DEFENSLESS ANIMALS than you are the sicker one if the bunch. No body with any respect for themselves could ever condone this Psychotic behavior to go unpunished. You will be held for ACCOUNTABILITY IN FRONT OF GOD ONJUDGEMENT DAY. GID KNOWS AND SEES ALL and You cannot lie your way out of this one. My Friend READ REVELATIONS, the last BOOK OF THE BIBLE AND SEES WHAT AWAITS YOU IN THE NEAR FUTURE.

  17. Christine Torres says:

    Put that devil in jail shut him in head let dry in hell poor puppy God bless his soul Yes I sign the petition

  18. Someone knows thiis sweet dog. If it is you, please turn this evil person in, do not hold back. He will not stop this behavior and must be caught .

  19. Eileen Smith says:

    Someone knows who did this. Someone always knows. You will be the hero if you open up and tell the truth. He will strike again and next time it may be you. He needs to be punished by full extent of the law

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