Success: Wales to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses

Target: Rt. Hon Carwyn Jones, First Minister of Wales

Goal: Support the Welsh Government’s commitment to banning the use of wild animals in circuses, where they are exploited and often mistreated.

In a momentous move for the compassionate treatment of animals, Wales has announced its intention to bring forward legislation banning the use of wild animals in circuses. Following petitions like this one at ForceChange, the announcement is a monumental step for the welfare of these animals, who suffer immensely in captivity and who are exploited when they are forced to perform. Wales will be following the examples of Scotland, the Republic of Ireland, and England, which all either have such restrictions in effect already, or have promised to put measures in place as soon as possible.

Although there are not any circuses based in Wales, traveling circuses do visit. Animals in these types of circuses often live in some of the worst conditions. They are confined to small and often unclean spaces while they travel, and are starved and mistreated in order to “train” them to perform. As Claire Lawson, RSPCA Cymru Assistant Director of External Relations, states, “This ban makes a huge statement about how highly animal welfare is regarded in Wales, and how this country wants to treat our fellow living creatures. RSPCA Cymru will now work closely with the Welsh Government and all stakeholders to ensure this ban becomes a reality as soon as possible.” Sign below to support this vital step and ensure that Wales follows through with its pledge to protect these innocent animals.


Dear Minister Jones,

The announcement that Wales plans to put in place a ban on using wild animals in the circus is a monumental step for the well-being of these innocent creatures. As Wales follows in the path of other countries like Scotland and the Republic of Ireland, animals will soon be protected from this type of mistreatment across the United Kingdom.

Wild animals who deserve to live in freedom and in their natural habitats are often confined to brutally small and unclean spaces, especially when traveling with circuses. They are starved or abused to “train” them and force them to perform. This must not be allowed to stand. I support the plans to ban wild animals in the circus, and urge you to ensure that the ban is put into effect as quickly and thoroughly as possible.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wolfgang Claussen


  1. Derinda Nilsson says:

    Thank God !!!

  2. Meno male che la gente comincia ad usare il cervello per fare scelte sensate! Spero che ciò si espanda pian piano in tutto il mondo e gli animali tornino dove è giusto che stiano, nel loro habitat naturale dove sono stati cresti

  3. A great start but not good enough. Laws should be the same for hurting animals as it is for humans. I prefer animals any day. These sick deranged losers that exploit and hurt animals should be put away — they are the freaks that should be in a circus!!!!!!

  4. Well done, now the rest of the world – TAKE NOTE!!!!!! You wonder why there are so many deranged idiots in the world? How about the fact that so many think torturing animals is a form of entertainment!”!! WAKE UP!!!!!

  5. Linda York says:

    THANK YOU!!!!!

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3016 Signatures

  • Alana Willroth
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Azia Cassell
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Mary Ann Nordheimer
  • Velina Ussery
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