End Cruel Factory Farming and Force-Feeding of Ducks and Geese for Popular Culinary Dish

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Target: Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Goal: Include a ban on foie gras and other cruel factory farming practices as part of Britain’s proposed new animal welfare laws.

Foie gras is a popular delicacy that is the result of unseen horror and brutality. To produce the dish made from fattened goose or duck liver, live birds must be force-fed unnatural amounts of grain several times a day. This extreme example of cruel factory farming must be brought to an end as part of the United Kingdom’s new proposed animal welfare laws.

The birds that are raised for foie gras are subjected to a miserable, short existence consisting of confinement, fear and violent force-feeding. Many birds end up choking on their own vomit as grain is poured down pipes or as funnels are shoved down their throats. Those that survive often end up suffering from a variety of health-related issues, including lesions on their feet and fungal infections, before their eventual slaughter.

The inhumane practice of raising birds for foie gras, as well as other cruel factory farming processes, must be brought to an end. Sign this petition to demand that the United Kingdom enact a ban on foie gras as part of its proposed animal welfare laws.


Dear Secretary Gove,

There are few farming practices that are more cruel or horrific than that of raising ducks and geese for foie gras. In order to produce the fatty livers that are the trademark of this dish, these birds are force-fed multiple times a day, sometimes to the point of choking on their own vomit. There is no excuse for this extremely abusive practice to continue in the United Kingdom or anywhere else.

With the sweeping new animal welfare laws currently being proposed, there is a unique opportunity to ban this practice and other cruel factory farming procedures. That is why we, the undersigned, urge you to support a complete ban on foie gras throughout the U.K. as a first step toward the end of inhumane factory farming.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Gaia

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  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    This is SO DISGUSTING and this extreme example of CRUEL FACTORY FARMING must be brought to an END as part of the United Kingdom’s new proposed animal welfare laws! STOP SKINNING, MURDERING, AND FORCE FEEDING innocent animals for human pleasure!



  3. Disgusting abuse of animals that should be illegal! How do these industries defy animal welfare laws. They’re getting away with abusing animals
    In the name of “farming?” When will laws force this brutality to stop!!!

  4. How can anyone be so cruel to any animal.Duck’s and geese are Beautiful and loving if yu try feeding them like Normal Duck’s.I use to feed them corn and left over bread and they would run to see me every morning and evening .Their beautiful Swimming in the lake’s and surrounding area’s .Don’t treat them like this that’s like a feeding tube it is not right.Stop it now .Set them free for people like myself to enjoy .Especially Children they love them eating from their hand’s and quacking .

  5. This is so sad and so cruel makes me sick please stop this it’s so wrong abusive What s wrong with these people

  6. Cheryl Ann Waldron says:

    This is barbaric and completely unacceptable and unnecessary. This has to stop now !!! The world is watching !!!!!

  7. Lynn Katayama says:

    This is disgusting, cruel and just plain wrong! I don’t see how people can be arrested for animal cruelty but yet cruelty is a normal part of farms and labs. Makes no sense. We don’t have the right to this to a life.

  8. No conscious! It’s all about $$$$$

  9. Who is capable of doing this?! How can someone watch a little life suffer and do it over and over.
    I can’t believe this even exists.

  10. Charlene Lauria says:

    U need to stop this now I thought geese we’re protected and these poor ducks let me force feed r ass and see how u like it

  11. fucking disgusting pricks . This is soooooooooooooooooooooooo sad

    and ducks just wanna swim and live a peaceful life. why in the world would any one do this.

  12. Cheryl Alaxander says:

    Need to quit with this cruelty. How would you like someone to do you the same way. Just remember gods watching you and karma will be getting you.

  13. Norah Salva says:

    Shame on those who force these poor birds to live this horrible pain!

  14. It says my email has a typo…but it doesn’t! This is cruel and disturbing! Needs to stop now!!!

  15. Some people do really sick things stop the injustice

  16. Lorie ateood says:

    Maybe someone should hold their heads and force feed them see if they like it

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