Don’t Kill Homeless Dogs and Cats Before World Cup Event in Russia

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Target: Pavel Kolobkov, Russian Sports Minister

Goal: Do not allow local officials in 11 Russian cities to cull homeless pets before the FIFA World Cup event.

Russia will be hosting this year’s FIFA World Cup in 11 different cities across the country. In order to “ensure security and a pleasant stay,” the Russian government has authorized these cities to kill thousands of homeless dogs and cats living on the streets, a move similar to one taken before the Sochi Winter Olympics. We must demand that a more humane solution be reached that does not cause harm to these animals.

The innocent cats and dogs of Russia do not deserve to be killed simply because they have nowhere else to go. Sign this petition and demand that the sports minister keep his word and ensure that no homeless pets are harmed in the hosting cities.


Dear Minister Kolobkov,

Russia has a massive stray pet population, with over two million dogs and cats believed to be living in cities without homes. While this is a serious issue that deserves to be addressed, these animals deserve to be treated humanely and with respect. They do not deserve to be killed off in droves in the cities hosting the FIFA World Cup simply because their presence is inconvenient or looks bad.

We, the undersigned, ask that you ensure that these innocent animals do not meet the same sad fate so many others had before the Sochi Winter Olympics and other major events in your nation. Please do the right thing and ensure these animals are given humane treatment.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Andrey

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  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    Why don’t they collect them and place them in a shelter until their FIFA World Cup event is over -surely they could find a way to do this, if they REALLY TRIED! OR, maybe the Russians prefer to be known for killing anything that gets in their way?????? HEARTLESS CRETINS!!!!



  4. Mieke Decock says:

    Non mais il sont serieux tout sa pour pour la FIFA vous avez pas ont ? Jus cexsu’a present sa dérangait pas .Aussi vous etes deja bien connu sur le plan de torture des chien vraiment une saloperie ses Russes .Pauvre betes .?

  5. If I was a sports person taking part, I would make it very clear that this was not acceptable. There must be several animal lovers among those taking part? If all these sports people stood together on this Russia would have to back down. Poor little creatures…I’ve got everything crossed for their safety x

  6. As if they will listen to us. Much like Korea and China who take absolutely no notice of us who campaign against animal cruelty.

    Maybe the thing to do is to enlighten countries – public and sports councils etc. who are participating in these events and urge them to campaign against this soulless barbaric practice.

  7. This is a senseless act of murder just to make these cities look good. Shame on these cities! They wouldn’t have to be embarrassed if they had found shelters for the poor homeless animals in the first place. Now the officials are using the “bandaid” solution at the cats and dogs expense. As if the animals chose to be homeless !

  8. This is the same country that sent a sweet, trusting dog into outer space by herself where she died, and more recently, Russian military befriended a mother polar bear only to give her explosives to eat instead of food, leaving her to suffer and die alone, and her cubs also. Make no mistake Russia, is cruel to animals that depend on it; and should not have been allowed to hold the World Cup Event.

  9. Dogs are such loyal affectionate and loving animals don’t kill them that’s not right they deserve a good home the benefits of having a dog is immense they never judge you always pleased to please you please don’t be heartless save them

  10. Dolores Proubasta says:

    All backward countries have stray animals roaming the strees. Spay/Neuter is an alien concept. Then there is the next level of backwardness, i.e., to “kill’em all” before they are exposed to mass media events. It happens every time the Olympics goes one of the world’s many shitholes — an adequate term. The good citizens of Russia who care about homeless animals (and many do) must be devastated by this impending slaughter.


  12. christine warman says:

    This is typical of these countries,they have all these poor animals roaming the streets trying to survive from no fault of their own,then when some sporting event is going to happen the first thing they think of is to kill them.
    Time these primitives starting being humans and not sick animal killers.

  13. Elaine Milbourn says:

    Please implement a spaying/neutering programme to deal with stray dogs and cats, together with some food and shelter. Show the world you are civilised and not the vicious killers of innocent animals that decent people will believe.

  14. Show the world you are not a cruel heartless country that you respect and care for ALL life. Set an example of compassion instead of cruelty to animals. Humanity is bad enough do not add to the misery that animals must endure.

  15. Jane Petersen says:

    STOP THE INSANITY, l wish the world would ban together and boycott the Fifa World Cup!

  16. What a selfish and cruel country to just kill innocent animals just because they are homeless. This is wrong and the country needs to do better for these poor animals. How disgusted I am.

  17. Russia beinf Russia. Mayority there dont give a f*ck about animal welfare. There are cases where ppl burn animal rescue centers etc.

    I think these kinds of events shouldnt be held in countries where animal welfare and human welfare isnt good.

  18. This is bloody BARBARIC. Clean up your act Russia. The eyes of the world are watching you

  19. Barbaric. That’s all I can say.

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