Dairy Cows Allegedly Beat With Metal Rods by Workers Deserve Justice

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Target: Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Goal: Call for the closure of a farm where cows were allegedly beaten with rods and kicked in the head.

An undercover video taken at a Florida dairy farm appears to show multiple cows getting kicked in the head and struck with rebar wielded by farm employees. In the disturbing footage, the animals at Larson Dairy appear to be hit multiple times as they are forced into cramped milking stalls. Other cows in the video appear to be too weak to stand on their own power. We must demand justice for these innocent animals.

According to the narrator on the video, the footage shows that “dairy supervisors and milkers beat, stab and torment dairy cows with steel construction rebar,” and that “the sharp metal rods pierce and penetrate the cows’ bodies.” If these allegations are found to be true, this farm must be prevented from continuing its operations.

Reports of similar abuse are sadly all too common in the dairy industry. If these animals are to have any hope for a brighter future, we must take a stand and demand that the authorities overseeing this industry take action. Sign this petition to demand that Larson Dairy be shut down immediately if these allegations are proven to be true.


Dear Commissioner Putnam,

A number of cows appear to have been maliciously beaten as shown on an undercover video taken at a farm in Okeechobee County. The footage allegedly shows farm workers at Larson Dairy kicking cows in the head and beating them with metal rods to force them into their milking stalls. If these allegations are true, this farm must not be allowed to continue its abusive practices.

Similar cases of abuse are known to occur far too often in the dairy industry, and in far too many cases the perpetrators go unpunished. We urge you to take a stand for these innocent creatures. Please ensure that a full investigation of this farm takes place and that it is shut down if any of these allegations are found to be true.


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Photo Credit: Keith Weller/United States Department of Agriculture

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  1. Kelsee Flawless says:

    Yes we should do more for animals as a nation and in the world. 

    People lack accountability like I’ve never seen before. It’s unconscionable how they think, the way they do to their innocent pets and animals… it scares me wondering what they’re like in their home life and their professional life …. people who abandon and abused animals how do they function in society …. especially if we don’t always know who they are?

    We need harsher restrictions and laws towards breeders. They should have to register a license that is renewed annually by a licensed inspector. There should be more regulation on adopting dogs from private breeders because a lot of people get a “designer dog” and have not done their research leaving the dog to be rehomed or surrendered. There needs to be a limit to how many litters one female dog can have and a limit to how many litters males can sire.

    Each litter needs to be reported, and if they are for profit they need to be claimed on taxes showing where that money comes from. The animal must be fixed after the allotted litters.
    There needs to be a way to report and track litters to prevent over-breeding within related dogs to avoid the inevitable health conditions related to interbreeding.

    If we don’t care about where our food comes from it’s going to be a big surprise as the prices go up for meats and dairy, meanwhile there are always more animals suffering for it. We have to get a better more ethical and humane way of doing this factory farming system. With all the advances in medicine, technology, and science why aren’t there better more humane, ethical ways of processing food from the time the animal is retained for its purposes (ie conception, birth, production and slaughter) if it is needlessly suffering we need to find a better way and do better.

    We won’t be able to prevent factory farming to sustain the world’s population, there has already been great famines consistently across history. The way we factory farm is the problem. We need to do better for all the animals this includes livestock, wildlife, domestic pets and animals trapped in the “entertainment” animals category as well as all the homeless, stray and abandoned pets.

    Animals who are victims trapped within the tourist or entertainment industry deserve better. We need to speak for them too. More ethical and humane options for them, stricter laws and operations regulations and requirements to run places where animals are “entertainment”.

    Regulate, monitor, or shut down the aborant, vile, unnecessarily cruel places, individuals and organizations/entities that endorse or condone animals as entertainment or victimization, including captivity (zoo, aquarium, factory farmed) trophy hunting, dog/animal fighting rings and syndicates, animal racing locations and events, profiteers, puppy mills.

    People who can involve themselves in any way with dog fighting are the worst of the worst the equivalent of a pedophile. Anyone who can purposely use, abuse, exploit and recruit others to profit off the agony of an innocent is subhuman. Prolonging suffering is unforgivable. Even serial killers put their victim out of misery but people who encourage, endorse and participate in dog fighting perpetually abuse their victims. How do those people sleep at night? The people involved in this shouldn’t be free in society at all. To know they are sadists, psychopaths and depraved and not held accountable is unacceptable.

    There needs to be more advocacy for ending dog fighting. If I knew of anyone involved in this I would be a vigilante. Justice delayed is justice denied. If there was a registry for animal abusers people would be better informed about who is living amongst them. I think when people are busted in dog fighting rings should have their identity broadcast to the public. Why should they be protected from public scrutiny and retaliation?

    End laboratory testing on all animals as it is unethical and inhumane, pure torture. Testing cosmetics and other body care, skin, hair, body products on any animals needs to be banned and a different approach needs to be the answer. If people want to sign up to be makeup testers and get financially compensated that would be a benefit to every one. Advances in sciences, medicine, health care, biology and technology have made more profit and will continue to make profit but it should not be at the expense of innocent animals with NO CHOICE AND NO VOICE 😡

    If you haven’t contacted your legislators and demanded they speak up about and enact bills against animal abuse you are condoning this heinous cruelty. Silence equals complicity.


  2. Stop this horrific nazi animal abuse! None of it is necessary and neither is industrial farming!!! Bring back our Farmers and Ranchers! NO more animal abuse!!!

  3. Rita. Martinez says:

    Cruelty to defenseless animals is unacceptable

  4. Catherine r ine says:

    This tortures my heart. I cannot imagine what it’s like for them. When I was much much younger I saw reports of cows being molested and raped by workers that truly disturbed me! And it has always been in my mind. Undercover people went into these farms to work and show the abuse. It’s absolutly horrible this crap is still going g on!! Please stop it now!!

  5. Patricia Smith says:

    This is horrific,please stop this inhumane beating.Need to be held responsible for their actions.

  6. This farm needs to be immediately shut down and the owners and workers charged with animal cruelty!

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