Target: Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Goal: Call for the closure of a farm where cows were allegedly beaten with rods and kicked in the head.
An undercover video taken at a Florida dairy farm appears to show multiple cows getting kicked in the head and struck with rebar wielded by farm employees. In the disturbing footage, the animals at Larson Dairy appear to be hit multiple times as they are forced into cramped milking stalls. Other cows in the video appear to be too weak to stand on their own power. We must demand justice for these innocent animals.
According to the narrator on the video, the footage shows that “dairy supervisors and milkers beat, stab and torment dairy cows with steel construction rebar,” and that “the sharp metal rods pierce and penetrate the cows’ bodies.” If these allegations are found to be true, this farm must be prevented from continuing its operations.
Reports of similar abuse are sadly all too common in the dairy industry. If these animals are to have any hope for a brighter future, we must take a stand and demand that the authorities overseeing this industry take action. Sign this petition to demand that Larson Dairy be shut down immediately if these allegations are proven to be true.
Dear Commissioner Putnam,
A number of cows appear to have been maliciously beaten as shown on an undercover video taken at a farm in Okeechobee County. The footage allegedly shows farm workers at Larson Dairy kicking cows in the head and beating them with metal rods to force them into their milking stalls. If these allegations are true, this farm must not be allowed to continue its abusive practices.
Similar cases of abuse are known to occur far too often in the dairy industry, and in far too many cases the perpetrators go unpunished. We urge you to take a stand for these innocent creatures. Please ensure that a full investigation of this farm takes place and that it is shut down if any of these allegations are found to be true.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Keith Weller/United States Department of Agriculture
No way to treat an animal.
Shut them down Please still can’t get rid of the images
Horrific can’t take it anymore
Cant sleep at night seeing images all the time of horrible, inhumane pictures
I know what your saying but so many ppl close this crap going on and just ignore it..I hate this crap and I will sign anything that will help
Please show mercy on these poor defenseless animals. Please help them, I beg of you.
Shut the down now. Cruel and inhumane.
I will be sharing Larson Farm’s abuse to cows story. Looking for which milk brand uses them.
How can you sleep under violence ro animals like that?
This needs to stop. Absolutely no reason for them to be treated this way.
Put those people who tortured the poor cows in the prison for like. No parole for them ok I get tired of those evil people who tortured the innocent animals and children. They are really really sick and evil. Period !!!
Stop these horrible people!! These poor innocent animals!!
Where I was raised, we brushed and love our dairy cows.They were very well taken care of. So It is not evereyone.
Problem is when they shut this dairy farm down all the cows go to slaughter
It still doesn’t make it right to abuse these poor cows…Im sick of idiots thinking it’s ok like they have no feeling..
These abusers need the same kind of torture or to be jailed then tortured for lifelife
This is pure Evil and if we do not do something to stop it and take these monsters off the street it is a mathematical certainty their violence will escalate to people Please protect these innocent voiceless animals and get them justice they deserve!
Can’t they find descent people to work there,? Fire these monsters that R doing this, will this petition. Help these poor helpless Cows, if it wasn’t for these beautiful animals, children wouldn’t have milk to drink, that we all know our bodies need is calcium, Cows should be treated gently and with kindness
They are forced to get the cows milked in an unnaturally fast manner and get punished if they don’t get the cows milked in the managers timeline. That is put onto the animals to move faster and comply with demands. It’s owners and impossible timelines that results in stupid workers using force and punishment to get vow compliance. This horrendous behavior is played over and over in farming factories everywhere for humans to get their milk. It’s up to humans to stop drinking cow milk. Humans don’t need cow milk past two years of age. Start drinking more water from the faucet. It doesn’t have cow fat that contributes to heart disease and death. Get wise and do the best for your own life and that of cows and wildlife in our country! Bammy Mall
Animals have feelings
Netflix Forks Over Knives, Earthlings, etc documentaries on there… there is A LOT going on behind closed doors in dairy farms and slaughter houses across the country. The problem is too many people don’t want to know and turn a blind eye because their appetite is greater than their capability to be emphatic and ethical. In the land of “super size it” and “everything’s better with bacon & cheese” animals are being tortured to keep up with the SUPPLY AND DEMAND =(
Whether the cows go to slaughter or not has got to be better than being beaten up and stabbed. I don’t drink milk but this is so evil that Satan himself would throw these people out of hell. These people need to have done to them as to what they are doing to these cows. If it wasn’t for these cows we wouldn’t have milk. Maybe that’s why milk is so expensive cause their trying to recoup from losing all those cows. SHUT THESE KILLERS DOWN.
Beat those diary workers with a rod, see how they like it!!!!
This is sooo sad
Find no kill sanctuary for these cows
No animal should have to deal with this. No person should get away with this.