Dairy Cows Allegedly Beat With Metal Rods by Workers Deserve Justice

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Target: Adam H. Putnam, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Goal: Call for the closure of a farm where cows were allegedly beaten with rods and kicked in the head.

An undercover video taken at a Florida dairy farm appears to show multiple cows getting kicked in the head and struck with rebar wielded by farm employees. In the disturbing footage, the animals at Larson Dairy appear to be hit multiple times as they are forced into cramped milking stalls. Other cows in the video appear to be too weak to stand on their own power. We must demand justice for these innocent animals.

According to the narrator on the video, the footage shows that “dairy supervisors and milkers beat, stab and torment dairy cows with steel construction rebar,” and that “the sharp metal rods pierce and penetrate the cows’ bodies.” If these allegations are found to be true, this farm must be prevented from continuing its operations.

Reports of similar abuse are sadly all too common in the dairy industry. If these animals are to have any hope for a brighter future, we must take a stand and demand that the authorities overseeing this industry take action. Sign this petition to demand that Larson Dairy be shut down immediately if these allegations are proven to be true.


Dear Commissioner Putnam,

A number of cows appear to have been maliciously beaten as shown on an undercover video taken at a farm in Okeechobee County. The footage allegedly shows farm workers at Larson Dairy kicking cows in the head and beating them with metal rods to force them into their milking stalls. If these allegations are true, this farm must not be allowed to continue its abusive practices.

Similar cases of abuse are known to occur far too often in the dairy industry, and in far too many cases the perpetrators go unpunished. We urge you to take a stand for these innocent creatures. Please ensure that a full investigation of this farm takes place and that it is shut down if any of these allegations are found to be true.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Keith Weller/United States Department of Agriculture

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  1. Sooo where is the video at?? All I see is the written article. Using the “appears” several times makes me think that this is ether staged or this employee was disgruntled and wants to start trouble.

    • Jody Ferreira says:

      I have seen the video it was horrifying the tied up cows and kept punching them for hours in the face and body it made me literally sick I was a mess for over a week to think ppl can b so cruel to animals that way or any way

    • Rick Santistevan says:

      Very real. Go check

    • Kate Kennedy says:

      I am a Vermont Dairy Farmer and this is the worst I’ve seen
      This is not needed! Cows are gentle thinking creatures and there is NO EXCUSE for this abuse in the video. I do not understand how this is allowed to go on!

  2. Stop abuse of farm animals. Teach children to be vegan in elementary

  3. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    How bout we beat u with a rod❓?
    Signed & shared ?

  4. Dennis O'Neill says:

    Do the right thing.

  5. Matthew Mckelley says:

    Eye for an eye!

  6. I really pray that if found any inhumane acts done on Amy animal,That the place be shut down owner and any person doing harm be jailed over 3 years and heavy fine

  7. I would love to have the address to this barbaric hellhole, and deliver some karma to everyone that works there. This puts me in such a rage….!!!

  8. What a shame these people can abuse defenseless animals.

  9. Rebecca Lopez says:

    It doesn’t accept my email address!

  10. Stop them beating they’re animals with rods,they can’t speak for themselves.

  11. So if all of this is true! Why has no one been arrested for animal abuse? Why have the police not been called if this is on a video? Last I knew dirt bags can be arrested for animal abuse! I heard of cases where they have actually sent the dirt bags to jail! So again?? Why is this farm nit shut down? Why are the dirt bags not in jail? Why is this petition still going around? Why do people video tape things and watch the horrible stuff happen and wait for a petition to get started to fix the problem? Call the cops! Get Peta involved!

    • Jim Frank says:

      100% agree you you!!

      • Pam Young says:

        I live in Florida and they have shut down 2 or 3 large dairy farms here in the past few months for this reason and people have been arrested for animal abuse. Hopefully there will be many more.

  12. Amanda Braun says:

    The fact that animals are raised for our use does not make us less responsible for their well being. It makes us more responsible.

  13. Nancy. DITCH DAIRY rodriguex says:


  14. Cheryl Ann Waldron says:

    This is barbaric and has to stop now !!! The world is watching you !!!!

  15. Michele Carrabbia says:

    Why is this the first I’m hearing of this? My Grandparents were dairy farmers . Most people I know who are farmers do not abuse their animals.

  16. Glad to hear this! At least somone,somplace is paying attention to the most beautiful souls..

  17. Where is this purported video evidence? Were I allowed to view it I would be far more inclined to seek redress. Other wise this just becomes another unsubstantiated internet accusation. You know, !ike the one that Trump is a truthful, well balanced individual, fully competent to serve as the leader of the most powerful country on the planet!

  18. Jan Hutchins says:

    You dont have to shut down a dairy farm when employees do cruelty to animals. Put the pieces of shit in jail for animal abuse. Pretty simple. And just like another person said, why does everyone have to sign a petition to do something???

  19. This really crappy for real. But i cant say what i really feel on here but this needs to dtop NOW

  20. Josh James says:

    These Cows are sacrificing themselves for us. They should be treated like royalty until it is “their time.”

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