Cat Killed After Being Strapped to Exploding Fireworks Deserves Justice

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Target: Peter Goodman, Chief Constable of the Derbyshire Constabulary, England

Goal: Find whomever is responsible for setting off fireworks that were found strapped to a cat’s back.

A cat was discovered with two ignited firework rockets strapped to his or her back in Derbyshire, U.K. While he or she was still alive moments after the explosion occurred, the person who found the cat said that all the fur was missing and that a leg had been violently ripped off. Tragically, this cat died before emergency vets could arrive on the scene. The vile sadists responsible are not known at this time, and we must demand justice for this innocent cat.

The woman who reported the incident to local police said she feared that it was related to local Bonfire Night events taking place at the time, and she urged other pet owners to keep their animals indoors as a result. Unfortunately, this is not the first time an animal has suffered animal abuse in the area. Earlier this year, an elderly cat was kicked and tortured by a group of youths less than a half a mile away from where this event occurred.

While it is not known if there is link between this horrific discovery and other reports of abuse, more must be done to ensure that the perpetrator of this sickening act be found. Sign this petition to demand that local police use all available resources to find and punish whomever is responsible.


Dear Chief Constable Goodman,

A cat was recently found in Alvaston with two rockets strapped to his or her back. According to the man who discovered the cat, it appeared that the rockets had exploded and had severely mutilated the animal. This innocent cat died moments later and we demand justice for this sickening case of animal abuse.

Sadly, this is not the first time a cat has been tortured in the Alvaston area, as shown in the case earlier this year when local youths callously beat a 19-year-old family pet. While it is not known if these incidents are connected, I urge you utilize all necessary resources to find whoever is responsible to prevent future acts of abuse and violence against animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Shashank Kumawat

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  1. Jennifer says:

    It is so wrong to treat animals badly in any way…they all have a heart, a soul and they have feelings just like we do!!

  2. Jill wende says:

    If you bring them to me ? I will strap some fireworks to them and happily lighy the fuses!!

  3. I hope and pray those responsible for these atrocious acts are found ASAP!! I hope they are made an example of for the remainder of their pathetic lives!! May God bless each and every animal wherever they may be!

  4. Bonn I Ford says:

    This is horrific for any animal to suffer like this! Whoever did this should be arrested and thrown in jail forever!

  5. I would love to have who done this here the peace of Shit they should jack the jail up and kick the son of bitch under it you fuckin low life

  6. Kathy Donato says:

    It really saddens me to see these posts every day I cry when I see them and there’s really nothing I can do except donate money that’s not enough I’d like to get a hold of somebody’s people myself because nobody else is doing anything they’re allowing the stuff to happen I just seen a dog get killed in China and people stand around and watch the BB into death tossed around like a bag of potatoes smashing his head in with a stick and I cried this has to stop

    • I think if enough people become the voices for these poor animals that are tortured than hopefully it will end. I want to become a vigilante and do the same to these pieces of shit. Maybe that’s what needs to happen. I’d have no problem taking a metal bat to someone’s knee cap if they did this to a poor cat

  7. Mrs. Kat Cason-Miller says:




  8. In my country, if I was leader, the death penalty would be visited upon such vermin who have zero heart and dark souls. For people who commit such tragic events, the planet does not need you. Animals are here to show us how to love and become humbled by the chance & gift to love & be loved back unconditionally. You murderers & terrorists to life have failed your life course badly.

  9. I cry for these animals and I just can’t stand that this is gonna happen forever no matter what because there’s always gonna be heartless cruel people that get off on this shit! Sick people! I hope animal abusers have a tragedy so bad in their life to punish them for their acts of evil!

  10. Gwenna Carlson says:

    I’d love to leave a vote and a comment if you’d stop telling me my personal address, written correctly, in the Cherokee language, is spelled incorrectly.

  11. Let’s get serious people!! We can sign a trillion petitions till the end of our days but (NOTHING) will change until the LAWS in our Countries change. It is apparent that all of the Governments in every Country do not care about the treatment or non treatment of the animals under God’s sun. Therefore until tough laws are established for the care and treatment of abused, torchered and neglected animals these horrific happenings will continue. Get off your cell phones, computers and tablets and make a voice for animals because as long as you sit here reading this message, signing petitions and crying over the horrible stories of abuse towards animals (NOTHING) will change. Force your government to work for you! Tell them you have had enough and will not tolerate any form of abuse to animals. SPEAK UP AND LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD…YOU PAY YOUR TAXS, YOU ABIDE BY YOUR COUNTRYS LAWS … NOW MAKE YOUR COUNTRY WORK FOR YOU. Get up on your feet and do something to make a difference in the lives of all the torchered animals otherwise just sit down and do nothing. Petition your Government, Police Force, and Legislation, Mayor’s ect….make a difference and make animal abuse laws that work!!

  12. Let’s get serious people!! We can sign a trillion petitions till the end of our days but (NOTHING) will change until the LAWS in our Countries change. It is apparent that all of the Governments in every Country do not care about the treatment or non treatment of the animals under God’s sun. Therefore until tough laws are established for the care and treatment of abused, torchered and neglected animals these horrific happenings will continue. Get off your cell phones, computers and tablets and make a voice for animals because as long as you sit here reading this message, signing petitions and crying over the horrible stories of abuse towards animals (NOTHING) will change. Force your government to work for you! Tell them you have had enough and will not tolerate any form of abuse to animals. SPEAK UP AND LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD…YOU PAY YOUR TAXS, YOU ABIDE BY YOUR COUNTRYS LAWS … NOW MAKE YOUR COUNTRY WORK FOR YOU. Get up on your feet and do something to make a difference in the lives of all the torchered animals otherwise just sit down and do nothing. Petition your Government, Police Force, and Legislation, Mayor’s ect….make a difference and make animal abuse laws that work!!


  13. I truly wish we could preform the same abuse to those scumbags that they dish out. Total lowest form of lives

  14. Cynthia Preston says:

    Very inhumane that was very very bad to do

  15. Fuckin muslims or African filth. They all need purged from our countries

  16. Perhaps someone should do the same to them

  17. Really bitch bring ur lovey ass 2 me so i could attach some grenades 2 ur ass while me and those cats watch…

  18. Debra Ward says:


  19. You are irrelevant

  20. These people should suffer same as they did to animal. In this cats case find who iscresponsable strap a few rockets yo their backs, around 20 or so to equal size ratio. The ones who kicked the old cat well kick the crap ou of them and walk away, no medical help heal on own ot die don’t care. You all didn’t care for animals so not going to care for you.

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