Cat Killed After Being Strapped to Exploding Fireworks Deserves Justice

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Target: Peter Goodman, Chief Constable of the Derbyshire Constabulary, England

Goal: Find whomever is responsible for setting off fireworks that were found strapped to a cat’s back.

A cat was discovered with two ignited firework rockets strapped to his or her back in Derbyshire, U.K. While he or she was still alive moments after the explosion occurred, the person who found the cat said that all the fur was missing and that a leg had been violently ripped off. Tragically, this cat died before emergency vets could arrive on the scene. The vile sadists responsible are not known at this time, and we must demand justice for this innocent cat.

The woman who reported the incident to local police said she feared that it was related to local Bonfire Night events taking place at the time, and she urged other pet owners to keep their animals indoors as a result. Unfortunately, this is not the first time an animal has suffered animal abuse in the area. Earlier this year, an elderly cat was kicked and tortured by a group of youths less than a half a mile away from where this event occurred.

While it is not known if there is link between this horrific discovery and other reports of abuse, more must be done to ensure that the perpetrator of this sickening act be found. Sign this petition to demand that local police use all available resources to find and punish whomever is responsible.


Dear Chief Constable Goodman,

A cat was recently found in Alvaston with two rockets strapped to his or her back. According to the man who discovered the cat, it appeared that the rockets had exploded and had severely mutilated the animal. This innocent cat died moments later and we demand justice for this sickening case of animal abuse.

Sadly, this is not the first time a cat has been tortured in the Alvaston area, as shown in the case earlier this year when local youths callously beat a 19-year-old family pet. While it is not known if these incidents are connected, I urge you utilize all necessary resources to find whoever is responsible to prevent future acts of abuse and violence against animals.


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Photo Credit: Shashank Kumawat

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  1. WTH is wrong with people. I pray KARMA gets them with a vengeance. Laws are not strict enough. Catch them, do the same cruel thing to them, but let them suffer for the rest of their lives.

  2. Caroline Clune says:

    Get this monster in prison and I hope he gets multiple stitches in the anus like the others do

  3. Jaime Perez says:

    Oh my gosh, I just can’t believe the things demented monsters do to innocent animals. Do these evil creatures have nothing better to do with their sick, crappy lives than hurt animals?? May these types of people burn in hell!

  4. You people are freaking sick . What is wrong with you people . They should be put away for life in a mental institution because they are not all there . Anyone who thinks that’s funny and being entertained by that definitely has mental problems . It makes me sick because I know these bastards probably will never be caught well All I can do is hope that they walk out in the street and get hit by a Mack truck and even that would be too easy. They need to suffer.


  6. What the hell is wrong with these people! People who do this to an animal are disgusting and should be locked up and not in society! Absolutely appalling behavior! Id like to do that to them! See how they would enjoy it!

  7. Poor, poor kitty! How tragic! These are sick, vile pieces of waste! God will know what they have done to this poor innocent animal, and He will not allow them to enjoy eternity in Heaven because of their wickedness. They will burn in hell for hurting and killing innocent creatures. I just hope it’s quite soon so they can’t hurt any others.

  8. Catch that fucker set them on fire to burn to death to them something needs to be done.

  9. Susan Budde says:

    The perpetrators need to be caught and vigilantes need to torch them so they burn to death! That would be justice!!!

  10. sheila menache says:

    Tie a cracker to this arsehole’s genitalia and light it

  11. It will not be long before these psychopaths become bored with animals and start looking for bigger, helpless prey (i.e., children, the elderly). Keep your pets safe inside. Don’t minimize what is being done because they’re “just animals”; they experience pain,fear like the rest of us. At least that cat is safe across the Rainbow Bridge now.

  12. What a horrific and tragic end to an innocent animal’s life. We must all keep our pets indoors, unless supervised by their humans each and every minute they are outside. The world is a cruel place with cowardly and violent deranged humans on the loose everywhere. PLEASE, PLEASE KEEP YOUR PETS INDOORS!Pets left on their own outdoors are also subject to attacks by other animals, risk being hit by cars and buses and contracting diseases.
    The safest place for pets is inside!

  13. Its a very fuckin sad day when animals have to be kept inside because of fuckers like this.The fuckhead responsible should be locked up for good when they are caught and then tortured as well.The laws are far too soft on animal abusers..

  14. Bev Woodburn says:

    Catch the psychoppathic depraved animal torturing monsters who committed this vile and evil sadism of unimaginable torture and suffering against an innocent and fefenceless cat.

    Strap rockets to these animal torturing psycho monster/s and blow them too hell.

    Eradication of these psycho monsters is a must. They must be caught and their death for a deliberate animal torturing death.

    Kill the fuck/s slowly.

    I believe all animal torturers and abusers should be put to death by the same means they deliberately tortured their defenceless and innocent victim/s.

    Fucking vile and evil bastards.

  15. Make a database of these animal abusers so that they can be charged for a felony crime and the info can be used to help with identifying people who have done these vicious acts.

  16. Leila Lappin says:

    Find the sadistic mother fuckers and kill them.

  17. An eye for any eye right
    any vigilanies live near there to kick their brains

    set them on fire you know what goes around cones around
    look over your shoulders gutless because younwull eat the pain and suffering you are committing pyscopaths

  18. Nona Campean says:

    They deserve to feel exactly the same that cat felt!!!

  19. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Let us animal lovers @ em for about 10 minutes❗️?
    I bet the mutha fckrs wouldn’t be walking so easily after firecrackers were up their asses & lit❗️?
    Signed & shared. ?

  20. Rosalba Conti says:

    To extreme extremes, extreme remedies: the guilty of this atrocity MUST MAKE the same way. Sorry but I can not stand cruelty to the Animals.

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