Cat Killed After Being Strapped to Exploding Fireworks Deserves Justice

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Target: Peter Goodman, Chief Constable of the Derbyshire Constabulary, England

Goal: Find whomever is responsible for setting off fireworks that were found strapped to a cat’s back.

A cat was discovered with two ignited firework rockets strapped to his or her back in Derbyshire, U.K. While he or she was still alive moments after the explosion occurred, the person who found the cat said that all the fur was missing and that a leg had been violently ripped off. Tragically, this cat died before emergency vets could arrive on the scene. The vile sadists responsible are not known at this time, and we must demand justice for this innocent cat.

The woman who reported the incident to local police said she feared that it was related to local Bonfire Night events taking place at the time, and she urged other pet owners to keep their animals indoors as a result. Unfortunately, this is not the first time an animal has suffered animal abuse in the area. Earlier this year, an elderly cat was kicked and tortured by a group of youths less than a half a mile away from where this event occurred.

While it is not known if there is link between this horrific discovery and other reports of abuse, more must be done to ensure that the perpetrator of this sickening act be found. Sign this petition to demand that local police use all available resources to find and punish whomever is responsible.


Dear Chief Constable Goodman,

A cat was recently found in Alvaston with two rockets strapped to his or her back. According to the man who discovered the cat, it appeared that the rockets had exploded and had severely mutilated the animal. This innocent cat died moments later and we demand justice for this sickening case of animal abuse.

Sadly, this is not the first time a cat has been tortured in the Alvaston area, as shown in the case earlier this year when local youths callously beat a 19-year-old family pet. While it is not known if these incidents are connected, I urge you utilize all necessary resources to find whoever is responsible to prevent future acts of abuse and violence against animals.


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Photo Credit: Shashank Kumawat

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  2. simon rickman says:

    there are no words – i hope these scum die in pain tasting their own blood.

  3. There are so many aberrants in today’s world that the only solution is to eradicate them. Those who abuse animals (and children) fall into this category. If the law doesn’t start applying appropriate punishment for these heinous crimes, then the people will take over. In fact, the people would apply the law better than most judges and magistrates, who seem to have turned soft, to say the least.

  4. Yet another case for a total ban on these utterly pointless items. These lowlife scum deserve nothing less than having exactly the same done to them and I’d personally volunteer immediately to strap explosive rockets to their bodies and have the bastards maimed in the same way

  5. Nadine brundage says:

    Unbelievable what sick pieces of shit are out there torturing animals. People like them need to be exterminated as shit won’t be missed. Poor cat.

  6. Darlene Avery says:

    These depraved psychopaths must be found and charged with the very very strongest animal abuse law available. IMO they should be In Jail for good. This despicable torture and murder of an innocent, defenceless cat is MURDER. And should be charged as such.

  7. OMG!!! This is unspeakable. The perpetrator(s) should be put to death. One by one we could eliminate these dangers from society. Please no slap on the wrist for vicious monsters like this!!

  8. Diane Hoyle says:

    Find the scumbags who did this to the innocent cat and tie fireworks to the bastards back and see how they like it. I hope this day comes when the punishment should fit the crime and I hope the genteral public can cheer when they go through the same torture as this poor cat. RIP Sweetheart and may the angels be protecting you

  9. Tina shurtleff says:

    This is heinous. PleAse do not take this sociopathic behavior lightly. Or next time a child.

  10. Several years ago three teenagers were torturing a cat,I stopped them but also called police before i tried to retrieve the cat.The officer informed me that unfortunately statistics show that abusers of animals grow up to abuse people

  11. We need to punish all who do this, even the young ones. Punish severely removing them from home to juvenial, then jail till they’re 21. Adults should be not allowed to have contact with family and children like child molesters or own animals. Stop them howeve

  12. If these events are going to encourage sadistic murder and cruelty, then ban them! Catch these unintelligent, cruel criminals and keep them in jail away from all of Society and our animals.

  13. Eileen Goodman says:

    This is worse than murder! Whoever did this deserves the death penalty.

  14. This has Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dahmer written ALL over it.
    Please find it in your hearts to tracks down the POS who did this to an innocent soul.

  15. Diana Dennis says:


  16. Only a deranged psychopath moron scumbag shithead would do something so despicable and CRUEL like this. This person should sit in a mental hospital for a number of years.

  17. HUMAN TRASH! needs to be removed!

  18. oliver Mally says:

    HUMAN TRASH – needs to be removed!

  19. Gigi Middlebrook says:

    All I can think of is what if this happened to my cats? This POS needs to go down one way or another. We have to make our animal laws stronger and tougher. POS like this should pay financially and mentally by being locked up in a pyscho ward where they apparently belong.

  20. I don;t understand why their parents did not teach them from young to love animals, also that they feel pain as much as we do. They have as much right to live as we do and that is against the law to hurt them just like we will be punished if we hurt another human being. If they are allowed to hurt animals, thy get desensitized and develop into the serial killers of tomorrow.

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