Cat Killed After Being Strapped to Exploding Fireworks Deserves Justice

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Target: Peter Goodman, Chief Constable of the Derbyshire Constabulary, England

Goal: Find whomever is responsible for setting off fireworks that were found strapped to a cat’s back.

A cat was discovered with two ignited firework rockets strapped to his or her back in Derbyshire, U.K. While he or she was still alive moments after the explosion occurred, the person who found the cat said that all the fur was missing and that a leg had been violently ripped off. Tragically, this cat died before emergency vets could arrive on the scene. The vile sadists responsible are not known at this time, and we must demand justice for this innocent cat.

The woman who reported the incident to local police said she feared that it was related to local Bonfire Night events taking place at the time, and she urged other pet owners to keep their animals indoors as a result. Unfortunately, this is not the first time an animal has suffered animal abuse in the area. Earlier this year, an elderly cat was kicked and tortured by a group of youths less than a half a mile away from where this event occurred.

While it is not known if there is link between this horrific discovery and other reports of abuse, more must be done to ensure that the perpetrator of this sickening act be found. Sign this petition to demand that local police use all available resources to find and punish whomever is responsible.


Dear Chief Constable Goodman,

A cat was recently found in Alvaston with two rockets strapped to his or her back. According to the man who discovered the cat, it appeared that the rockets had exploded and had severely mutilated the animal. This innocent cat died moments later and we demand justice for this sickening case of animal abuse.

Sadly, this is not the first time a cat has been tortured in the Alvaston area, as shown in the case earlier this year when local youths callously beat a 19-year-old family pet. While it is not known if these incidents are connected, I urge you utilize all necessary resources to find whoever is responsible to prevent future acts of abuse and violence against animals.


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Photo Credit: Shashank Kumawat

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  1. Poor fur baby bet he was scared..I hope u catch the monsters who did they day an eye for an eye, should b let’s strap fireworks to there back area & lite them chow they like it..

  2. I hate humans. They are the meanest, cruelest, nothing but pure evil. Find this SOB and blow his ass to kingdom come.

    • Nooshin Perla says:

      Damn you A.H. burn in hell. If we only knew where the hell are you. You better watch your back, because there are people who Don’t give a sh. if you live or die!!!!!!!!!God knows, you need to be blown to peaces.

  3. Tamara Williams says:

    What kind of freaks are in this world today???? Backwoods barbarian scum!

  4. Can I tell you what I would do to these Bastards? You can’t even call them human. They are the worst animals out there. I hate them and anyone that abuses any animal.

  5. Them bastards n bitches will pay for this !! GOD will get em!!

  6. These low life losers need to be hung from a nice strong tree branch and before they hang light some strong M80 fire crackers in their mouths and crouch areas. Boom! Then hang. Disgusting evil bastatds.

  7. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Makes the world want to see an eye for an eye!!!!!!

  8. I am disappointed to learn that England has sick individuals such as we have here in the United States. I always thought England was safe from sadists like this. I may sound like a horrible person but I would like to see vigilantes get this person or persons and just beat them to within an inch of their lives. They are monsters; I hope the death of this innocent cat comes back to haunt them mercilessly.

  9. I urge you to do all you can to find those responsible and
    prosecute them to the max . removing them permanently from society would be best as their abuse of animals will only continue and likely escalate to humans. Such deranged, sadistic individuals need not be allowed to remain amongst us. I pray they are caught. wish someone could then strap fireworks to their bodies and set them off so they know how it feels!

  10. renate botzler says:

    Nature treats back now Monsters
    Take responsibility for your cruelty
    Feel the pain of your victim
    every minute of your senseless life
    Live your hell now
    Higher Justice works now

  11. The monster who did this crime has a reserved place in hell. He or she should be tied to a chair in a open field with dynamite and a long burning fuse so he or she could watch the fuse at it gets closer and closer.

  12. Catherine Jenereaux says:

    It breaks my heart when I hear of such senseless infliction of pain and torture on innocents. The people and I use that term loosely that are responsible for this are dark and demented. It makes one wonder how these activities could move to the torture and slaughter of innocent humans. May the Spirit Guides bring justice to these scum. It does not matter the country of origin, the world as a whole is lacking compassion.

  13. Of all the disgraceful, abhorrent and sickening things that go on..this would have to be one the worst !Only low life grubs ,who do not belong in a civilised society, could inflict this senseless cruelty on an innocent animal. There is a special place in hell for people like this … my hope is they get there soon !

  14. Do these people leave their toddlers out at night????? They may as well cause this is the same thing. Leave pets indoors or don’t acquire them! If the cat were kept indoors this wouldn’t have happened. The monster who did this still deserves to rot in hell.

  15. This was probably more than one person. I doubt that one person did this. Sounds like a bunch of sociopathic creeps live out that way. I’d never let my cat out at all….and I’d carry a weapon. I would also stop that damn bonfire as it sounds like it brings out all the psycho creep kids. Children are the next group to be tortured after they continue animals for a number of kills. Very sick people.

  16. Savages!! The police better find those POS who did this to him/her!!! but reality is that they(the cops) won’t care…that sucks!! but hopefully they better find him/her who did this to poor thing!!! Please!!!

  17. Evil cruel scum. Shove a fire work up their ugly butts. Hope they rot in hell.

  18. Strapping a firework to the piece of shit who did this would be way too good for them they deserve to die slowly the fucking excuse of a human being!

  19. These filthy monsters need to be found, arrested, and fireworks attached to their genitals – then set ablaze! Now isn’t that entertainment?!!!? Moron mutants. See if They think that is ok. They need to leave this planet for good. Scum.

  20. What gutless shallow gene pool punk. They would never make it in prison. A man’s or women’s prison. I would love to shove some fireworks up their ass. But punks don’t worry I would use some deep heating rub for lube. But first I’d fry you down there with a blow torch. Die assholes

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