Target: Peter Goodman, Chief Constable of the Derbyshire Constabulary, England
Goal: Find whomever is responsible for setting off fireworks that were found strapped to a cat’s back.
A cat was discovered with two ignited firework rockets strapped to his or her back in Derbyshire, U.K. While he or she was still alive moments after the explosion occurred, the person who found the cat said that all the fur was missing and that a leg had been violently ripped off. Tragically, this cat died before emergency vets could arrive on the scene. The vile sadists responsible are not known at this time, and we must demand justice for this innocent cat.
The woman who reported the incident to local police said she feared that it was related to local Bonfire Night events taking place at the time, and she urged other pet owners to keep their animals indoors as a result. Unfortunately, this is not the first time an animal has suffered animal abuse in the area. Earlier this year, an elderly cat was kicked and tortured by a group of youths less than a half a mile away from where this event occurred.
While it is not known if there is link between this horrific discovery and other reports of abuse, more must be done to ensure that the perpetrator of this sickening act be found. Sign this petition to demand that local police use all available resources to find and punish whomever is responsible.
Dear Chief Constable Goodman,
A cat was recently found in Alvaston with two rockets strapped to his or her back. According to the man who discovered the cat, it appeared that the rockets had exploded and had severely mutilated the animal. This innocent cat died moments later and we demand justice for this sickening case of animal abuse.
Sadly, this is not the first time a cat has been tortured in the Alvaston area, as shown in the case earlier this year when local youths callously beat a 19-year-old family pet. While it is not known if these incidents are connected, I urge you utilize all necessary resources to find whoever is responsible to prevent future acts of abuse and violence against animals.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Shashank Kumawat
People who hurt and torture animals are evil. They go on to hurt helpless humans
They are lowlife maggots
I’d end their lives period
It’s A life like a human’ shouldn’t be treated Different
Please hold this person responsible and let them face the consequences of their crime. If they can so flintly do this to an animal what would they do to a person
If you dont take action you are sending a message that’s it’s ok to abuse an kill them, NO animal deserves to suffer from the hands of EVIL people please stand up an speak for the animals whom cant speak for themselves !!!
I dont understand why does there have to be a pettiton to have something done wow
This Is So Cruel. And Uncalled For They Need To Be Done The Same Way.
Vile behaviour. At least five years in prison for such acts.
Why would anybody do that to an helpless animal? WHY? That poor cat. 😪 That person should have the same thing done to them. EVIL is everywhere! THEY’RE SICK EVIL DOERS. I am so angry. 😫. THEY ARE SATAN’S HELPER. I pray they find all that do this. They are TERRORIST! These helpless animals need JUSTICE!!! Lock them up and throw away the key. PLEASE!
Why would anybody do that to an helpless animal? WHY? That poor cat. 😪 That person should have the same thing done to them. EVIL is everywhere! THEY’RE SICK EVIL DOERS. I am so angry. 😫. THEY ARE SATAN’S HELPER. I pray they find all that do this. They are TERRORIST! These helpless animals need JUSTICE!!! Lock them up and throw away the key. PLEASE.
Please find and prosecute the person or persons that did this to this beautiful cat. Don’t let them get away. Justice for the cat and other animals that are being abused around the world.nobody has a right to abuse any animal.
I agree 100%. They deserve a punishment as painful as this was for this poor cat!
Stop this horrific cruelty now!!!
Make MUCH MUCH stronger laws against animal cruelty, pursue and prosecute to fullest extent.
Teach respect and love for animals.
Poor sweet innocent cat. My heart breaks.
Who ever did this needs to be gutted like a pig!
Cats destroy the natural ecosystem too many of em get over it