Don’t Force Dogs to Fight Boars in Indonesia

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Target: Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia

Goal: Stop cruel dog and boar fights in Indonesian villages.

Villages in Indonesia’s West Java region are hosting brutal pit fights between dogs and boars. These animals are kept locked in small cages and forced to fight until only one is left standing, which the villages claim is to test the animals’ hunting abilities. The winner is allowed to heal, but the loser is made into meat— whether they are dead or alive after the fight. Dog fighters are given a $2,000 reward if their dog wins.

We cannot let this go on. Innocent animals are being horribly mistreated for the sake of unethical fights, all for the sake of a few moments of audience cheers and a potential cash reward for the winners’ owners. The locals defend these brazen acts of cruelty as a beloved “tradition” that must be upheld at all costs, despite animal rights activists describing them as “a criminal act against animals.”

We must protect these innocent creatures from dying in such a cruel manner. Sign this petition to demand the West Java region’s villages outlaw these fights now.


Dear President Widodo,

Villages in the West Java region are pitting innocent dogs and boars against each other in brutal pit fights. The animals are kept locked in small cages and treated poorly overall before they are forced to go head to head, fighting tooth and claw until only one remains standing and the other is either dead or near it. Either way, the loser is slaughtered for meat.

You cannot allow this to continue. These poor creatures are forced to maim each other for the sake of audience cheers and a cash prize for the winner. It is unethical and cruel, despite the villages’ claims of it being a beloved “tradition,” and it must be stopped and outlawed immediately. Protect dogs and boars from this brutality by initiating a countrywide ban on this barbaric practice.


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Photo Credit: missyredboots

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  1. Do you know if you would give them hard time for what they do and fine them and take what they own they might quit what there doing and if they don’t leave them in jail it’s a good place for them the Peace’s of shit I hope they go to Hell where they belong Fuckin lowlifes

  2. John myers says:

    You want a comment? It’s cruel but any person with a brain knows that!

  3. Coralei Smith says:

    This needs to stop!!!! If ya wanna see fights let those who like this type of crap fight EACH OTHER!!!! See how these animals feel fighting their asses of just to survive. SHAME ON YOU PEOPLE!!!! KARMA WILL GET CHA, just keep doin this. SICK ASSES!!!!!!

    • Bingo! Great Answer!

      • Shauna kossnar says:

        I honestly don’t see the point in fucking petitions! I mean it’s never really gotten anything anywhere. And until some real action happens like those sick fucks actually being held accountable for the fuckered up shit should they do like having the same thing happened to them or a lot of prison time or something like that besides just a fucking pointless slap on the wrist & A fine… Well then I’m sorry this shit is just left.

  4. JacquelineLebright says:

    This needs to stop there’s a will there’s a way

  5. Kristen tepfer says:

    Pure evil you will go to hell .. it’s forever ! These are Gods creatures not yours ! I would find something less sickening to entertain myself with if I were you ! God is watching

  6. T Hampton says:

    Please STOP this Cruelty!

  7. Kami Vermillion says:

    You don’t wanna know what I think of the sick not humans that do this to dogs. That is not a civilized country

  8. I do question the photo of two dogs fighting when it says dogs fighting boars. But evil is evil and this will not stop til God stops it. And i’d really like to see what God will do to those who abuse animals, children and the elderly.Its a good thing I’m not in control of punishment.

  9. Terri L Coleman says:

    Comment Below

  10. Animals have souls just like humans!!!! We do not allow humans to be treated this way, and just because animals can not speak the same languages as we do, does not mean they are not telling us they are suffering and being tortured to death!!!!! It is not right of humans to FORCE animals to fight each other and inflict pain on each other!!!! The humans who can do this to animals are evil demons who have no souls of their own!!!!!
    Stop hurting and killing animals!!!!!

  11. Eilene Johnson says:

    I am so angry that this abuse is still happening!!!!! The authorities need to work harder to make it stop!!!! The horrible people that get caught should be arrested and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law not to mention have their cases be publicly aired on local and national news. Oh and where is that jackass Michael Vick….oh yeah, he doesn’t give a damn.

  12. Cathern S. says:

    I dislike people who get pleasure out of brutal events. I pray God will change their hearts to love for people and animals.

  13. The EVIL that men do. Despicable. Cruel.

  14. This must STOP! NOW!! Why is this still going on?

  15. This is so inhuman !!! How could u do this to any animal!! Let’s put humans in a cage and c what happens !!!! Eye for an eye!

  16. Gail Roysden says:

    This is so cruel. And the sorry ass people that fight these poor dogs should spend some time behind bars!! And that’s way too easy on them. That’s cruel n inhumane!! Sorry ass hell!!

  17. DIANA STRANSKY says:

    Cruelty is never ever acceptable and those who perpetrate it must be stopped.

  18. Vanessa Bryant says:

    That is one of the most cruelest things you could do make dogs fight each other. All I want to see all of you do is go to jail in rot in there by the way

  19. Throw them dirty bastards in a pen with a boar this makes me so sick what the hell is wrong with these people give me five minutes in a room with one of them

  20. Connie Raper says:

    Is terrible they are some terrible people in this world and their Mama wasted time giving birth I’m sorry but is it true story poor woman 😕 if they want to fight Hell fight each other or stick their head up their asses and fight for air leave those babies alone sick asses what kind of people get thrills on this kind of crap !!!! I know there’s a special place for them they’re filled everything they put those babies though oneday

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