Success: Harming Bulls for Bullfighting Prohibited in Spain’s Balearic Islands

Target: President Francina Armengol, Balearic Islands, Spain

Goal: Support new law that prevents killing or harming bulls for bullfighting in the Balearic Islands.

The first steps are being taken in Spain’s Balearic Islands to protect bulls from the cruel and barbaric practice of bullfighting. Although there is still a long way to go, the Islands have passed a new law imposing strict standards on bullfighting, so that animals cannot be harmed or killed during the fights. This could amount to essentially banning bullfighting altogether, because attracting spectators will be more difficult, and if a bull is hurt, fines will be harsh. Thanks to this, and petitions like this one at ForceChange that push for compassion over tradition, steps are being taken in the right direction.

Among other things, the amendment includes a 10-minute time limit in the bullring, a ban on sharp objects that could injure or kill the bull, anti-doping tests for both the animal and the bullfighter, and restrictions on alcoholic beverages and underage spectators. The age, weight, origin, and transport of bulls will be strictly regulated as well. Sign below to support this law and this push in the right direction toward the eradication of bullfighting.


Dear President Armengol,

Thank you for passing a law to regulate and prevent harming and killing bulls for human entertainment in bullfights in the Balearic Islands. Bullfighting is a cruel sport that should be regulated across the world—thank you for setting an example and moving in the right direction to protect these animals.

Strict rules requiring anti-doping tests, a ban on sharp implements, and the prohibition of injuring and killing bulls during a bullfight are “a victory for compassionate policy making,” as Joanna Swabe of Humane Society International says. I support this new law to protect animals from being harmed and brutally killed for entertainment purposes.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Christian Dalera


  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    Bullfighting NEEDS TO END, period! It’s barbaric and sadistic!!!

    • Margaret Melnick says:

      True but this is a step in the right direction. I am glad to see improvement. Not allowing the bull to be hurt or killed is a giant step from what they are doing. In time I am sure bull fighting will be outlawed completely. Until then we can just keep trying and be thankful for the progress we have made.

  2. louis gauci says:

    They SHOULD ban this bloody sports completely!

  3. Take the Balearic Islands off your boycott list, and continue to boycott those regions that still allow this kind of barbarianism.

  4. Nooshin Perla says:

    Spain. another BARBARIC country!!! SHAME on them for doing something so cruel and heartless now on 20th century. People grow up and get educated. This so called sport is belong to the evil time NOT now!!! What is wrong with people??????

  5. Sonja Beyer says:

    I agree – bullfghting and bull-torture with torching their horns – all such cruel “traditions” must be banned! They are inhuman and uncivilized and belong to the Dark Ages! And where is the voice of the Church? Spain is very Catholic and all animals are also God’s creature. Also, Spain is a member of the EU and the is a law in the EU to protect animals – why does Spain not comply?

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