Zoo Owners Who Fed Live Donkey to Tigers Must be Punished

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Target: Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China.

Goal: Demand that the zoo owners who fed a live donkey to tigers be punished to the maximum degree.

Angry shareholders in a Chinese zoo fed a live donkey to tigers as a way to protest a court’s decision they didn’t like. The shareholders stated that they voted in favor of this horrific act because the court froze the zoo’s assets and they were no longer receiving profits. Demand justice for this innocent donkey torn to bits by tigers.

Shocking video footage showed the men pushing the frightened donkey down into the tiger enclosure. The tigers pounced on the donkey almost immediately and mauled it for thirty minutes before it finally died. The shareholders also planned to send a sheep into the enclosure, but zoo officials stopped them in time to save the sheep.

Officials at Yancheng Safari Park issued an apology, stating that they are working on improving their safety standards. They will be holding a meeting to “calm shareholders’ nerves.” However, this horrific act of cruelty cannot go unpunished. Sign below and demand that these shareholders face legal charges and receive the maximum penalty.


Dear Procurator-General Cao,

A donkey suffered tremendously and died after a zoo’s shareholders fed it to tigers. Video footage showed the donkey resisting while men dressed in red robes forced it into a tiger enclosure. We demand justice for this innocent donkey.

Visitors looked on in horror as the tigers mauled the helpless donkey to death. Per witness reports, it brayed in pain and desperately tried to get away. The shareholders stated that they sacrificed the live animal in protest of the court’s decision to freeze the zoo’s assets.

This poor animal did not deserve to suffer a cruel death in the name of protest. We demand that you bring charges against the men responsible and punish them to the maximum degree.


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  1. Trevor Tague says:

    Animal welfare will always be compromised for Chinese business interests . Zoos in China are just exhibits for gratuitous entertainment , putting aimals in horrenous conditions for display, that does not aim to teach citizens to respect animal or the idea of preservation. Sacrilege to take its directives from

  2. Trevor Tague says:

    Animal welfare will always be compromised for Chinese business interests .The two are not compatible. Zoos in China are just exhibits for gratuitous entertainment , putting aimals in horrenous conditions for display, that do not aim to teach citizens to respect animal or the idea of preservation. Sacrilege to take its directives from corporate interests/directives.

  3. Jacqui Skill says:

    Put this monster zoo owner in jail forever and shut down the zoo forever and put all the animals into acredited Sanctuarues!

    • When I saw this petition, I immediately thought it must be in China. The Chinese have no compassion or love for animals. They treat animals horrifically. After reading the story and my original thoughts were confirmed, I was sickened. They threw the donkey tp the tigers and were going to do the same to a sheep. Is this a civilized way to protest? I don’t think they are civilized. Somebody should throw those people to the tigers and lions.

  4. Lori Blye says:

    I think throwing the ignorant shareholders who were protesting not getting their share of $$ into the tigers pen would be much more satisfying to watch than the poor helpless donkey!

  5. Michele Szeglin says:

    This is beyond cruelty to an innocent animal, with no way of escaping this painful death. My hope here is that they pay the ultimate price in life and the hereafter for what they have done.

  6. Roe Garrido says:

    The sad end that this poor, sweet donkey faced is unimaginable and the cruelty shown is incomprehensible!
    The evil people who participated should meet the same fate and be thrown to the tigers!!!

  7. Eva Cantu says:


  8. Those despicable little runts should be tossed in the same enclosure with the tigers.

  9. ruth Tranquillo says:

    Oh, what a surprise, CHINA!!!!????? They have NO respect for animals, people, NOTHING!!!????? What the hELL is wrong with their brains??? This is totally inhumane, but they will justify wrong doings. And that is why the country is a MESS!!!! Hope the abusers ROT IN HELL!!!

    • My thoughts exactly. They are not civilized. And they are amused by doing these horrific things. I knew immediately it was China. Evil.

  10. simon hooper says:

    The Chinese are a revoltingly cruel race, I hope they die a terrible death, utter filth.

  11. Kristy lamey says:

    This is beyond brutal . I’d say an eye for an eye in their situation . However being that won’t happen there must be repurcussions for something so horrific . The pain and agony that innocent donkey was forced to endure in a situation that was so against him . Justice must be served

  12. HOW IS TORTURING AN INNOCENT ANIMAL EVER OKAY?!! how and why is nothing being done about this??!! How is it fair that this poor animal suffered for 30 damn minutes before dying because some IDIOT POOR EXCUSE FOR HUMAN BEINGS were “upset” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!! how is that okay in anyone’s head.. well anyone in their right mind to say the least. these disgusting idiots need to be thrown in jail or maybe throw themselves into that damn tiger enclosure..

  13. It seems that most of the people of China are sub-humans. I wouldn’t go to China if someone paid me. Only mentally ill people could do such a thing. I hope they die slow, horrible, painful deaths. Karma knows everybody’s address.

  14. Virginia Valencia says:

    China should be swallowed by earth, because they are the worst weapon of mass destruction.

  15. Virginia Valencia says:

    China is the Root of all evil,worst weapon of mass destruction.

  16. Asian people are .among the cruelest people in the world they absolutely disgust me .makes me very sick to see the things they do to animals in general,be most enjoyable to see these bastards slip into the tigers enclosure, Surely they will be dealt with by strict court punishment

  17. Shame on this China Zoo. The world has judged you and continues to call your country the pit of hell. For this reason, many boycott your cheap products, including me and my family.

  18. Nooshin Perla says:

    Damn these MORONS. They don’t need jail. They should be kild the same way!!!!!!!!!

  19. Wendy Mangone says:

    How incredibly repulsive. Sickening!! How could these brutal sub humans think they run a zoo?!! Third world.

  20. Laurie Nakamura says:

    Every day I hear of more and more horrendous animal cruelty in China! What’s wrong with the people, government there?! How could the govt not punish those people that threw the donkey in with the tigers?? And how could those people not care and throw the donkey in to his death? That would never happen in the US because everyone knows that is wrong and there would be consequences! Jail time! Apparently people in China feel they can hurt or kill animals and not suffer consequences! Karma come quickly!

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