Zoo Owners Who Fed Live Donkey to Tigers Must be Punished

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Target: Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China.

Goal: Demand that the zoo owners who fed a live donkey to tigers be punished to the maximum degree.

Angry shareholders in a Chinese zoo fed a live donkey to tigers as a way to protest a court’s decision they didn’t like. The shareholders stated that they voted in favor of this horrific act because the court froze the zoo’s assets and they were no longer receiving profits. Demand justice for this innocent donkey torn to bits by tigers.

Shocking video footage showed the men pushing the frightened donkey down into the tiger enclosure. The tigers pounced on the donkey almost immediately and mauled it for thirty minutes before it finally died. The shareholders also planned to send a sheep into the enclosure, but zoo officials stopped them in time to save the sheep.

Officials at Yancheng Safari Park issued an apology, stating that they are working on improving their safety standards. They will be holding a meeting to “calm shareholders’ nerves.” However, this horrific act of cruelty cannot go unpunished. Sign below and demand that these shareholders face legal charges and receive the maximum penalty.


Dear Procurator-General Cao,

A donkey suffered tremendously and died after a zoo’s shareholders fed it to tigers. Video footage showed the donkey resisting while men dressed in red robes forced it into a tiger enclosure. We demand justice for this innocent donkey.

Visitors looked on in horror as the tigers mauled the helpless donkey to death. Per witness reports, it brayed in pain and desperately tried to get away. The shareholders stated that they sacrificed the live animal in protest of the court’s decision to freeze the zoo’s assets.

This poor animal did not deserve to suffer a cruel death in the name of protest. We demand that you bring charges against the men responsible and punish them to the maximum degree.


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  1. Veda Balla says:

    Punish those horrible people. I would like to see to that myself. That dear little donkey. Maybe the place should just be shut down all together. The whole world is watching. Punish those devils!

  2. These filthy, ugly slant eyed animal murdering,slope asian bastards who murdered this donkey, must have payback enacted.Death is required of these bastards when least expected!!!!!!! An eye for an eye!

  3. Caryl Sawyer says:

    Waste of time to appeal to creatures who have not evolved.

  4. Mary Jastrzendki says:

    They should get fed to the tigers

  5. This is one of the most disturbing and disgusting things. They should be punished to the full extent of the law but after they’ve been pushed into the pens with hungry tigers and lions and anything else.

  6. Lets push them in the tiger cage just like they did that poor donkey. Somebody needs to stop those idiots.

  7. Tina shurtleff says:

    These disgusting cowards that use an innocent animal to settle their money issues must be imprisoned and banned from any animal interaction. Close this zoo of horrors. China is full of cruelty and I do not buy their products

  8. Sharon Hall says:

    The tigers BETTER live. Not their fault people are stupid.

  9. Janet hart says:

    What the heck is wrong with these horrible people!! What the heck is wrong with them! Prosecute these fiends !

  10. Diana Reid says:

    This is too horrible for words! These Asians really are the scum of the earth, and why not throw a couple of Asians to the tigers every day…there are too many of them anyway. Disgusting, cruel race…I loathe them more every day!

  11. Encore les chinois!!!Pourquoi toujours faire souffrir les animaux!!!Mais que l’on donne à manger aux lions certains chinois!!!

  12. Eugene W Sengstake Jr says:

    Punish the zoo owners??? Hell – I’d shoot every one of them and feed them to the lions – seriously!!! Anybody – I say anybody!!! – that would do something like this does not deserve to live – period – – –

  13. Sofia Cemenja says:

    This is fucking disturbing. The shareholders were upset so this is what they do??? We, the people, are upset. FEED THOSE MOTHERFUCKING SHAREHOLDERS TO ALL THE ANIMALS!!!!

    • Helen Caddick says:

      Quite . But you only have to see how the MAJORITY of them treat Dogs and Cats , Raccoons, Sun Bears, etc to realise how depraved and mentally disturbed they are . And it is the same all over Asia .I am beginning to wonder if all this crap they eat is poisoning their brains. ? Because it’s this obsession and ENJOYMENT of torture and horrific cruelty on such a huge scale that is so appalling to the rest of us !!

  14. Deb Edgar says:

    Why not close he Fuc**** zoo! Why can’t all the animals live free??? Zoo’so are inhumane anyway…

  15. Teresa Craig says:

    How horrible throw them in now!

  16. Jenn Cunningham says:

    To the petition author: Don’t be more of a dimwit than you have to be. Donkeys are real, legitimate prey for tigers and other large predators. Playing with their food, killing and EATING other creatures is what cats are all about – pure Nature! Petition NOT signed.

    • This was not natural. This was animal cruelty. This didn’t happen in a natural environment. They put this poor animal in an enclosure so people would see it being mauled to death. Fine.. if it is natural then put the people in with the cats and they can play with them. This was SICK! Petition SIGNED.

    • Anne Stph says:

      You are a cruel, twisted sicko – these animals are not in the wild. There was nothing natural about any of this including yourself. May God forgive your unnatural excuse for revenge and greed.

    • Phyllis Stringing says:

      This was not the way to feed these tigers. They were wrong in what they did. Your comments are WRONG. You are not to smart I’m thinking.

    • To Jenn, don’t be more of a sick, heartless bitch than you have to be! Regardless of what happens in nature, the fact that you have NO problem, and even seem to cheer on sub humans FORCING a frightened animal off a small cliff to be mauled to death without empathy for their actions, and what the donkey had to endure at THEIR hands speaks VOLUMES about you, SO since you CLEARLY lack the character & empathy required to speak up for animals, what the HELL are you even doing on this site??

      • Helen Caddick says:

        Exactly , well said Kristine . Yes in the Wild animals ARE eaten as prey but this wasn’t in normal circumstances in the Tiggers natural habitat and was more about the depravity of humankind .

      • Kristine, well said! I couldn’t have said it better. Get off of the site Jenn, you’re the dimwitt here.

    • Sachin Hegde says:

      Its people like you that committed this despicable act. And probably sadists like you who go on to become crimnals in our socety. Being a non conformist is not always cool.

    • What on earth are you doing on an animal petition site with that attitude?? The only dimwit on here is yourself. You have completely missed the point and your comment disgusts me!!!

  17. Asian people are every animals worst nightmare. Look at all the extinctions they cause looking for aphrodisiacs, look at the bile farms, tiger “sanctuaries”, etc.
    God help any animal in their “care”.

  18. Ruta Klimas says:

    This has upset me for days, horrible cruelty.

  19. I read about the donkey the day after it happened and it really messed me up. The cruelty and barbarism is non stop. These people need to put down. Why should their miserable fucking lives be worth more than the animal that was tortured and killed?

  20. Anne Stph says:

    This cruelty is absolute evil – Chinese moneymakers punish an innocent animal because they are unhappy with a decision??? These people are spoilt, cruel, uncivilised and I hope they lose every dollar. If Chinese authorities expect to be “friendly- friendly” with the rest of the world, they need to step up and prosecute these monsters that destroy the animals that live there, under their jurisdiction.

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