Zoo Owners Who Fed Live Donkey to Tigers Must be Punished

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Target: Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China.

Goal: Demand that the zoo owners who fed a live donkey to tigers be punished to the maximum degree.

Angry shareholders in a Chinese zoo fed a live donkey to tigers as a way to protest a court’s decision they didn’t like. The shareholders stated that they voted in favor of this horrific act because the court froze the zoo’s assets and they were no longer receiving profits. Demand justice for this innocent donkey torn to bits by tigers.

Shocking video footage showed the men pushing the frightened donkey down into the tiger enclosure. The tigers pounced on the donkey almost immediately and mauled it for thirty minutes before it finally died. The shareholders also planned to send a sheep into the enclosure, but zoo officials stopped them in time to save the sheep.

Officials at Yancheng Safari Park issued an apology, stating that they are working on improving their safety standards. They will be holding a meeting to “calm shareholders’ nerves.” However, this horrific act of cruelty cannot go unpunished. Sign below and demand that these shareholders face legal charges and receive the maximum penalty.


Dear Procurator-General Cao,

A donkey suffered tremendously and died after a zoo’s shareholders fed it to tigers. Video footage showed the donkey resisting while men dressed in red robes forced it into a tiger enclosure. We demand justice for this innocent donkey.

Visitors looked on in horror as the tigers mauled the helpless donkey to death. Per witness reports, it brayed in pain and desperately tried to get away. The shareholders stated that they sacrificed the live animal in protest of the court’s decision to freeze the zoo’s assets.

This poor animal did not deserve to suffer a cruel death in the name of protest. We demand that you bring charges against the men responsible and punish them to the maximum degree.


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  1. Lucia Frankitt says:

    Absolutely diabolical. The Chinese never cease to horrify me with their save and more than cruel behaviour. Quite savage people, this is insanely cruel and sadistic. How wicked . Really China and it’s continuous acts of cruelty are fast becoming a huge embarrassment to themselves.
    The world is watching continuesly with horror !

  2. Rita Dunnahay says:

    They need to be punished to the worst degree. How about putting them limb by limb in a tigers enclosure.

  3. Why is CHINA so barbaric? It’s obvious they don’t like what menial laws there are.

  4. This makes me weep. I often ponder what the chances are that the United States can stop depending upon China for so many products, longing to totally halt the purchase of them. And now, my husband sits and watches the final of the Under-20 World Cup, between England and Venezuela, and there they are – the Venezuelan young men, whose own country is growing closer to China in their abuse of animals, and neglect and abuse of their own people. But there’s money for soccer! That’s sick, too.

  5. Susan Ifland says:

    These foreign countries are savages! They want to be in this century but their practices with animals make them nothing but barbarians!!

  6. Selena Brooks says:

    WTF is wrong with you idiots in China ? STOP your sick ass animal abuse. The more I hear about your country abusing animals I hope North Korea aims its missiles and hits your country!

  7. Stephen Carroll says:

    The world needs to sort the Chinese out. This is all our problem.

  8. I cinesi sono un popolo di ritardati!!!!

  9. Judith Jensen says:

    How could anyone do something as sick as that. Why is it always the Chines who torture & kill innocent animals? It’s more than barbaric. First they have the dog meat “festival”, then starve zoo animals & now they throw an innocent, scared donkey in with tigers to be mauled for 1/2 hour before the poor thing died. How depraved can they be?

  10. Marilyn Wilson says:

    Throw the shareholders to the tigers, now that would be worth watching!

  11. Wish they would all jump in one by one as they are one f-ing sick species…BARBARIC for sure….Would be no loss without those so called people!!!

  12. Sherry Young says:

    I hate china; they are EVIL HEARTLESS group of people

  13. Celeste H. says:

    I’m really tired of humans taking their greedy grievances out upon innocent animals — and it troubles me that animals have no choice of consent in these matters, and often no way of fighting back or getting away…. Atleast in the wild, when predators kill animals for food, we accept that as part of their circle of Life — but a situation like this, with humans deliberately causing cruelty, is on a whole other level, an evil level, because it is forced and done in a callous and heartless way…It also bothers me that humans too often are not punished for their crimes against animals… It’s just as
    bad as if they were to force human children to be killed, because animals are just as innocent and vulnerable and non-
    consenting as human children….

  14. The Chinese are wicked and evil. We need to boycott their products until they cease their abuses. See Tibet…

  15. These people are pure evil filth. Please someone throw them in the enclosure, I would celebrate their mauling, vile sick mo-fu-ers!!


  17. cathy Grossie says:

    Disgusting race of people. Throw them to the tigers. Unbelievably cruel.

  18. Catherine says:

    We’ll see if they do anything to that bunch of Barbaric evil good for nothings, and that’s putting it mildly. Sick! I’ll never understand sub-humans like this! No matter who they are or where they come from! I get so upset, mad and completely distraught over this kind of inhumane treatment to the innocent and voiceless. Throwing an innocent animal to such a horrific death in protest just shows how duranged they really are. What grewsome behavior! Breaks my heart ? ?

  19. No words could come out of my mouth right now that would not be overly obsene…truly barbaric and sadistic people.

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