Zoo Owners Who Fed Live Donkey to Tigers Must be Punished

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Target: Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China.

Goal: Demand that the zoo owners who fed a live donkey to tigers be punished to the maximum degree.

Angry shareholders in a Chinese zoo fed a live donkey to tigers as a way to protest a court’s decision they didn’t like. The shareholders stated that they voted in favor of this horrific act because the court froze the zoo’s assets and they were no longer receiving profits. Demand justice for this innocent donkey torn to bits by tigers.

Shocking video footage showed the men pushing the frightened donkey down into the tiger enclosure. The tigers pounced on the donkey almost immediately and mauled it for thirty minutes before it finally died. The shareholders also planned to send a sheep into the enclosure, but zoo officials stopped them in time to save the sheep.

Officials at Yancheng Safari Park issued an apology, stating that they are working on improving their safety standards. They will be holding a meeting to “calm shareholders’ nerves.” However, this horrific act of cruelty cannot go unpunished. Sign below and demand that these shareholders face legal charges and receive the maximum penalty.


Dear Procurator-General Cao,

A donkey suffered tremendously and died after a zoo’s shareholders fed it to tigers. Video footage showed the donkey resisting while men dressed in red robes forced it into a tiger enclosure. We demand justice for this innocent donkey.

Visitors looked on in horror as the tigers mauled the helpless donkey to death. Per witness reports, it brayed in pain and desperately tried to get away. The shareholders stated that they sacrificed the live animal in protest of the court’s decision to freeze the zoo’s assets.

This poor animal did not deserve to suffer a cruel death in the name of protest. We demand that you bring charges against the men responsible and punish them to the maximum degree.


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  1. Dear Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China, Yancheng Safari Park.
    Demand that the zoo owners who fed a live donkey to tigers be punished to the maximum degree.
    And you must shut down the zoo permantantly and send all the animals to sanctuaries where the the threat of an angry shareholder will never happen. We animal lovers will make sure no one ever comes to your zoo again. And no visitors to you county.
    Sickened travel agent
    Love and Peace to all the animals of the world.

  2. Denise Devereux says:

    Well done China here we have your next Serial Killer in Training. Someone who enjoys doing this first starts with abuse, torture and murder of animals and then moves on to humans. Chilren first as like animals they cannot fight back. I am aware animals have to eat but like this in a closed environment is disgusting and barbaric. To animal lovers of the world find this monster and deal with him as you know the laws are piss weak in China and nothing will change. To the perpetrator you are a Dead Man Walking when you least expect it you will get yours. Satan is waiting for you where you will burn for eternity in a sea of fire, receive no mercy and your pain will be constant.

  3. Joseph Yannuzzi says:

    The Chinese are a disgrace to the human race and probably beyond a doubt the absolute worst animal abusers on the planet. What civilized people torture dogs and cats, skin and boil them alive and them happily eat them. They are responsible for the rampant Ivory trade, animals killed for their gall bladders and other organs, then sold for silly medicinal purposes and the list goes on and on. Despicable, cold, ugly people!

    • What you said is not ture,I live in China, and in China people never do that, people may eat dods, but it is a habit, like people eat pork and chicken, but that tradition is changing rapidly: young people like 80s, they never eat dogs, because they love dogs, and think dogs are friends, not to mention 90s and millennials….
      Do not jugde people if you are blind of what’s going on.
      Of course what you saw in vedios some people did that, we Chinese people also feel disgusting and oytrageous.But in your country also many people doing unhuman things, like series killing, killing black people even they are inocent….
      Face it, Chinese people are not what you guys see on the video, come to reality, we are friendly to animals. While you should stop killing innocent people in your country as well as in Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, Syria….
      How can you say you are civilized when you killing people worse than animals?

      • It’s not true that killing people is worse than killing animals and to be honest the more Asians I know the more animal abusers I know…Not just Chinese people, that is true, but the animal testing for example shows your country’s values. They don’t even let companies to sell products there if they are not testing their products on innocent, helpless animals. For example there is Avon. Avon does not do animal testing but they are forced to do so in China, or they can not sell their products there. The thing that Avon obeys this and continues to sell in China makes them a poor company and I do not protect them (nor do I buy their products), this is just an example.
        So, please stop protecting China’s non-existing morals. I try not to hate, as I know not every Chinese is an animal abuser, but I had my fair share of them and no I’m not speaking about Youtube videos, I’m speaking from experience.

  4. Surely the only just answer is to put those who pushed the donkey in into the same position?

  5. Put law all zoos and anywhere animals are exploited.. here is why. Stupid freaks should not have jobs where they can hurt living creatures. Dumb greedy imbecils

  6. Rosalba Conti says:

    This movie I did not want to watch – it’s abominable the behavior of these inhumane beings – poor donKey – but why make him die so hideously? I toss them in tiger’s meal !!!!! This behavior MUST be PUNISHED In an exemplary way. And STOP ANIMAL MISTREATMENT and KILLINGS – Animals ARE OUR FRIENDS and we have to Protect them and not kill them.

  7. Sandra Katic says:

    One of the worst countries in this world. What’s wrong with the Chinese?

    • You should see China in a better view, What it reported is the bad side, and Chinese people are also think it is wrong… I live in China, and in China people never do that, people may eat dog, but it is a habit, like people eat pork and chicken, but that tradition is changing rapidly: young people like 80s, they never eat dogs, because they love dogs, and think dogs are friends, not to mention 90s and millennials….
      Do not jugde people if you are blind of what’s going on.
      Of course what you saw in vedios some people did that, we Chinese people also feel disgusting and oytrageous.But in your country also many people doing unhuman things, like series killing, killing black people even they are inocent….
      Face it, Chinese people are not what you guys see on the video, come to reality, we are friendly to animals. While you should stop killing innocent people in your country as well as in Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, Syria….
      How can you say you are civilized when you killing people worse than animals?

      • Jon you dumb says:

        Lol John get out of here, you’re just posting the same response to anyone who doesn’t like China, some people just don’t. Get over it. Many don’t like the state’s either.

        • Maybe the Chinese government pays him to protect the country’s reputation online…they should pay for a spellcheck as well. I don’t like that we can’t say our opinions on the Chinese because they are immediately jumping on us for racism and the like. I only condemn a race if they are doing severe things as a national habit. And as our dear Jon says, they really think that is a habit and it’s normal. They don’t understand that dogs are domesticated by mankind to be their friends not their dinner. We should send them teachers in return of their animals. This way the whole world would profit from it.

          • Sorry about my mishap, I know Chinese are not a race. As I mentioned in my other comment, all Asians tend to do the same, abusing animals for fun and as a habit. For example I know from a close source that Malaysian-Chinese people love to torture animals as a fun pastime..skinning squirrels and eating them like they have no other food to live on..and I know this because sadly one of my distant relatives are one of them and did the same, and her whole family is like this on Borneo.

  8. Karly Smith says:

    I fucking hate the entire human race as a whole, regardless of the country, there are bad people and appalling events going on EVERYWHERE. Mankind is ruining the planet and has no regard for anything except money and fame. But even at the risk of sounding racist, China is at the very top of my shit list. I hate China and their people. I’ve seen videos of people burning baby bears alive and stomping kittens to death FOR FUN! These are widely accepted forms of amusement and hobbies for these disgusting people!!! So don’t even fucking try to stand up or justify these people’s actions. Not only do they treat animals like shit, they treat each other like shit as well. No regard or concern for anyone or anything but themselves. Selfish and inhumane people, they should be ashamed but their too fucking ignorant and stupid to know better.

  9. Marjorie Coey says:

    Clearly this zoo should be closed and these “owners” not allowed to ever have access to any animals ever again.

  10. Nuke the assholes… They’re racing full steam to become an overwhelming military power. They’ll coerce and intimidate the entire planet… Sooner or later we’ll be dealing with a rouge Communist Nation that will need to be reined in. We may need to do a preemtive strike…. preemptive strike definition. A first-strike attack with nuclear weapons carried out to destroy an enemy’s capacity to respond. A preemptive strike is based on the assumption that the enemy is planning an imminent attack.

  11. Marla Brocking says:

    Zoo Owners…REALLY?! Please punish these subhuman pieces of trash to the maximum extent allowed. This was unnecessary and so very cruel. We need to be a voice! This outrages me…heartless and souless! PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE OUR PLEAS FOR JUSTICE TO BE SERVED!!! DO SOMETHING. TAKE A STAND. USE YOUR POWER FOR GOOD! THANK YOU.


  13. This is fuckin sick

  14. These filthy pieces of human garbage need to PAY for these actions!! What the HELL is wrong with humans??!! It would give me great pleasure to watch these lions rip these scum bags to pieces!! China you make me sick. Do NOT let this go without punishment! When where there be laws against the abuse of animals? What is wrong with our society when a rapist or killer gets better treatment then a defenseless animal?! The human race …what a pathetic race we are.

  15. Vicki Montgomery says:

    China does not deserve to be a world leader in anything currency standards morals nothing. I have never heard of his much cruelty come out of a country whose government does nothing to protect the innocent as I have seen and heard from China these are the people who keep dogs in cages and skin them alive and throw their skin bodies still alive in a sheep to die cruel death. The Chinese people don’t give a damn about anything they’re overpopulated worse than any people on Earth and it shows in their total lack of morals. Never have I seen a people so worthy of genocide as the Chinese.

  16. You have no idea How much hate you created for doing this repulsive Act of cruelty to this innocent animal…you repulsive human being !!!!

  17. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Every 1 of these pieces of sh!t will get ass fckd with a cactus ? by karma❗️?
    Signed & Shared?

  18. Quelle cruauté!, déjà dans la nature c’est dur à voir, mais pousser un âne dans le bassin sans espoir pour lui de s’échapper, vraiment l’Etat Chinois devrait sévir, car c’est un acte d’une grande laideur!

  19. Ludo Stassijns says:

    There is only one justice: an eye for an eye!

  20. Lori Lehnhardt says:

    These heartless demons should be the next Tiger’s Meal!!!! I am beyond horrified and angry!!!!

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