Zoo Owners Who Fed Live Donkey to Tigers Must be Punished

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Target: Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China.

Goal: Demand that the zoo owners who fed a live donkey to tigers be punished to the maximum degree.

Angry shareholders in a Chinese zoo fed a live donkey to tigers as a way to protest a court’s decision they didn’t like. The shareholders stated that they voted in favor of this horrific act because the court froze the zoo’s assets and they were no longer receiving profits. Demand justice for this innocent donkey torn to bits by tigers.

Shocking video footage showed the men pushing the frightened donkey down into the tiger enclosure. The tigers pounced on the donkey almost immediately and mauled it for thirty minutes before it finally died. The shareholders also planned to send a sheep into the enclosure, but zoo officials stopped them in time to save the sheep.

Officials at Yancheng Safari Park issued an apology, stating that they are working on improving their safety standards. They will be holding a meeting to “calm shareholders’ nerves.” However, this horrific act of cruelty cannot go unpunished. Sign below and demand that these shareholders face legal charges and receive the maximum penalty.


Dear Procurator-General Cao,

A donkey suffered tremendously and died after a zoo’s shareholders fed it to tigers. Video footage showed the donkey resisting while men dressed in red robes forced it into a tiger enclosure. We demand justice for this innocent donkey.

Visitors looked on in horror as the tigers mauled the helpless donkey to death. Per witness reports, it brayed in pain and desperately tried to get away. The shareholders stated that they sacrificed the live animal in protest of the court’s decision to freeze the zoo’s assets.

This poor animal did not deserve to suffer a cruel death in the name of protest. We demand that you bring charges against the men responsible and punish them to the maximum degree.


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  1. Yet more proof the Chinese have appalling animal cruelty going on daily.disgusting inhumane their empty hearts and cruel brains.it needs to be stopped

  2. Patricia Parkin says:

    What kind of “Zoo Owners” would even think of doing such a dreadfully cruel and despicable thing ???? They should not be allowed to live outside a mental institution let alone run a business ……..
    What kind of “protest” is this ??? They don’t like a decision made and so they throw a live donkey into an enclosure of tigers ?? What am I missing – these people do not deserve to breath air let alone run a zoo ….. Heaven help us because there is no one on earth who could possible explain this kind of cruelty !!!

  3. Oldy Perdomo says:

    C est horrible et choquant!!!!

  4. EXTREME BEHAVIOR!! These cruel morons must SUFFER for their inhumane ways

  5. The only reason they have a zoo is because of the money it will make them. These are evil bastards think only about money. They treat the animals just like the other businessess treat their products and commodities…easy come easy go. Punish them severely! Poor donkey ?

  6. That animal died a senseless, painful death because of the irresponsibility of it’s zookeepers. No matter what decision the courts made concerning the zoo, the murder of an animal should have never entered the equation. This is further proof that this country needs strong animal abuse laws. The zookeepers should be tried – and then let’s feed them to the tigers….

  7. Joan Faszczewski says:

    China has no heart when it comes to our animals friends either domestic or wild. This not what you feed the big cats at the zoo. This zoo should be close and arrest these people.

  8. simon rickman says:

    the nasty ignorant chinese will be the death of our beautiful planet and all that lives on it. fuck them big time.

  9. Wendy Morrison says:

    CLOSE THIS ZOO DOWN IMMEDIATELY and send all these animals to ANIMAL SANCTUARIESto live tbe rest of their lived. Put these zoo owners in a cage and don’t feed them every day.

  10. Hailey Mak says:

    Mainland chinese do not have regards to animals, they eat everything. They are degrading bastards!!!! Cruel, greedy, selfish, dirty, crude…. you name it, they all are.


  12. Disgusting fucking Chinese cunts. Don’t if anybody else has noticed but they are a nation of weak and cowardly people, without a shred of the dignity they like to promote themselves with. I wish they didnt exist.

  13. Omg, that’s it, the people of China already disgust me with the way they torture dogs then eat them. They are not totally human in my opinion. They need to all die horribly as a face God forgive me, I hate them. They must be punished. Although I’m quite sure the people who leave baby girls on the streets to die will not bother punishing this abhorrent crime. Show the rest of the world you do gave some level of humanity and punish these people. Then, close the zoo, it’s not a zoo it’s a torture chamber

  14. Alison Zacharis says:

    When did our souls empty and compassion disappear? Every day animals suffer heartless appalling cruelty at the hands of we humans, this HAS to stop and it has to stop now with the person we see first thing in the mirror every day! It’s our human capacity for evil, that separates us from the higher animals.

  15. POS. They need to be prosecuted. We need to stop buying their products. Their bottom line is money and commerce. We need to make sure that we don’t help them one bit. This is horrific. Until they learn how to live compassionately with animals, we need to forget that they exist.

  16. Sherry Goodyear says:

    What do you expect? They’re Chinese. The people who torture and eat thousands of dogs.

  17. So typical of Chinese lowlifes! It’s strange to me that there were authorities who took some sort of action, and which I am tremendiusky pleased about, but so many Chinese have such low morals and principles, IF any at all, that the length they went to to prove a point reflects their day to day behaviour ! Despicable! It shouldn’t be necessary to sign a petition to get them to behave like responsible authorities, never mind decent people ! Of course those mischievous delinquents should be punished severely ! There’s no question about it, for Heaven’s sake !!

  18. My gosh how could these people be this cruel to feed a innocent donkey to tigers ,this horrific picture of the donkey looking so horrified just won’t go off my head,this is pure cruelty and what could the innocent donkey do just because the court had rejected the request ,its sooooooooo sad and disturbing to see this poor donkey ,he maybe be an animal but also a being who breathes like humans ,I can’t imagine what he would have felt.????????

  19. Despicable behavior ofretaliation – no moral compass in these people. Close the Zoo if they are oly concerned with making $$$.

  20. Jaime Perez says:

    It’s China, what do you expect? These sub humans have no regard for animal life. They are nothing but monsters. These share holders are spoiled, cry babies who didn’t get their way, so an innocent animal had to suffer.

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