Target: Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China.
Goal: Demand that the zoo owners who fed a live donkey to tigers be punished to the maximum degree.
Angry shareholders in a Chinese zoo fed a live donkey to tigers as a way to protest a court’s decision they didn’t like. The shareholders stated that they voted in favor of this horrific act because the court froze the zoo’s assets and they were no longer receiving profits. Demand justice for this innocent donkey torn to bits by tigers.
Shocking video footage showed the men pushing the frightened donkey down into the tiger enclosure. The tigers pounced on the donkey almost immediately and mauled it for thirty minutes before it finally died. The shareholders also planned to send a sheep into the enclosure, but zoo officials stopped them in time to save the sheep.
Officials at Yancheng Safari Park issued an apology, stating that they are working on improving their safety standards. They will be holding a meeting to “calm shareholders’ nerves.” However, this horrific act of cruelty cannot go unpunished. Sign below and demand that these shareholders face legal charges and receive the maximum penalty.
Dear Procurator-General Cao,
A donkey suffered tremendously and died after a zoo’s shareholders fed it to tigers. Video footage showed the donkey resisting while men dressed in red robes forced it into a tiger enclosure. We demand justice for this innocent donkey.
Visitors looked on in horror as the tigers mauled the helpless donkey to death. Per witness reports, it brayed in pain and desperately tried to get away. The shareholders stated that they sacrificed the live animal in protest of the court’s decision to freeze the zoo’s assets.
This poor animal did not deserve to suffer a cruel death in the name of protest. We demand that you bring charges against the men responsible and punish them to the maximum degree.
[Your Name Here]
Disgusting country with repugnant people. They will soon all starve to death or be over run by actual humans. No humanity in this country.
I agree, I literally hate this vile DISGUSTING country, they need to be snuffed out.
Feed these physio paths to the tigers!
There is never a day I don’t wish China and all these other cruel countries that torture animals would be blown off the face of the earth. Words can’t express how much I hate them. They are not needed on this earth. Animals that live in these hellholes don’t stand a chance. I would personally love to throw all these pieces of shit to the tigers myself. They are the most disgusting, barbaric devils on the earth. I hope they and their families die horrible deaths soon!
I absolutely despise these countries also. God said Hell will be full, mother fuckers will in the lake of fire. No mercy !!!!
Sad..Horrific tbing to do..Unnacceptable!
Am well aware that China is not the only country that has an horrific reputation with regard to abuse, torture, killing of animals.
What about your Yulin Festival. If you sincerely care about animals then spread the word to stop these atrocities. Actions speak louder than words. Don’t be a coward, “think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight.” If you are an animal activist do something and change peoples opinion. Get off the peple killing. The middle east has been warring for centuries didn’t need help from the west to do this. One thing I agree with you on is we should not have got involved with Iraq etc. I am sorry for the innocent children and animals in this country however I would let the adults kill one another off.
Oh! how I hate and despise the animal torturing Chinese. My hatred is deep within me. Death to them all.
I agree that people whether they are chinese or not, should be given the same type of treatment they have inflicted upon an animal or another human being…..they should all reap the karma they have put someone or something else through, but they should receive it 10x worse!
No soul BASTARDS, they will all rot in HELL
Punishment is the least they should get, they should be the tigers next meal, so that they know exactly what that poor animal went through, we don’t need idiots like that in this world.
As horrible as this is, these people will never be punished. They will continue to do this again and again. I’m so sorry this donkey suffered this way. I bet if one of these people were thrown in there and eaten, these other idiots might change their minds….probably not.
Feed these people to the tigers. This poor donkey was disposed of like a piece of garbage. Why take their anger on a animal had nothing to do with their issue. This is just sick and they are very sick people. I can not even begin to explain my anger and disdain for these people.
Why didn’t these people throw themselves into the enclosure instead of this poor defenseless animal who did nothing wrong but be alive. I would have pushed these a$$h0les in myself if I was there. Sick bastards!
To the sweet donkey in heaven– Please forgive us for not saving you from these sick monsters. :'(
Je déteste les chinois et leur cruauté envers les animaux! C’est eux qui devraient être à la place de cet âne….
Asians need to learn compassion and empathy for all animals.
Fucking disgusting chinese, korean, and other shitty people like them. I hope one day the same will hapen to them. I wich them them the most awful in their lives. Fucking dog and cat eaters. No mercy or compassian for animals at all. You disgust me. May God punish you
I pray they all suffer 1000 years in the lake of fire.
Fuck China. May God erase you all out our world. Every fucking sick bastard who abuses animals may God give you cancer and have a painfull and slow dead!!! China the most barabaric country in the world. Disgusting fucking animal abusers. May the same happen to your children. And watch how your child is skinned and boiled alive
They should have thrown themselves in as protest instead, would have been less of a loss. They are sick, spineless people whose lack of empathy reflects an inability of caring for the animals at the zoo; surely after this disgusting display of unabated aggression should result in the zoo keepers having their animal-keeping privileges revoked.
If you wish to offer sacrifice, start with yourself — the insane, sadistic, unconscionable cruelty of sending in vulnerable, innocent animal into lion’s den for no reason whatsoever but to satisfy your irrational hatred is immoral & unacceptable — it MUST be illegal — I’d throw all the idiot shareholders into one big Rubber Room, where you belong — you’re a danger and a menace to society — SHAME ON ALL WHO ALLOWED & TOLERATED THIS HORROR.