Stop Dog Fighters From Owning More Dogs

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Target: Larry Harrah, Fayette County Prosecutor

Goal: Seek a lifetime ban from owning animals and the maximum possible punishment for animal cruelty convict who reportedly had multiple pit bulls with injuries consistent with forced animal fighting.

Over a dozen pit bull dogs were reportedly rescued from a man who has a prior conviction of animal cruelty. After receiving animal cruelty reports, officers searched the home of 36-year-old William Kincaid and found a total of 14 pit bulls, four of them were still puppies. One of the dogs had been hidden in a garage, police say. Among the items found in Kincaid’s possession, according to police, included a “breaking stick” with fresh blood on it, as well as other items commonly found in dog fighting training.

The dogs were taken to a veterinarian who confirmed that the injuries on their bodies were consistent with forced animal fighting. Kincaid was convicted of animal cruelty for fighting dogs in 2012, and he was banned from owning animals, then was convicted just last year of illegal ownership. He has already been allowed to get out on bail. It seems the authorities aren’t taking animal cruelty seriously or else this repeat offender would’ve never been allowed to keep harming animals. Kincaid was charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty, illegal possession of dogs, and failure to register a dog or kennel. Please add your signature to the petition below demanding that the authorities take charge once and for all and stop allowing this repeat offender to hurt innocent animals.


Dear Mr. Harrah,

Over a dozen pit bulls, including puppies, were reportedly found in the home of a man with a prior conviction of animal cruelty. According to the veterinarian who treated them, the animals had injuries that were consistent with forced animal fighting. William Kincaid had been convicted of animal cruelty back in 2012, and just last year he was convicted of going against the law again by illegally owning animals.

We, the undersigned, are calling on you to put a stop to this sick cruelty once and for all. Please see to it that this man is never allowed to harm any more innocent animals by seeking the maximum punishment and a lifetime ban from owning animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Beverly & Pack

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  1. Please stop them these dogs are loving animals who want to be loved not being hurt

  2. Another animal is being abused, after 6 years William Kincaid is snubbing his nose at the legal system ! People who are capable of such treatment to an animal of any kind will one day be capable of doing harm to humans as well.. The point is that WHY is he allowed to own a dog or any animal .. Please allow this horrible person to spend some time behind bars .. These dogs are being physically and emotionally abused .. William Kincaid has to know that he is not above the law, now or ever !

  3. Adrienne Hernandez says:

    Who gave man the right to abuse animals? God gave us dogs to love. An eye for an eye the bible says

  4. Poor baby I’m heartbroken

  5. Donna dowell says:

    What will it take…Y’all so disgust me….This idiot of a man is fighting this precious animals, y’all know that…Damnit, do something

  6. Kristin Bigelow says:

    Anyone that could treat another living thing like this should get the death penalty and burn in hell

    • Barbara Mennel says:

      This horrific crime must be punished!! People can NOT be allowed to do these horrible things to animals. May he got in jail and in hell!!

  7. Chris McKee says:

    I hope they execute him.


  9. Nicolyn Harrop says:

    Please put this man in prison once and for all and throw the book at and all people who do this dog fighting is horrific horrible monstrous such cruelty this man will never stop dog fighting and the authorities have to send a message once and for all this to me is one of the worst crimes there is to these beautiful gorgeous dogs these dogs can’t speak for themselves so you have to do the right thing by them there are rescue groups that have saved these dogs from what has happened to them we all have to speak out against this evil monsters despicable creatures and finally stop it and stop this man and others

  10. Jen jakubowicz says:

    Harsher punishments that fit the crime! Put these pieces of shit in a deep hole and let them fight each other, beat each other kill each other. Waste of human beings.

  11. Kelly Clay says:

    I grew up around several dogs over the span of 37 years and never could I look at a dog with enough anger to physically harm it. This is all psychological. These people have horrible mental issues and should be forced to receive treatment on top of jail time. They will never understand the point that’s trying to be made if these things aren’t done. I understand the dog fighting thing is about money but you have to have the sadistic mentalatiy to do it. The sick disturbed people that beat and starve their loving dogs need mental help also. These beautiful,fun,loving animals don’t understand why these things happen to them. They can’t tell anyone or leave to get help. If they try to defend themselves they are then euthenized for it. Something just has to be done to stop these idiots. Especially the police officers out here doi g sick ,nasty things in front of people even children. They are supposed to uphold the law and protect every living thing. These cops have mental issues also to be able to do such things but yet they get a gun? I’m so tired of these nasty disgusting excuses for humans

    • Dear kelly clay.
      like you i grew up around dogs all my 44 years. like you im an animal lover myself. I must say i agree with you 110% words cant begin to say all i feel for these wonderful dogs, they trusted us humans but we are the monsters, thank you for your words i just wish there were more people like you and I.

    • Peggy Miller says:

      I totally agree with your comments. My heart just goes out to these poor dogs. I’m just broken! Yes it has to stop. This is just like Michael Vick. No living thing should ever endure such cruelty.
      Thank you for raising your voice! We just have to figure out a better way to confiscate these animals from abuse. ?

    • Candice Ables says:

      We need to treat these disgusting animals, so called humans, the same way they treat animals! I hate humans soooo much!!! They are the ugliest most disposable creation that God ever made!

  12. Linda Garrison says:

    If caught again he should get life. Just like the lives of the dogs killed and torchered!

  13. Linda Garrison says:

    He should get LIFE FOR STARVING THEM!!! Truly sad and breaks my heart to see animals treated this way. I wish they could turn the table on their abusers!!!

  14. Cathy Souther says:

    Bust every damn one of them !! Send them to prison and let em fight for their lives!!

  15. Lock them up with no food and torcher them

    • Amanda Fisher says:

      I’ve always felt that jail times does nothing to help. They need to be put through the same abuse they put the animals through. See how they like it. Its disgusting!

  16. Cindy Rice says:

    There is a special place in HELL for those who Harm animals and children…..

  17. Put the Asses in a cage with Lions that would be equivalent to what they have made Dogs go thru.Personally I wish a Hit man would kill Dog fight owners

  18. Stop breeding dog and selling them to the animal killer’s give them jail time when they get caugh maybe they will think before they abuse this dog. I believe in karma.

  19. He needs to be in prison. What a wrong and awful man. Dog fights need to end. It is not right. No one deserves to be abused. Justice for animals. I love animals and don’t want them hurt, tortured, or killed nor do they need to be used for selfish and ugly reasons.

  20. This piece of garbage scum should b locked up forever
    This breaks my heart & makes me so angry & beyond
    Livid !!!! This is not a human bein. It’s a EVIL MONSTER without an ounce of decency whatsoever
    Lock this one up for good !!!!

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