Man Caught on Video Punching Dog Must be Punished

Target: Neil Evans, Greater Manchester Police Chief Superintendent

GoalSeverely punish man caught on video punching his dog in the head and slamming her to the ground.

A man was caught viciously attacking his dog on video footage. In the beginning of the video, the man can be seen walking his seemingly terrified dog along a street, but when the animal suddenly stops, the man tugs at the leash. Moments later, he bends down and punches the poor dog, believed to be named Narla, in the head repeatedly. At one point in the video, the man jerks Narla up and slams her to the ground.

As long as she remains in this violent person’s care, Narla is clearly in serious danger. If swift action isn’t taken to immediately jail the man in the video, then Narla’s very life could be in danger. Please sign the petition below demanding that Narla be rescued from this violent person and that her attacker be brought to justice.


Dear Chief Evans,

Video footage shows a man violently attacking his dog by punching her in the head repeatedly and then jerking her up and slamming her to the ground. The beginning of the video shows the man walking his dog before she stops suddenly. That’s when he begins tugging at her leash before bending over and unleashing a vicious string of punches to her head.

The disgusting act of violent animal cruelty was committed in broad daylight on a public street. Even when a passerby confronted the animal abuser, instead of showing remorse or shame, the man responded by yelling that it was none of their concern. The behavior shown in the video makes it clear that this person is out of control and a danger to the well-being of innocent creatures. We, the undersigned, are calling on you to make sure that the innocent dog is removed from this violent person’s care and that he be punished and banned from owning animals in the future.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Cut his both bloody hands now

  2. Patricia Wicker says:

    SADISTIC BASTARD!!!!~! PUNISH HIM! Never allow him to own an Animal again EVER!!!

  3. Throw the lowlife coward in jail! He picks on poor defenseless animals that can’t defend themselves because he has no clue what it is to be a man

  4. Doris Alpern says:

    Why is that dog still in his possession? It will die if it is not taken away. Please prosecute this man.

  5. Pamela FOSKY says:

    Beat him !!!

  6. DEATH is the only answer for anyone that is cruel to any animal quit wasting tax dollars for jail time then they get out asap and do more!!! FRY them….

  7. Marilyn Glasgow says:

    In the first place, that is not a man, it is a “thing”.And in the second place, if you don’t see to it that the poor, innocent dog is taken away from that “thing”, then you are just as guilty and responsible for what happens to her. Then throw the freak in jail.

  8. Donna Singh says:

    The person who took the video should have done something and I hope to dear God the dog is NOT still with him

  9. Sarah Rose says:

    This bastard is such a coward that he needs to beat a poor dog instead of finding someone his own size. Nut jobs belong in mental institutions and why he is still in society is a mystery. He needs to be put away and must never be permitted to have another dog. The dog in his care must be taken away by the authorities before it is to late. There are many no kill shelters where the dog will have a better chance for adoption.

  10. What the hell is the matter with some humans today?? Why are they so cruel, vile, sadistic to innocent animals and humans?? This guy is a monster and he needs to be caught and severely punished.

    Take the dog and any other animal that he has and ban him from having any animals or even being around them as he a monster.

  11. J Johnson says:

    I just read that the monster who did this to this poor dog has turned his evil,vile sick self in to the police. I hope that they keep him and put his sick butt in jail, fine him a huge amount, ban him from having animals and demand he get anger management along with psychiatric help as he is one sick SOB.
    I hope the poor dog finds a wonderful and loving new home because as you can tell how tortured and abused the poor thing is.

  12. Who took the video and why on earth did they not intervene. I would have shown this POS a little justice…and then I would have rescued the dog. I don’t care about a theft charge…if it would have meant rescuing a poor abused dog who cannot tell anyone how bad she hurts or how scared she, it would be worth it.

  13. Alexandra Ayoubi says:

    This makes any normal Person with any sense of compassion, decency & empathy feel desperately sad & sick to the core. These cruel monsters which abuse helpless beings deserve severe punishment & maximum sentencing at the VERY LEAST!! They are a danger to all that might cross their path. It is way overdue that this kind of scum be punished to the ultimate degree as they are a menace to society. A disgrace that our farce of a justice system allows violence & atrocities towards innocents to go virtually without consequences while other people get ridiculous sentencing for offenses that are in actuality irrelevant in nature. The corrupt ‘minority’ needs to be overthrown & real laws enforced for real crimes. Society fails miserably & totally at protecting the innocent & upholding the wicked. When did courage & decency fail to exist anymore & why aren’t we outraged & actively fighting this abomination against morality?!

  14. Jerily Robinson says:

    Kill this parasite.

  15. Ass wipe needs to be flushed the toilet into the sewer from he crawled from in the first place.

  16. This evil coward deserves death penalty but not before hes tortured see how that scum likes it

  17. This bastard should never be allowed to own a dog, or any animal again, or allowed to be near animals. He definitely has a temper problem, and this poor innocent scared dog had to be the unfortunate one to suffer the consequences of this person’s rage. Find and prosecute this person and make him pay the price for hurting and injuring this poor animal.

  18. What a coward. Can only beat a poor dog. Try beating up some guy….you COWARD. PICK ON A POOR ANIMAL. YOU ARE WEAK.

  19. Debra Ciolli says:

    There is a Contact form I HOPE many will GO Online to find it, I Sent an email to the Neil Evans, I hope many MORE WILL..This was another ON CAMERA, so NO DENYING IT..Hoping the ANIMAL IS STILL ALIVE..SO Tired of seeing these Petitions, signed 2 where animals are killed, beaten, even raped to death..people NEED to WAKE UP & Realize IF they DO these CRIMES to animals, they’ll ALSO DO TO ANY BEING, Or HUMAN Who CANNOT DEFEND< or HELP OR TELL FOR THEMSELVES..Start Notifiying & Telling Authorities to ACT & PUNISH, or OUR Own animals & Children will ALSO Become ONE OF THEIR..NEXT..VICTIMS..These POS NEED to be REMOVED From ALL OF SOCIETY..these CRIMES have never stopped & Until REAL Punishment begins, IT Will NEVER END..or STOP & NEXT..VICTIMS?? Will Always be..over 60+ years & They are Still shocking me every day & every Night, how VILE & VICIOUS THINGS ARE, these are NOT HUMAN BEINGS, They are NOT "HUMANE" They are EVIL..& There are TOO MANY OF THEM..

  20. Find the evil vile cruel sick scum bag and punish him severely. Lock him up and throw away the key. Hope he rots in evil scum hell.

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47518 Signatures

  • William Boulanger
  • Cecily Colloby
  • Jaime Clough
  • P G
  • D G
  • Cat G
  • Barbara Snyder
  • Cecily Colloby
  • Terrie WILLIAMS
  • Robert Banning
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