Man Caught on Video Punching Dog Must be Punished

Target: Neil Evans, Greater Manchester Police Chief Superintendent

GoalSeverely punish man caught on video punching his dog in the head and slamming her to the ground.

A man was caught viciously attacking his dog on video footage. In the beginning of the video, the man can be seen walking his seemingly terrified dog along a street, but when the animal suddenly stops, the man tugs at the leash. Moments later, he bends down and punches the poor dog, believed to be named Narla, in the head repeatedly. At one point in the video, the man jerks Narla up and slams her to the ground.

As long as she remains in this violent person’s care, Narla is clearly in serious danger. If swift action isn’t taken to immediately jail the man in the video, then Narla’s very life could be in danger. Please sign the petition below demanding that Narla be rescued from this violent person and that her attacker be brought to justice.


Dear Chief Evans,

Video footage shows a man violently attacking his dog by punching her in the head repeatedly and then jerking her up and slamming her to the ground. The beginning of the video shows the man walking his dog before she stops suddenly. That’s when he begins tugging at her leash before bending over and unleashing a vicious string of punches to her head.

The disgusting act of violent animal cruelty was committed in broad daylight on a public street. Even when a passerby confronted the animal abuser, instead of showing remorse or shame, the man responded by yelling that it was none of their concern. The behavior shown in the video makes it clear that this person is out of control and a danger to the well-being of innocent creatures. We, the undersigned, are calling on you to make sure that the innocent dog is removed from this violent person’s care and that he be punished and banned from owning animals in the future.


[Your Name Here]


  1. I hope the judge he’s a good man with heart for animals put this a****** in jail for many years to come to get what he deserves the animals they cannot protect themselves please judge honeys this horrible monster thank you

  2. I dare this ugly, fat dog abusing scumbag to make face to face contact with me as I will ensure that payback is enacted!

  3. Scum like this make me physically ill. I wish all of them would burst into flames and leave the world to the ones who care about animals!

  4. Tammy Bradford says:

    This dog be taken away from this man regardless of how many signatures, and he should be put in jail it’s the same as child abuse. I don’t understand how people can do this to animals and in other humans, I also don’t understand how somebody can sit there and videotape it and not do anything.

  5. Lisa Ryan says:

    It greatly concerns me that we have become so obsessed with taking video of everything violent that happens we don’t do anything to stop the illegal actions.
    I realize video footage proves he did this to the dog but because no one called the police, stopped it themselves or got any type of help this horrible man sill has this beautiful dog in his posession and has surely beaten her more time and she may even be dead.
    She could have been taken away immediately and be in safe ha as now. But instead, is still alive she is being abused and living in constant fear.
    This is horribly sad. She may never be saved now.

  6. David Lavery says:


  7. Lee Mozuch says:

    So, if there is a video, who is taking the video and why did that observer not intervene and help the poor dog? Makes no sense.

  8. This poor dog needs to be taken away from this fuckin scumbag and then once the dog is safe put this fucker in jail and throw away the key.These sorts of scum never change so they shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets again.They are a risk to humans and animals..

    • jo bradley says:

      I agree, this scumbag should be banned from owning animals for life. Hope the poor dog has been taken to safety and not left with this evil monster. These people make me sick, its time they were punished severely for abusing animals.

  9. Pattie Wolf says:

    Is this dog still with this vicious man – he should not have a dog or ever had a dog, even any pet animal It is obvious he is very sick – next may be a child

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Hammurabi code for this piece of crap! ?

  11. Denise Devereux says:

    LAW MAKERS DO YOU JOB PUNISH AND TAKE THIS ANIMAL AND ANY OTHERS AWAY FROM THIS CREEP AND NEVER ALLOW HIM TO OWN ANIMALS AGAIN. AREN’T THERE ANY GOOD STRONG MEN LEFT IN THIS WORLD ANYMORE or did they all die off with my father and uncle? You know who this bastard coward is. Find him, punch him and slam his head to the ground. If you ignore this you are training your next Serial Killer. These monsters start with abuse, torture and killing of animals and then move on to humans. Children first as like children they cannot fight back. World statistics and research state this to be the case. USA you have the most serial killers in the world. Well Done Law Makers and Trump Family for killing of African animals to put on your walls. TO THE PERPETRATOR AND ENABLERS Satan is waiting for you where you will Burn in a Sea of Fire, receive no mercy and you pain for eternity will be constant. You will get Yours!

  12. I hope someone picks this punk up and slam dunks him. Get the dog away from him NOW


  14. Suzy Smith says:

    Whoever videoed the damn shit should have fuckin went and kicked that dude ass !!! I would have!!! Fuckin wimp!!!

    • Totally agree! What kind of person stands there taping a dog being punch & slam & do nothing. People were walking by
      Saying stuff to the asshole but no one called the police. Some humans are a waste of oxygen

  15. Please HELP!! Stop this poor animal from being abused. This man doesn’t deserve to own any animals.

  16. When are the lawmakers going to do their jobs???? This crap happens over and over and over again. The only ones paying the price are the innocent creatures. I sign petitions all day like this one!!!

  17. whoever you are you don’t deserve to have any pets until you grow up and treat those who are unable to defend themselves correctly….i suspect you think you are a man……YOU ARE NO MAN!!! YOU ARE PATHETIC!!

  18. So brave to hit a helpless animal and sadly one that probably continues to love him back…I hope he ends up in a cell with a dog lover..fn useless subhuman.

  19. Monster … He needs to be beaten and left to rot. Sorry, no sympathy for human “Monsters” like this.

  20. Eva Cantu says:


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