Man Caught on Video Punching Dog Must be Punished

Target: Neil Evans, Greater Manchester Police Chief Superintendent

GoalSeverely punish man caught on video punching his dog in the head and slamming her to the ground.

A man was caught viciously attacking his dog on video footage. In the beginning of the video, the man can be seen walking his seemingly terrified dog along a street, but when the animal suddenly stops, the man tugs at the leash. Moments later, he bends down and punches the poor dog, believed to be named Narla, in the head repeatedly. At one point in the video, the man jerks Narla up and slams her to the ground.

As long as she remains in this violent person’s care, Narla is clearly in serious danger. If swift action isn’t taken to immediately jail the man in the video, then Narla’s very life could be in danger. Please sign the petition below demanding that Narla be rescued from this violent person and that her attacker be brought to justice.


Dear Chief Evans,

Video footage shows a man violently attacking his dog by punching her in the head repeatedly and then jerking her up and slamming her to the ground. The beginning of the video shows the man walking his dog before she stops suddenly. That’s when he begins tugging at her leash before bending over and unleashing a vicious string of punches to her head.

The disgusting act of violent animal cruelty was committed in broad daylight on a public street. Even when a passerby confronted the animal abuser, instead of showing remorse or shame, the man responded by yelling that it was none of their concern. The behavior shown in the video makes it clear that this person is out of control and a danger to the well-being of innocent creatures. We, the undersigned, are calling on you to make sure that the innocent dog is removed from this violent person’s care and that he be punished and banned from owning animals in the future.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Patricia Krause says:

    ANY HUMAN BEING that Hurts a Child or an Animal, is NOT FIT to walk this planet! There just hideous horrible people… Why do we allow this of anyone. There has to be ultimate penalties for this type of stuff!!!! ONE very final one comes to mind…..

  2. That dog needs to be removed from that terrorist immediately.

  3. What an evil, vile monster this creep is. Throw him jail with some animal lovers, they’ll fix him. That precious dog needs to be rescued NOW, or she’ll end up dead at his hands.

  4. If local authroities will not do a thing a petition will not do it. Someone needs to figure out a way to get the dog from him and take it to a safe place. The dog needs out now and waiting may mean his or her death. Get the dog out now.

  5. Wow, so no one had the balls to go down there and get the dog from him? And then punch him upside the head… Come on… And I’m a girl … Oh OK, I see that he was caught and the dog rescue… What is assholes name?

  6. As long as humans walk the earth, I’ll believe in MONSTERS. Only humans are so cruel to other animals and each other. How on earth can a genuine human being be cruel to another living, breathing creature?

  7. Pascale Nguyen says:

    What a heartless coward!

  8. Jeanette Duurvoort says:

    Am I reading this correctly… This poor dog is still with this maniac heartless abusive individual???? So, in other words, the so called authority allows this???? Horrible all around

  9. Muriel Angus-Shaw says:

    This LOUT needs sorting out and the dog needs saving FAST!!

  10. Vasil T. says:

    That beast is dangerous to society and must be caged.

  11. Catch the SOB and fry him won’t be any loss whats so ever…

  12. Elizabeth Bekker says:

    and no witnesses saw this pos and punched HIM in the head until he started bleeding through the holes on the sides of his head?

  13. Death sentence for any sort of animal abuse should become mandatory. No questions asked.

  14. What I don’t understand is that no one went up and punched this PIECE OF SHIT COWARD in the head, slam him to the ground and grab his poor dog. What good is it to take the video if he just gets up and leaves. I will never understand why nobody ever does anything. Poor dog.

  15. Asshole!

  16. Animals are not punching bags. It does not sound like this dog has been rescued and the owner nailed to the jail wall.

  17. Judith Weber says:

    Please, remove the the dog, ban him from owning another pet for a number of years or after performing some kind of animal welfare training/volunteer program for a number of months and prosecute this man to the full extent of the law.Thank you

  18. What would this man do to a child. Children can certainly try your patience much more than a dog. For the sake of defenseless animals and humans he must be punished.




  20. When I saw this video on FB the other day I contacted the RSPCA in that area to report this sickening act. I received an answer by saying the police had dealt with it and the dog removed.
    Has anyone any information?

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47518 Signatures

  • William Boulanger
  • Cecily Colloby
  • Jaime Clough
  • P G
  • D G
  • Cat G
  • Barbara Snyder
  • Cecily Colloby
  • Terrie WILLIAMS
  • Robert Banning
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