Target: Neil Evans, Greater Manchester Police Chief Superintendent
Goal: Severely punish man caught on video punching his dog in the head and slamming her to the ground.
A man was caught viciously attacking his dog on video footage. In the beginning of the video, the man can be seen walking his seemingly terrified dog along a street, but when the animal suddenly stops, the man tugs at the leash. Moments later, he bends down and punches the poor dog, believed to be named Narla, in the head repeatedly. At one point in the video, the man jerks Narla up and slams her to the ground.
As long as she remains in this violent person’s care, Narla is clearly in serious danger. If swift action isn’t taken to immediately jail the man in the video, then Narla’s very life could be in danger. Please sign the petition below demanding that Narla be rescued from this violent person and that her attacker be brought to justice.
Dear Chief Evans,
Video footage shows a man violently attacking his dog by punching her in the head repeatedly and then jerking her up and slamming her to the ground. The beginning of the video shows the man walking his dog before she stops suddenly. That’s when he begins tugging at her leash before bending over and unleashing a vicious string of punches to her head.
The disgusting act of violent animal cruelty was committed in broad daylight on a public street. Even when a passerby confronted the animal abuser, instead of showing remorse or shame, the man responded by yelling that it was none of their concern. The behavior shown in the video makes it clear that this person is out of control and a danger to the well-being of innocent creatures. We, the undersigned, are calling on you to make sure that the innocent dog is removed from this violent person’s care and that he be punished and banned from owning animals in the future.
[Your Name Here]
ben la personne qui a fait la vidéo n’est pas intervenue pour l’enlever des mains de cet enfoiré de merde ???? on ne peut pas filmer sans faire quelque chose !!!!
Why didnt any of the public stop him??? What a disgrace
Because you never know if the fool will turn on you and shoot you or something. BUT…someone should have called the police immediately. This is the kind of person who is a wife/child beater at some point.
Someone needs to punish and body slam this bastard to the asphalt for doing this precious innocent puppy Narla! Tjis idiot should NEVER be allowed to own any more animals as pets and be anywhere near or around them!!!
Immediatly put Narla to a caring and loving home and then put this IN-humane man in a pit with no food or water and let him ROT!!
This man needs to be brought before a Court for extreme cruelty to the dog.
I would cripple that man so bad he’d never be able to use his limbs again to hurt an animal. Truth
Please give an update.
Vile barbaric wicked bully bastard . Id like to punch this vile lowlife in the fuckin head . You horrible horrible prick .!!@
Why wasnt the dog taken away from this monster and the monster charged with animal abuse yet!?put the monster in jail forever and find a good hime for the poor sweet dog!
This man should be punished at any cost.he has done it knowingly n willingly.this type of man could b dangerous to society n can harm human also
La violenza sugli animali indifesi è l’azione più infame dell’essere umano.
Dobbiamo boicottare la violenza e lo sfruttamento ignobile agito dagli umani su tutti gli esseri viventi senzienti.
Quindi, GO VEGAN!
So now you have a video and the name of an animal abuser punching an innocent animal. This is more than enough proof to put this monster in jail for a very long time!!!!!
Luckily animals don’t usually hold grudges or this one would chew your face off while you slept. If you treated me that way that’s what I would do.
Why have a man’s best friend if you are going to abuse them? There is no good reason ever to abuses a animal like this.The poor dog is scared to death and I for one would like to throw a few punches on him!
Effing coward made sure he was behind a van, someone must admit they know the piece of shit and hand him over or that poor dog will be dead soon. Oh let me spend done time alone with him and he would be in that sitting position for life he woul never walk again.
You have the lowlife, now kick the s**t out of this rotten apology for a man,make him think twice about showing his ugly neanderthal face to decent people. And get the dog rehomed with a real person.
Please find this bastard and remove the dog from his care. He needs to be charged and held accountable for his vicious attacks against his poor dog 🙁
Hey, let’s punch this inhumane person and slam him to the ground! let’s see how he feels being abused!
Take the dog away from him and lock this bastard in jail for a very long time!
As they say, ‘Do unto others’….
I’d love to see this dog turn and Rip the Sh*t out of this man. Someday….Karma.
Cruel, evil, low life piece of shit should never own any animal. Animal abusers need to be put down.