Cancel Rodeo Event That Rips Tails Off Bulls

Target: Jefferson County, Colorado local government

Goal: Stop the cruel “coleadero” event in which bulls experience broken or dismembered tails.

A coleadero, also known as steer tailing, is an event in which a bull is tortured and pulled by his tail until he rams into the ground. Jefferson County is one of the only locations in the United States that has hosted a coleadero and it sounds like another one may occur if steps aren’t taken now to ban the practice. Animal suffering should never be considered a form of entertainment. It is time to permanently stop this unnecessary cruelty by passing a law banning this sick practice.

During the event, a man on horseback chases a bull while he twists and distorts the bull’s tail to try to force the animal into the ground. The bull’s tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. The bulls are not the only ones in danger during this event. Horses often get injured due to the high chances of painful collisions and getting bucked by the bull. The animals are often left to suffer with no form of veterinary care.

Sign this petition to demand that Jefferson County pass a law to permanently ban this cruel event. This event shows some of the ugliest sides of humanity, and it is time to stop abusing animals for entertainment.


Dear Officials,

A coleadero has taken place in your county and may occur again soon. During a coleadero, a man on horseback chases and terrorizes a scared bull. The cowboy will yank, twist and distort the bull’s tail until the bull runs himself into the ground. The tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. This is animal cruelty.

Please put an end to this cruel event by passing an ordinance banning the practice. Animal suffering should not be considered entertainment, and it is time to stop this unnecessary cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ingo Joseph


  1. Once again, I find it hard to believe how cruel humans can be but every time, I’m shown that they really can be the cruelest species on Earth. What possible pleasure do people get from witnessing something like this, a terrified animal in pain? The people who promote this spectacle and the people who go to see it are quite simply not ‘human’. God forgive them.

  2. Mike cooke says:

    I think this is horrible i grew up on a ranch in texas and never saw this. This is not what cowboying is about.

  3. Where is the ASPCA when this is going on?
    This is dire cruelty to innocent animals. If this was done to a pet they would be charged with animal cruelty and more. Where is PETA?
    Somebody is making money off this. Arrest them for animal cruelty and the so-called Cowboys, too.

  4. I looked this woman up. How would a County Assesor be responsible in anyway for a rodeo decision?

  5. Rosemary Macdonald says:

    I think it’s time these sad excuses for human beings get real jobs where they can actually contribute to society

  6. This is pretty bad. This isn’t “sexy” cowboy. This is more like ignorant cowboy.

  7. Caryl Sawyer says:

    Are these the same ignorant perverts who kill hibernating bears with their cubs?

  8. at my tender age of 30 I figured when I was really grown up, nothing would bother me. well, at 76, I am shocked at how cruel people can be, not only to each other but to helpless animals.
    how anyone can say this is a sport, ought to have their brain examined.

  9. Vika Varkosh says:

    This event is not a Rodeo it is called “Charreada” it’s a Mexican folk practice not an American tradition or practice by American people. Perhaps you are trying to portrait the event in a wrong way so and not to be label racist?

  10. I signed this petition because what passes for entertainment for these people is cruel and barbaric. I don’t care if they call it “tradition”. From the beginning this is not sport but a demonstration of how backward and simply cruel it is. I hope someone can stop this horrible “sport”. It’s wrong on so many levels.

  11. DISCUSTING INHUMANE SHAME ON YOU. ROT IN HE’LL. Rodeo is not a sport. It’s TOURCHER. N not right STOP crulety

  12. Deborah Easterly says:

    I cannot understand how humans can be cruel to any of gods creatures. To harm an animal for the purpose of entertainment or any other reason is just plain sick.

  13. I hate to say this, but what an embarrassment to humanity! Is this Mexican sport?? What the hell is doing in US??????? Every time I try to have some respect for people, they do something horrible that make me lose my respect and love for humans! I hope that day comes before I die, so I can go to bed with out crying for these sweet innocent God giving gifts.

    • I feel the same way….I have gotten where I despise so many members of the human race. I like animals so much better! What is wrong with humans that they want to hurt and be so cruel to a living, breathing thing just for “fun”….I wish all that are involved in this crap plus the spectators all die soon horrible deaths…

  14. … and many people seem to think America is such a civilized, wonderful country. Clearly that’s not the case when this kind of barbaric, horrific abuse is happening all over and, even worse, is viewed by some as ‘entertainment’. It’s sick.

  15. Third World event, this is the USA. The People are demanding this cruelty be banned. Is this not against the laws in Colorado or are laws that weak.

  16. Carol Anderberg says:

    The ugly life of animal torture, maiming, rape, breaking bones, poison, starving, drowning, dragging behind a car or truck, beating and suffocating, and thousands more ways to harm, and kill helpless animals. WHY…………..Why does this go on and on and never cut the numbers of people who get away with these crimes. Animals are not property, they need justice just as human victims. We are not making the punishment severe enough, if you do the crime then you do the time. Make these people pay way beyond belief. Make a statement, An animal who screams in fear then screams and wails in pain to end life because some sub human has chosen horror instead of compassion. A family pet, a happy animal who shows trust, and it cost’s death. We the voice of the helpless and innocent are a bigger number then those who choose to start with animals and then people. If we are bigger in humane numbers then why the hell are we not winning and making a difference, what kind of justice is no justice? Lets win this now!

  17. Valerie Sjovall says:

    Ms. Melonakis, to be aware of this barbaric activity in your jurisdiction and allow for it to commence would be shameful – ethical society must take a stand against such atrocities – this is certainly not entertainment, it is akin to the appeal of dog or cock-fighting and should be outlawed

  18. what is wrong with people who get a thrill out of torturing and killing animals?
    I think they are sadist that can’t harm a human being without any consequences but an animal can’t fight back so the cowards torture them.
    Why don’t more people see this as a sick way of entertainment and choose
    to put a stop to it? These morons that torture animals need to be tortured
    in some way to see how it feels. There needs to be strict animal abuse laws
    in the U.S. and around the world,and they need to be enforced. Animals are
    not possessions to do what you will to them. Only cowards take their aggression and anger out on an animal. Maybe those who choose to do this need to spend some time with a prison inmate who can beat the hell out of them.or spend time in solitary confinement for a few yrs.

  19. Rodeos are another avenue for animal exploitation and cruelty and this one has added an additional method of cowardly, barbaric torture to animals that already suffer enough. What an uneducated mindset, could possibly think that this is ok???

  20. cathy Grossie says:

    How cruel, why do people feel the need to hurt innocent animals. So over the human race!

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97216 Signatures

  • Alana Willroth
  • Mary Ann Nordheimer
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Velina Ussery
  • wesley burnett
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