Cancel Rodeo Event That Rips Tails Off Bulls

Target: Jefferson County, Colorado local government

Goal: Stop the cruel “coleadero” event in which bulls experience broken or dismembered tails.

A coleadero, also known as steer tailing, is an event in which a bull is tortured and pulled by his tail until he rams into the ground. Jefferson County is one of the only locations in the United States that has hosted a coleadero and it sounds like another one may occur if steps aren’t taken now to ban the practice. Animal suffering should never be considered a form of entertainment. It is time to permanently stop this unnecessary cruelty by passing a law banning this sick practice.

During the event, a man on horseback chases a bull while he twists and distorts the bull’s tail to try to force the animal into the ground. The bull’s tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. The bulls are not the only ones in danger during this event. Horses often get injured due to the high chances of painful collisions and getting bucked by the bull. The animals are often left to suffer with no form of veterinary care.

Sign this petition to demand that Jefferson County pass a law to permanently ban this cruel event. This event shows some of the ugliest sides of humanity, and it is time to stop abusing animals for entertainment.


Dear Officials,

A coleadero has taken place in your county and may occur again soon. During a coleadero, a man on horseback chases and terrorizes a scared bull. The cowboy will yank, twist and distort the bull’s tail until the bull runs himself into the ground. The tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. This is animal cruelty.

Please put an end to this cruel event by passing an ordinance banning the practice. Animal suffering should not be considered entertainment, and it is time to stop this unnecessary cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ingo Joseph


  1. Please start acting like humans and start being humane to your fellow creatures. This sick behaviour is unacceptable. RESPECT ALL LIFE. DO NO HARM.

  2. Why don’t you have Mercy on Animals,Ban this ugly you call it Sport No you let Animals Suffers Shame on you Sadistic

  3. Cyndi Palmer says:

    I CANNOT believe what I’m reading?? Every single DAY we get yet ANOTHER horrific story of unbelievable cruelty against animals… but this? Seriously Colorado what are you doing?? How in God’s name can you consider this to be entertainment and what kind of people would even attend such an event? Honestly, SHAME on you Colorado for even considering to host such a BARBARIC and HORRIFIC event!! Didn’t the “Old West” die off years ago? Quit playing “cowboy” … grow up and start treating animals the way they should be treated in this day and age!! With the care and respect they deserve!!

  4. Krista Kiviniemi says:

    Who the fuck comes up with all this shit??
    Who is so pure evil that he/she gets horny with abuse of animals? You could just jump of a high building or smth, I couldn’t care less.

  5. Rip off the abusers penises so they can also feel what the bulls feel!!! Barbaric demonic and evil!! MUST be STOPPED at all cost.

  6. Kathryn Wills says:

    They are perverts who get a kick from hurting animals. When I first read this I thought the perpetrator would be Spain as they enjoy torturing bulls but no it’s America. Shocking and disgusting, shame on Colorado and the evil people who authorise, hold and participate in this sick, perverted event. Stop animal abuse, this is torture!

  7. This is not sport. Colorado must be able to find something more worthy of their time and interest than harming bulls or any animal. Since the tail is connected to the spine the riders have to consider the pain and suffering they are putting the bulls through. Stand up and be real men who wouldn’t find pleasure in this hideous action.

  8. Mankind is way too stupid to have the privilege of living on this planet.



  11. Sam Simons says:

    You know, I have been around rodeos and owned multiple horses and several head of cattle, lived in several states, and while I do not profess to having seen every single rodeo out there, I have absolutely never seen, or even heard of what you are alleging! Rodeo animals are very valuable, and to do something so stupid is quite questionable. I am totally against animal cruelty, but sometimes PETA does get a little far-fetched. I will give you a prime example: a couple years ago, PETA tried to force a camel exhibit down in my home town as cruelty. They were giving camel rides to children weighing UNDER 100 POUNDS! Lawyers eventually shut PETA down reminding everyone that camels have been used for rides for thousands of years!!! I might add, that the two camels were alternated, they rode/were housed in a $125,000 air-ride, air-conditioned van complete with automatic wateres. They were hardly being abused….. So, I have to take with a grain of salt some of the things PETA puts out there. It is designed to incur the wrath of many, and doesn’t it just meet their agenda?!!!

    • Whats petas agenda?.merely speaking for respect to animals not their salaries. Opposite to rodeo sponsors venues and animal slave owner’s. Sam despite ur pro comment u fall under the guise that its all clean fun. U seen calf roping?? All twisted ego feeding old ass traditions that need to die

    • Heather Brophy says:

      Sam, Cowboy down you ignorant Fool, look up Cruelty, Torture, Drugging and Greed!

  12. Heather Brophy says:

    Patsy, You Abusive, Ignorant, Greedy Bitch, how dare you let this happen! We do not pay you to let this happen, you and your state are an embarrassment, if you won’t stop this get the Hell Out of Office!

  13. The more helpless the victim, the more heinous the crime. Stop this…or alternatively..let the Bulls pull off these “cowboys” appendages….I would pay to see THAT

  14. Debra Jordan says:

    How the hell can anyone allow such horrendous abuse happen. Those sick idiots should be fined and put in jail for anyone doing this sick abuse.

  15. LUCY BEACH says:

    I think it would be more entertaining if the bull would rip the cowboy DICKS off!!!!!! ASSHOLES….

  16. Muriel Angus-Shaw says:

    this mindless torture of defenceless animals is almost beyond comprehension.. STOP this CRUELTY AT ONCE!!

  17. The cruelty never ends

  18. pamela bolton says:

    Just how disgusting do these people think they can be. The ‘Government” should be the ones to stop this. People say that PETA just makes this stuff up. Well suppose you get up off your lazy butts and go out and help stop this barbaric actions by “sub-humans”. This isn’t the only things HUMANS do to animals. Lets put a tail on you and see how you fair in this stupid event. This isn’t tradition, its cruelty. Pure and simple.

  19. Nadine brundage says:

    If this is true, it’s the one of the most stupid things I’ve ever heard of. Just what is so entertaining about this type of animal cruelty??? Demented assholes.

  20. You couldn’t pay me to go to a rodeo. Most of the rodeo seems stressful to the animals and the more they suffer the louder the crowd cheers. Seems to me there is something very wrong with this picture.

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