Cancel Rodeo Event That Rips Tails Off Bulls

Target: Jefferson County, Colorado local government

Goal: Stop the cruel “coleadero” event in which bulls experience broken or dismembered tails.

A coleadero, also known as steer tailing, is an event in which a bull is tortured and pulled by his tail until he rams into the ground. Jefferson County is one of the only locations in the United States that has hosted a coleadero and it sounds like another one may occur if steps aren’t taken now to ban the practice. Animal suffering should never be considered a form of entertainment. It is time to permanently stop this unnecessary cruelty by passing a law banning this sick practice.

During the event, a man on horseback chases a bull while he twists and distorts the bull’s tail to try to force the animal into the ground. The bull’s tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. The bulls are not the only ones in danger during this event. Horses often get injured due to the high chances of painful collisions and getting bucked by the bull. The animals are often left to suffer with no form of veterinary care.

Sign this petition to demand that Jefferson County pass a law to permanently ban this cruel event. This event shows some of the ugliest sides of humanity, and it is time to stop abusing animals for entertainment.


Dear Officials,

A coleadero has taken place in your county and may occur again soon. During a coleadero, a man on horseback chases and terrorizes a scared bull. The cowboy will yank, twist and distort the bull’s tail until the bull runs himself into the ground. The tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. This is animal cruelty.

Please put an end to this cruel event by passing an ordinance banning the practice. Animal suffering should not be considered entertainment, and it is time to stop this unnecessary cruelty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Ingo Joseph


  1. Such cruelty and ignorance!! Stop this now!!! Do not allow any animal abuse! Stop the violence and abuse with all these attractions and entertainments!!! Start with new laws,and incarcerate them,only then will this stop!!!! We need to quit turning our heads,and take action, start thinking of the pain these animals go through!

  2. Mary Ellen ODonnell says:


  3. Marilyn Levesley says:

    Perhaps if THOSE involved had their gen italia ripped out and torn to shreds for barbaric amusement they would think twice, yes I truly believe what comes around should go around to those who organised this, perhaps their genitalia is so tiny and insignificant hence jealous of the bull lol ?, which is the more obvious reason for these cowards

  4. Michele Carson. says:

    I HATE rodeos! Please stop this CRUELTY

  5. Sherry Curry says:

    Why must people inflict pain on and torture animals? They have every feeling a human being has a do indeed feel pain, fear and terror. Rodeos must end. Torture of any animal must be outlawed.

  6. Fuck every person that thinks this is okay.

  7. Never thought this cruelty existed in the United States,just heart breaking to see fear and pain inflicted on a helpless animal for human satisfaction. So shameful…..

  8. Hope Williams says:

    Who would want to go see a rodeo like that! What is entertaining about sitting and watching or enjoying something like this! If no one went this would not be happening! It’s so cruel and mean! Why do people want to do this to animals! That’s not fun or enjoyable to watch! Very sad!!

  9. Sherry Tilley says:

    What kind of person does this! Evil for doing and watching it being done. Makes me sick.

  10. Carolyn Taylor says:

    This bull torture is very wrong! Stop this horror at once!

  11. Take those tails and shove it “where the sun don’t shine”!
    They want a tail, give them one, or two! Then deport the SOBs!

  12. That is cruel to an animal. Hope they get karma quicker than he thinks. Too bad he dont have a tail bone to twist it off. Cowboys r so ignorant to do this to any animal.

  13. Cynthia Mattera says:

    How is this legal? This is animal cruelty and torture? Please stop this event and arrest all involved! Poor animals are terrorized then tails twisted and broken off! This is some BS, sick entertainment!!!! What is wrong with you people?????

  14. Karen Redd says:

    Rodeos are where the little “boys” go to play and show what TOTALLY brainless dickheads they are. They have no heart at all, there is an even bigger blank space there than there is in their worthless totally mundane alleged brains. I wish with all my heart and soul that they would get what the POS MFs deserve- only a whole lot worse. I would absolutely treasure hearing these maggots and all innocent animal torturers and murderers scream in the worst pain any animal has ever been in.

  15. Why do people think this is o.k. was they all brought up wAy out back in the woods.?? These people need to be locked up and have there penis pulled off. Sick screeps.

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97213 Signatures

  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Velina Ussery
  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
  • Olga Orda
  • Ellen Peck
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