Target: Jefferson County, Colorado local government
Goal: Stop the cruel “coleadero” event in which bulls experience broken or dismembered tails.
A coleadero, also known as steer tailing, is an event in which a bull is tortured and pulled by his tail until he rams into the ground. Jefferson County is one of the only locations in the United States that has hosted a coleadero and it sounds like another one may occur if steps aren’t taken now to ban the practice. Animal suffering should never be considered a form of entertainment. It is time to permanently stop this unnecessary cruelty by passing a law banning this sick practice.
During the event, a man on horseback chases a bull while he twists and distorts the bull’s tail to try to force the animal into the ground. The bull’s tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. The bulls are not the only ones in danger during this event. Horses often get injured due to the high chances of painful collisions and getting bucked by the bull. The animals are often left to suffer with no form of veterinary care.
Sign this petition to demand that Jefferson County pass a law to permanently ban this cruel event. This event shows some of the ugliest sides of humanity, and it is time to stop abusing animals for entertainment.
Dear Officials,
A coleadero has taken place in your county and may occur again soon. During a coleadero, a man on horseback chases and terrorizes a scared bull. The cowboy will yank, twist and distort the bull’s tail until the bull runs himself into the ground. The tail often breaks and sometimes is even dismembered. This is animal cruelty.
Please put an end to this cruel event by passing an ordinance banning the practice. Animal suffering should not be considered entertainment, and it is time to stop this unnecessary cruelty.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Ingo Joseph
This is torture. Please stop this cruel act!
This is so cruel & unnecessary! Please stop
Stop this immediately! Embarrassing to be an American knowing this country stands for animal abuse like this aka tolerates this! STOP or imagine someone is pulling on your tail till it rips off! Cruel absolutely senseless.
I have never liked farmers and ranchers who abuse animals. The rodeos should be outlawed. Thy breed a certain type of low life people who do this sort of thing. End rodeos now.
Who is the animal here? STOP this horrible practice. How about if we pull your genitals till they come off. You ignorant son of a bitch.
I totally agree with you Carol.
What the fu#k is wrong with these people? This is clearly animal cruelty ! Do these idiot cowboys” get off” seeing the pain they are causing .
This is cruelty and anyone who thinks this is entertainment is sick too.
This is barbaric. What in the heck is wrong with people. How would you like to pulled around on one of you limbs. Sick
Stop the tail pulling! Why are they allowed to be inhumane
Stop It. We’re just teaching young people to be nasty and mean and then we wonder why we’ve got so many problems.
WTF is wrong with these rodeos? Are they that fuk’d up in the head that they have to put animals in PAIN to have fun? Go find something else to do with your spare time that doesn’t involve animals, you fuk’n stupid low life idiots!
Id much prefer that the big bad wannabe cowboys get the fuck off the horses and fight each other till one drops! Thats showing balls.. Do that, see how long it would last!
I lived in Colorado for many years and it happens at alot of Mexican backyard rodeos. When one gets shut down, they just move it somewhere else the next weekend.
Stop the the Madness!!!!! No law to protect the bulls!!!! Shame on everybody that continues to let this happen!!!!
What in the HELL is wrong with you cruel evil people!!!
I hope they grab ahold of your penis and tank it off. You deserve what you dish out. God says,” YOU Get back a hundredfold if what YOU GIVE OUT to others”, that includes His creation of animals he put on earth to keep nature in balance!!!!
PAYBACKS is going to hurt you Evil MEN!!! You deserve it a hundredfold and I hope God pays you back RIGHT AWAY before you hurt anymore of Hus creatures. In Jesus’s name. Amen=So be it done unto you evil men!!!
This is so cruel! Why dont you beat each other up if you want to get violent? You are pathetic losers that do this! Get a life will you?
What the hell isxwto g with people today. Why do people want to torture animals. How would they like it if people walked up and started beating on them. Maybe that’s what some of these so called humans need.
There are no words! Beyond disgusting!! Please stop abusing animsls…ALL animals!!
That a disgusting let that bull pull your tail off.
This is disgusting and barbaric and must be stopped.