Success: Taiwan Bans Euthanasia of Stray Animals

Target: Legislative Yuan

Goal: Praise Taiwan for upholding a ban on euthanasia in animal shelters.

Two years after parliament passed a law banning the use of euthanasia in animal shelters, Taiwan finally upheld its decision and officially banned the act. An animal welfare group estimated that more than 1.2 million unadopted animals have been put down in Taiwan since 1999. The push for the new law also comes after a very publicized death of a shelter worker who took her own life after being burdened by the responsibility of euthanizing stray animals. ForceChange highlighted the issue of Taiwan’s stray animal problem with this petition.

Before the new law was fully put into effect, it was reported that animal protection was gaining ground. The number of animals being put down in shelters was slowly starting to decline, but healthy animals were still being killed. The issue became highly publicized after the tragic suicide of an animal shelter worker tasked with euthanizing a vast number of stray animals. This prompted the outcry for better conditions for both shelter animals and shelter workers.

While this does not fully address the greater problem of too many stray animals, it is a giant step in the right direction. The passing of this law saves thousands of animals from unnecessary deaths and improves the lives of those working to save them. Please sign this petition letter to let the Taiwan parliament know that you support their actions.


Dear Legislative Yuan,

After two years of continued needless animal deaths, the Taiwan parliament finally upheld the law they passed banning the euthanasia of animals in shelters. This is great news for animals and animal advocates not only in Taiwan but all over the world.

This decision is a great step in the continued battle to provide animals with the rights they deserve. By banning the euthanasia of stray animals, you have provided them with a chance to live a better life. They will no longer be condemned to die because someone didn’t want to take care of them.

Thank you for standing up for animal welfare and setting an example for others. Thanks to this decision the number of needless deaths has been greatly diminished. I urge you to continue fighting for the animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Geralt


  1. Rosslyn Osborne says:

    Thank you sincerely for giving these animals a chance at life and a voice for protection:…
    “Ye must not only have kind and merciful feelings for mankind, but ye should also exercise the utmost kindness towards every living creature.
    The physical sensibilities and instincts are common to animal and man.
    Man is, however, negligent of this reality and imagines that sensibility is peculiar to mankind, therefore he practices cruelty to the animal…..
    In reality what difference is there in physical sensations! Sensibility is the same whether you harm man or animal: there is no difference. Nay, rather, cruelty to the animal is more painful because man has a tongue and he sighs, complains and groans when he receives an injury and complains to the government and the government protects him from cruelty; but the poor animal cannot speak, it can neither show its suffering nor is it able to appeal to the government.
    If it is harmed a thousand times by man it is not able to defend itself in words nor can it seek justice or retaliate…..
    Therefore one must be very considerate towards animals and show greater kindness to them than to man…. Man is generally sinful and the animal is innocent; unquestionably one must be more kind and merciful to the innocent”. Baha’i Faith Writings

  2. So sorry for the family who lost their loved one.

  3. annie vallet says:

    bravo bravo bravo, we should do the same all around the world

  4. Education, education, education. Neuter your pets, and vets should either provide discounts or have neuter-days for the less well off.

    Governments should also trap, neuter, release so breeding by strays or ferals is minimised.

  5. Denise Devereux says:

    Well done and thank you for being compassionate towards all God’s creatures Great and Small. We are only one species on this planet.

  6. Thank you to the Taiwanese parliament! Let them be an example for the rest of the world.

  7. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & shared

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