Success: Convicted Animal Abuser Sentenced to Prison

Prison Cell

Target: Denise Markle, Milford County Judge

Goal: Thank judge for punishing convicted animal abuser and removing abused animals from his custody.

An employee of an animal shelter was convicted on charges of animal abuse and will spend one year in jail followed by three years of probation, during which he will not be allowed to work with animals. Fred Acker worked for the SPCA of Connecticut and had been accused over a dozen times of animal cruelty. Now, he will finally serve time for his negligence, thanks in part to this ForceChange petition. Past sentencing was avoided by Acker for his seemingly remorseful attitude about what he had done, but finally a Milford County judge realized the severity of what this man was doing and deemed that he was not fit to work with animals.

Acker was known for his work with shelters but many did not realize that he was not taking good care of the pets he housed. In 2012, he allegedly bought 100 dogs after his facility had been zoned for just 29. According to reports, the overflow were kept in other locations where they would sometimes go 24 hours without care and would often fight. Thanks to Judge Markle, those animals and all pets brought in by Acker will be relocated to more humane facilities within 30 days of this sentencing, allowing them to live better lives as they wait for their forever homes. Sign this petition to thank the judge who sentenced Acker and saved the animals he abused.


Dear Judge Markle,

I am writing to thank you for your recent decision to sentence Fred Acker to prison and prohibit him from working with animals. Those who were familiar with the facilities he was responsible for knew he was keeping the animals in poor conditions. Reports of cats with respiratory problems and dogs being neglected for 24 hours at a time surfaced as this man’s history of abuse gained exposure. While many claimed that he was a saint for taking in these pets, animal rights activists knew that the way they were being housed was inhumane.

Thanks to you, the animals under Acker’s care will be relocated and Acker will not be allowed to work with animals for at least four years. Prior judges let him get away with his crimes since he showed remorse, but I applaud you for not being softened by his act. Shelters are supposed to be safe havens and now the SPCA of Connecticut will once again be a sanctuary for pets. Thank you for standing up for animal rights.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: AlexVan


  1. this is amazing and so wonderful but it needs to be done a lot more for all the evil things that are done to any animal.

  2. Natasha polychuk says:

    too bad its only a year which is not long.

  3. One year in prison isn’t much but it is a start …I wish they would have fined him a huge amount, more time in jail and demand he get psychiatric help as he is sick. They also should monitor him and his activities for 10 years to make sure he isn’t doing anything he shouldn’t.

  4. Wish more judges would get tough on animal abusers.

  5. Rosemary Anderson says:

    Fantastic but it should have been longer. get gits like this off the street. I hope he gets his. Thank you judge a man with compassion for the poor animals of this world we need more like you.

  6. Thank You! Thank You! Thank you! May God Bless you and guide you with your judgements!

  7. Thank you, Justice does prevail. You’ve shown an example of how animal abusers must be treated.

  8. Denise Baudin says:

    FRED ACKER, EX-employee 🙂 for the SPCA of Connecticut, USA.
    Let’s remember his name. FRED ACKER. May this animal abuse follow him for a very looooooong time. Thank you Denise Markle, Milford County Judge for showing justice and compassion. Only hope that more judges would follow in your footsteps.

  9. Thank you. Continue to prosecute these abusers, all are repeat offenders if not properly sentenced. Keep these abusers out of society. Continue to prosecute animal abuse to full extent of the law.

  10. Bonnie Welch says:

    Im sorry, but a “Thank you” will not be appropriate in this case. He only got 1 year????? Whats that going to teach him??? What kind of message is that giving the public???? He had to of abused hundreds of dogs….This is just WRONG!!! This is nothing but a slap on the hand thats not going to help STOP any kind of abuse. People see this and know thats all that will happen to them, alot more sub-humans will be out there abusing our dogs!!!!!!!! This is one of our main problems…..people who abuse, torture or are cruel to animals (a felony) NEVER get the proper punishment!!!

    • I agree that 1 year jail is too lenient for animal abusers. And it scares me to think that Fred Acker is allowed to work with animals again after serving time and 3 years probation. He should be permanently banned from having any associatiion with animals. Nevertheless, thank you for rescuing the abused animals and relocating them to a responsible and humane facility.

  11. Kathy Khoshfahm says:

    Judge Markle – Your decision to send Fred Acker to prison for a year made signing all of these Petitions worthwhile. It is high time that the perpetrators who choose to torture/murder animals be made to pay for their crimes. The Animal Kingdom are citizens of this Earth and they deserve our respect and protection. Although I feel Fred Acker should have received more time behind bars, this sentence is surely a victory for those of us who fight tirelessly for animal rights. We need more Judges like yourself in the Courtroom who take animal cruelty seriously and who are willing to hand down prison sentences that fit the crime…

  12. I’m not signing this because I want to know what type of psychological testing/help this man is getting, if any at all? Otherwise, this punishment is not going to reap any benefits. It may be the harshest punishment allowed by law which indicates how badly this area of the justice system needs to be overhauled.

  13. ginger neimo says:

    He can get the help he needs in prison and he may do it again BUT NOT WHILE IN that its self reaps a little benefit…

    • @ ginger neimo: The benefit is of little value when one considers getting released prematurely for good behavior as well as being released early due to prison overcrowding, both of which are highly likely to happen to this offender. Then what do you suppose this “man” will be doing? He will be returning to what he was doing initially. There is little or no initiative for him to change. Ponder the recidivism rate–it is nearly 100 percent. Furthermore, these types of actions are oftentimes linked to human abuse or even death. Very little benefit…..

  14. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Too bad its not longer but its a start❗️?
    Signed & Shared.

  15. Colleen Geno says:

    I salute you Judge Market for your decision of sentencing. You are a man of great character, obviously, for you know evil when you see it. If only there were more judges like you who actually have the balls and brains to rid the general population of this country trash like that even if it’s only for a year….

  16. Thank you for giving some Justice to animals, please continue to do this

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