Success: Thousands of Wild Horses Saved from Unnecessary Slaughter


Target: Neil Kornze, Director of U.S. Bureau of Land Management

Goal: Applaud cancellation of cull that would have killed thousands of wild horses.

A government-sponsored cull of wild horses has been cancelled, meaning that thousands of wild horses will not be pointlessly killed. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced the cancellation after animal rights activists, including a petition on ForceChange, expressed outrage about the senseless and violent plan.

Wild horse populations have skyrocketed in recent decades, and experts estimate that there are now about 67,000 horses living in America, mostly in California and Nevada. While such a high number can pose a threat of overgrazing and land encroachment, slaughtering these animals is an unnecessary and excessive solution.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management initially planned to kill thousands of horses, but the plan was met with immediate resistance. In response to the outcry, a bureau spokesman announced that the agency will “continue its current policy of caring for unadopted or unsold wild horses and burros.”

This encouraging reversal serves as proof that dedicated activism can change the world. Sign the petition below and thank the BLM for preserving these wild horses.


Dear Director Kornze,

I am writing to express my relief and satisfaction concerning your department’s decision to cancel a cull that would have killed thousands of wild horses. Though it would have solved the issue of overpopulation, it would have been an inhumane and senseless solution.

I understand the burden that these animals represent, and I appreciate your department’s efforts to care for them. Slaughtering them, however, would be the least desirable option, and I applaud your decision to work towards a more humane solution. Thank you for this decision, and I wish you luck as you work towards a different approach to the matter.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Bureau of Land Management


  1. FRANKLY, I don’t trust the BLM….they are “owned” by rich ranchers who want this land to graze their cattle on….I’m sure some loophole will be found that allows them to continue capturing and sending to slaughterhouses, these iconic, majestic animals.

  2. I certainly hope this is true and these beautiful horses are saved.

  3. On Fire Island they had a deer problem so they set up feeding stations and they laced the feed with contraceptives to control the population. Why can’t the horses be treated the same, their numbers will reduce naturally.

  4. Marsha Squibb says:

    I hope this is true however the BLM has no morals and are in the pockets of rich ranchers.Time will tell…i’ll pray for the horses well being and hope they all live in a peaceful world.

  5. The 40,000 horses may not be killed, but they’re not being freed and are still stuck in the confines of bare corrals either. This is progress?


    The BLM has prospered for years selling these horses to slaughterhouses……they SEEM to have suddenly changed their ways, but I won’t believe it until the horses are released and safe.

  7. Kathy Khoshfahm says:

    Neil – Thanking you kindly for sparing the lives of these horses, who have certainly earned their keep. The Animal Kingdom are citizens of this Earth and they have just as much a right to be here as we do. We have invaded the Homes and Homelands of nearly every animal on this planet yet we were never invited. Culling is just another word for murder and murdering these horses is not the answer. There’s got to be a better way and we are counting on the BLM to find it…

  8. Lisa Zarafonetis says:

    Signed & Shared.

  9. We must be vigilant & relentless — the BLM must NOT cull, nor sell our horses for slaughter — we MUST be on top of BLM’s every move — let’s NOT let them get away with their helicopters, with their lengthy stays at holding facilities, with their auctioning off of our horses to kill-buyers for slaughter.

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4508 Signatures

  • Mary Ann Nordheimer
  • Michael Brinkman
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Kelly Barr
  • Mary Dart - US citizen
  • Kelly Glendening
  • Velina Ussery
  • wesley burnett
  • Cecil Woolley
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