Justice for Beloved Dog Apparently Killed in Reckless Hit-and-Run

Target: J. Scott Moffitt, Taylor City, Michigan Prosecutor

Goal: Hold accountable the individual allegedly responsible for the hit-and-run death of a beloved dog.

A heartbreaking incident involving a Taylor woman’s dog has raised serious concerns regarding animal cruelty and accountability on our roads. As reported, on February 3, Norman Edgar Newman drove recklessly while speeding in a white Ford Explorer. He purportedly crossed over the southbound lane on Holland Road, striking a 34-year-old woman and her dog before fleeing the scene. Tragically, the woman’s dog succumbed to its injuries at an animal hospital.

Police say they utilized video surveillance to identify Newman as the driver involved in this hit-and-run, leading to his arrest. Despite the gravity of the situation, Newman was released on bond and is set to return to court in a few weeks. This response raises alarms about the seriousness with which animal cruelty and reckless driving allegations are being handled.

The local community deserves assurances that reckless and cruel behaviors will not go unchecked. Call for appropriate legal action against Newman for his alleged acts of animal cruelty alongside the reckless driving charges.


Dear Prosecutor Moffitt,

The alleged actions of Norman Edgar Newman on February 3, resulting in the tragic death of a beloved dog, cannot be overlooked. As reported, Newman was speeding and driving recklessly when he crossed the lane and struck a 34-year-old woman and her dog, fleeing the scene immediately after the incident. The woman’s dog later died from its injuries at a nearby animal hospital, an event that has also deeply affected the woman and her community.

There are serious allegations here, and it is crucial that the justice system addresses them with the gravity they warrant. The investigation reportedly revealed video footage to identify Newman as the driver involved, and his weak bond seems inadequate for the severity of the alleged offenses. Ensuring accountability for individuals who engage in reckless and cruel behavior is essential for the safety and well-being of animals and the community alike.

We call upon you to pursue appropriate legal action against Newman for animal cruelty, abandonment, and reckless driving in connection to this tragic incident. It is vital to demonstrate that such acts will be met with the severe consequences they deserve.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. Perhaps a car with a human skittle(s) as incentive, retards like this and abusers would be nice.

  2. Rosemary Morrison says:

    Please find the heartless person who hit this poor dog and get the justice it deserves..
    If this person does not get the justice for this cruel act than he / she will get the justice that is deserved when whomever did this faces his or her justice from JESUS and or GOD for killing one of his beloved creatures.
    Trust in GOD to get your justice. I’ll pray for you and to get the justice for your beloved dog.

  3. This angry, violent PSYCHOPATH is no different than a drunk driver. He’s a MENACE on the road not to mention A MURDERER. I pray for this woman and for what she is going through.

  4. People are absolutely disgusting and cruel

  5. Harsh punishment for this hellish driver.
    This innocent dog who went for a nice walk, but never came home alive, deserves justice!

  6. Get the creep and hang him

  7. If that was my, dog. My little man here Edgar would be paying the ultimate price!

  8. They released him….wonderful….nothing like putting a sociopath back out on the streets.
    This is why we need to take justice into our own hands, the criminal “justice” system is a complete joke – hopefully somebody knows this dirt bag.

  9. Marilyn koogler says:

    Just plain inhuman

  10. UncommonSensesc says:

    This is what that son of a bitch looks like: https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2025/02/08/wayne-county-man-charged-after-striking-woman-killing-her-dog-in-hit-and-run-police-say/

    From what I can find, he lives at 6010 John Daly Street in Taylor, MI. If you meet him, give some justice for that innocent dog and his owner!

  11. Sharon Rudyk says:

    Since it was reckless driving this horrible human needs a manslaughter charge and subsequent jail time.

    • I wonder if he would have been let out on bond if he had killed the dogs owner as well? Then again knowing how the useless Judicial system works— quite possibly!!! Just as bad and uncaring as the bloody perps!!

  12. Carolyn Ecton says:

    J. Scott Moffitt, Taylor City, Michigan Prosecutor: Why is this going on in your community and will you pursue justice for the woman and her dog?

  13. Black eye for law enforcement and justice if they just slap him on the wrist….he murdered a helpless victim perhaps intentionally and injured another sentient being physically and definitely emotionally due to the loss of a cherished loved one!! Hit and run – was he high or drunk but he ran after hitting pedestrians and is a danger to society!

  14. Put the bastard in jail and throw away the key. I am so tired of animal cruelty, the laws need strengthening.

  15. Do the animals EVER get justice? I don’t think so. Jail this bastard in the pits and let him rot.

  16. What an ugly disgusting baldy weirdo creep. He should be charged with attempted murder he could easily have killed this woman and he did kill her dog yet he is released on $1000 bail, what a disgusting outcome. With any luck someone Will drive over him and leave him to die on the street, that Will be the perfect Karma for this monstrosity and I bet not one person would miss him.

  17. All abuse and cruelty to animals has got to stop

  18. Maria Lavorato says:

    I am so sorry little one that your life got cut short so brutally and so soon! Heaven is waiting for you little buddy.

    Sounds like this was intentional. WEAK BOND!!!!! SICKENING JUDICIAL SYSTEM!!! Get real justice for this dog with FELONY FIRST DEGREE. Stick you weak bond!!!!
    This little dog’s life MATTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Hey, this is attempted murder!!!! WTF??


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