Punish Accused Collector of Bestiality Porn

Target: John R. H. Alexander, Commonwealth’s Attorney for Botetourt County, Virginia

Goal: Ensure full legal accountability for individual allegedly in possession of obscene material depicting sexual abuse of animals.

Law enforcement has reportedly uncovered disturbing content involving acts of bestiality, leading to the arrest of an individual in connection with these allegations. Detectives received a cyber tip that led to the discovery of obscene material purportedly depicting unknown individuals engaged in sexual contact with an animal. The suspect was taken into custody and is currently being held without bond.

Cases of animal sexual abuse are not only morally reprehensible but also represent an extreme form of animal cruelty. Studies have shown that individuals involved in such acts pose a significant risk to both animals and society at large. The psychological and physical trauma inflicted on animals in these situations is severe, yet cases of bestiality often go unpunished or receive minimal sentencing. To prevent future acts of cruelty and send a clear message that such crimes will not be tolerated, it is imperative that those accused face the maximum legal consequences if found guilty.

Strong legal action will not only hold the responsible party accountable but also deter future offenses. Sign below and demand that law enforcement and prosecutors pursue this case with the seriousness it deserves, ensuring that justice is served.


Dear Mr. Alexander,

The recent arrest of an individual allegedly in possession of obscene material depicting bestiality is deeply disturbing. Animal sexual abuse is a form of extreme cruelty that must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Such acts cause severe suffering to animals and are often linked to other forms of violent behavior.

Authorities have gathered significant evidence in this case, and we urge your office to ensure that justice is served. The psychological and physical harm inflicted on animals in these situations is devastating, and cases of this nature should not be dismissed or treated lightly. The maximum penalties allowed by law should be sought against those convicted of such acts.

By prosecuting this case to the fullest extent, you can send a clear message that acts of cruelty against animals will not be tolerated. We strongly encourage you to seek the highest level of accountability for the suspect, ensuring that justice is served and that other potential offenders are deterred from engaging in similar conduct.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Sainandini Mishra


  1. This disgusting and vile person needs to be executed and removed from society.

  2. NEED TO NAME NAMES: The twisted POS is 41-year-old MICHAEL BENSON of Fincastle, VA. He needs to be publicly shamed and everyone know what a sicko he is. You can see his vile, pathetic face here:

  3. marilyn anderberg says:

    i an annimals lover.
    pls do not hurt annimals.people best friends.
    do not trust any body .check all annimal sitter.

    Throw it in jail & let it be rapped to death.
    SUBHUMAN TRASH need culling asap!
    Torture Rape & Murder of Animals IS AN EVIL CRIME!

  5. Annamarie Paris says:

    You are sick individuals. I say do the same thing to these people that they did to these animals (and i mean everything) i guarantee they won’t ever think about doing it again. Eye for an eye or should I say a woof for a woof.

  6. Irene Leggett says:

    Make sure all disgusting, sickening PERVERTS are permanently castrated as they pose a threat to animals and humans for all their miserable, filthy lives. Better still, turn them into eunuchs….

  7. Names and faces please! Animal abuse/bestiality = felony = serious/violent crimes = long prison sentences+large fines+canning+lifetime ban from any contact with animals or pet ownership!

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699 Signatures

  • Penny Mackenzie
  • Amanda Rodriguez
  • Allison Burgess
  • Jennifer Forrester
  • judith worrall
  • judith worrall
  • jacci russ
  • Fran Nelis
  • Ram Dar
  • Nalini Cherian
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