Heroic Dog Apparently Set on Fire and Left to Die Deserves Justice

Target: The Honorable Josh Stein, Governor of North Carolina

Goal: Ensure appropriate legal consequences for the abuse of animals like Susie, a dog believed to have been purposefully set on fire.

The story of Susie, a dog who allegedly endured horrifying abuse as a puppy, serves as a critical reminder of the urgent need for accountability in cases of animal cruelty. Apparently set on fire and left with severe burns, broken bones, and a shattered spirit, Susie survived against all odds to become a symbol of resilience and hope. Her case, which ignited public outrage, spurred the creation of “Susie’s Law,” which was enacted in North Carolina to impose harsher punishments for animal abusers. However, the recent announcement regarding the dissolution of Susie’s Hope, the nonprofit organization dedicated to animal welfare that arose from Susie’s story, highlights the ongoing challenges faced in animal rescue and protection.

Despite the establishment of legislation like Susie’s Law, many cases of animal cruelty still go unpunished or are met with insufficient legal responses. Susie’s case, in which her abuser received only probation, underscores the need for stricter enforcement of animal protection laws. The continued prevalence of animal suffering suggests that more needs to be done to ensure justice for the voiceless creatures who depend on humans for their safety and well-being.

It is crucial that the state of North Carolina takes a stand against animal cruelty and holds accountable those who perpetrate such heinous acts. Urge Governor Stein to allocate resources to prevent future tragedies and foster a culture of compassion and respect for animals throughout the state.


Dear Governor Stein,

The case of Susie, a dog whose alleged horrific abuse sparked a movement for animal rights in North Carolina, illustrates the critical need for stronger enforcement of animal cruelty laws. Reportedly set ablaze at just ten weeks old, Susie’s journey from victim to hero had a profound impact on animal welfare legislation, such as “Susie’s Law.” Unfortunately, the leniency shown to her abuser, who was sentenced to probation, demonstrates a concerning gap in the judicial system’s response to the cruelty endured by helpless animals.

The alleged abuse that Susie suffered is not an isolated incident; many animals continue to face similar threats. As noted by advocates within the community, cases of animal cruelty often go unpunished, fostering an environment where abuse is tolerated rather than condemned. It is imperative to establish a more robust legal framework that ensures all animal abusers are held accountable for their actions, creating a deterrent for similar acts of cruelty and protecting those without a voice.

This petition calls upon the State of North Carolina to take decisive action in strengthening laws and penalties related to animal cruelty in North Carolina. By enforcing stricter consequences for offenders, the state can show its commitment to protecting vulnerable animals and honor the legacy of Susie, who overcame unimaginable suffering to serve as a beacon of hope and resilience. Support the mission to promote kindness toward all animals and ensure justice for those who are seemingly forgotten.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. The monsters that tortured Susie should have had the same thing done to them…they deserved to be beaten and then lit on fire. The authorities that let them go unpunished need the same treatment. Until people are truly held accountable for the horrors they perpetrate on the innocent these atrocities will continue to happen.

    • The maniacs that set these murderers free must suffer the SAME punishment!! How dare they!!!!
      Damn them all to hell!!!

      • That’s always been my point of view. What is the point of having laws if weak willed judges don’t enforce them. Are some American judges voted in? If so it’s time to remind them that they are there to protect all living souls and enforce all laws.

    • EVIL EVIL EVIL HUMAN GARBAGE! Set these bastards on fire and see how they like it.

    • Penso exactamente da mesma forma.
      Ao Sr. Governador só lhe digo o seguinte: imagine-se a passar pelo mesmo que passou esse filhote quando era criança, acha que teria sobrevivido? Acha que teria merecido tanto sofrimento? Acha que seria justo que a pessoa que lhe tivesse provocado tanto sofrimento devia ficar em liberdade? Então qual é a diferença entre o sofrimento de um animal bebé e um humano bebé? NÃO É NENHUM!OS ANIMAIS SENTEM DOR, SOFRIMENTO E AGONIA TAL COMO AS PESSOAS!

  2. The maniacs that set these murderers free must suffer the SAME punishment!! How dare they!!!!
    Damn them all to hell!!!

  3. The name of the scum that set her on fire is Lashawn Demaro Whitehead

    Let’s get a target on his head

    • Exactly. This fucker needs hunting down and giving the same treatment. Gasolined and set on fire. Maybe break a few bones also whilst the prick is sizzling. If he ends up half burnt’ then he will very likely remember what happens to animal torturing bastards. But better still, just leave the fucker to fry!! If any animal activist group feels te same, then bloody GOOD ON YOU!!
      BUT — make sure you get away nice and quick afterwards. One person with matches or a lighter, and others with small bottles of gasoline in a fairly secluded place could do the job just fine👍

  4. This pup was only 10 weeks old. Barely old enough to leave her momma. So at ten weeks old this pup has broken bones and dreadful burns and some weak minded, soulless judge gives this subhuman probation.
    May theyboth rot in hell.

  5. Marilyn koogler says:

    This should not have happened to an innocent animal. The man who did this rot in prison. What would happen if this was a child.👦

  6. Find the person (s) and give them the same punishment as they did this poor sweet puppy.

  7. So glad to read that Susie survived and hope she will lead a happier life from now on. The perpetrators must be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  8. What In the hell is wrong with you people!!! This ass wipe set this puppy on FIRE!!! What part of this story or outcome pleases you all??? This abuser should never see the light of day!!!! EVER. At least puppy survived!!! Now do your jobs!!

  9. Angela E Jones says:

    Sadistic inbred should be named, made to pay for all of Susies vet treatment and care, jailed and banned for their entire life from keeping ANY animals and put on an animal abuse register that shows he had a record for every employer he has and applies for

  10. The problem is that people who do this are one step away from hurting a child or other person in similar fashion. There was no rhyme or reason. They’re not killing for food or to cull, it was simply a sadistic act to make another animal suffer and the court needs to take this under consideration when handing it sentencing.

  11. Is the pup okay? And AI hope it wasn’t given back to the same guy? Story doesn’t say

  12. Is the puppy still alive and not with the same owner?

  13. I am so tired of people being handled with kid gloves when they have done such a wrong thing. This dog suffered pain that the monster will never know, and I feel that he/she should feel what they did to another. An animal has no voice, so I guess it is easy to look the other way and just slap this monster’s hand. We need to follow the law and execute the law……….which I feel needs to be stricter when it comes to animals.

  14. This monster was only sentenced to probation!! I can’t even imagine the pain Susie suffered from being set on fire! Another case of care less, weak prosecutors and judges who don’t take animal abuse seriously. I’m totally disgusted with the light sentences these low lifes get for such horrible acts of cruelty. DO BETTER!!!

    • These weak willed So- called Judges as I have said before, are scared of these perps. Worried about there big posh houses and cars being torched or vandalised so are given mediocre sentences. I hope that some animal vigilante group can find this piece of shit and effect the same or similar treatment! No messing, just do the job and quickly disappear leaving the prick burning nicely. Only way they will ever learn though is when the turds are well and truly DEAD!

  15. Every single judge in america that lets these monsters go with little to no punishment can rot in hell. they are just as guilty, 100%. plain and simple

  16. Maria Lavorato says:

    God’s healing hand Susie. Please find this innocent girl a happy forever home…she has endured hell in her few short months of life.

    Governor Roy Cooper Honorable Josh Stein
    North Carolina YOU HAVE A MONSTEr IN YOUR MIDST!!!
    Leniency??????? Probation?????
    Many cases of animal cruelty still go unpunished??????

    THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT IS NEEDED! THIS VILE HUMAN SET AN INNOCENT PUPPY ON FIRE.! Charges must be severe and swift unless you want the torture of innocent animals to continue? You must be clear in the punishment of every act of animal cruelty or the message will be LOST and more innocent animals with endure HELL.

    In a perfect world this abuser would meet the fires of HELL.

  17. The common denominator in lots of American animal abuse cases appears to be the hill billy aspect. Inbreeding within families has clearly spawned generations of deranged mutants who have no place in civilised society, the thing that did this to Susie should have been taken out behind the woodshed and disposed of but instead he is free to create his own little abominations.

  18. Miriam A. Cohen says:

    kooks who don’t have the civility to tolerate other people’s efforts to provide animals with a loving home… those kooks are way far out there mentally and they can say all they want that in a hard life, abusive mother, poverty, etc. that they have a deformed view of cats/dogs that they can’t help… that’s bullshit to me. they don’t have an emotional response to friendly dogs and needy cats because they make their own choices including in the way they think. they are sadistic and a total danger to society. lock them up.


    This is sickening. The punishment to Lashawn Demaro Whitehead, the criminal, is nowhere near what the 10 month pup suffered, this is not justice. Make him pay for all medical and vet’s bills. Please send this case to the current US Attorney General, Pam Bondi, who is supposed to be a strong animal advocate. Perhaps this case can be tried under federal laws.

  20. Maria Lavorato says:

    US Attorney General, Pam Bondi,

    North Carolina YOU HAVE A MONSTEr IN YOUR MIDST!!!
    Leniency??????? Probation?????
    Many cases of animal cruelty still go unpunished??????
    THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT IS NEEDED! THIS VILE HUMAN SET AN INNOCENT PUPPY ON FIRE.! Charges must be severe and swift unless you want the torture of innocent animals to continue? You must be clear in the punishment of every act of animal cruelty or the message will be LOST and more innocent animals with endure HELL.

    In a perfect world this abuser would meet the fires of HELL.

    God’s healing hand Susie. Please find this innocent girl a happy forever home…she has endured hell in her few short months of life.

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