Dogs Apparently Forced to Eat Each Other Due to Starvation Deserve Justice

Target: Hugh Davis Ridgway III, Atlantic Circuit District Attorney, Missouri

Goal: Ensure maximum penalties for the individual allegedly responsible for the starvation and deaths of multiple dogs.

Law enforcement officials in Ridgeway, Missouri, claim to have discovered a harrowing case of animal neglect and abuse. Following reports of abandoned canines, authorities apparently found five dogs left in deplorable conditions at a residence. Tragically, one dog was found deceased inside the home, while another is believed to have perished beneath the house, the rescuers say. Investigators state that the surviving dogs had been so starved that they resorted to consuming the remains of one of their companions.

Reports indicate that three severely emaciated dogs were rescued, but the trauma they endured will likely take a long time to heal. The man allegedly responsible for these conditions, John R. Ikerd, reportedly admitted to not visiting the dogs for at least a week. He has been charged with one count of animal abuse and three counts of neglect or abandonment.

The suffering these animals seemingly endured is deeply alarming, and justice must be served to ensure that such horrific neglect is not repeated. Sign below and demand strong legal action to hold the alleged abuser accountable and to serve as a deterrent against future cases of animal cruelty.


Dear DA Ridgway,

Recent reports of severe animal neglect and abuse in Ridgeway are deeply concerning. Authorities say they discovered a tragic scene where five dogs were abandoned without food or care. Investigators allege one dog was deceased inside the home, and that the surviving dogs had been driven to consume their companion out of sheer desperation. Another dog is believed to have died beneath the home, while three emaciated dogs were thankfully rescued.

These defenseless animals apparently suffered immensely, and the individual allegedly responsible for their plight must be held accountable. Neglect of this suspected magnitude cannot be tolerated, and it is vital to ensure that justice is served in this case.

We urge your office to seek the maximum penalties allowed under the law for the charges of animal abuse and neglect. This will send a clear message that cruelty has no place in our society and help protect other animals from similar fates in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Mike


  1. Hope this bastard gets beaten to death in prison.

  2. He should be left to be eaten by starving dogs !

    • Julia Edinger says:

      This “Evil Being” deserves to be dropped off in middle of jungle to be eaten alive from wild animals!!! Punishment Fits The Crime!!!

    • Exactly what I say. He left those dogsnfor more than a week. He’s a lying scum bag that deserves to be put in the exact same starving situation he kept those poor animals in. Sick and tired of aholes like this man getting a slap on the wrist IF that when they abused animals so badly. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


  3. Another fucking asshole added to the list of people that need to be executed.

  4. Sick creep….refuses to do anything with his ugly self…definately would not take care of his poor pups

  5. Animal Abuse should be a Felony! Bring back the DP! for air thief like this! If he has done this to animals he has done atrocities to humans!

  6. This is ridiculous anymore, get rid of the monsters in society and STOP ALLOWING THEM TO HAVE ANIMALS, DO YOUR JOB Or STEP DOWN SO SOMEBODY CAN !!!!

  7. No one that can abuse animals in any way should be allowed to walk the streets. Animal abuse is totally out of control and I don’t see it improving until the penalties include many years behind bars, stiff fines of tens of thousands of dollars and the inability to be in the company of another animal without certified supervision. We must always protect and defend the voiceless no matter the number of legs they possess

  8. Joseph Kenosky says:

    Starve John Ikerd to death immediately. Let this subhuman piece of garbage die a painful death and as soon as possible.

    • “If convicted, he could face up to 1 year and 45 days behind bars plus a $22,250 fine.“

      This. This is all the life of suffering companion animals is worth in the eyes of the law. What a sad world we’ve become.

      Run free babies. & to those who survived at the hands of this monster, may you never hurt again. ♥️

  9. Maria Lavorato says:

    Two little dogs dead…who knows how many others?????

    All the dogs suffered horrifically. This SOB bastard needs to feel exactly what they went through. He left them for a week or more and he now should feel starvation first hand!

    Hugh Davis Ridgway III, Atlantic Circuit District Attorney, Missouri
    You cannot allow this soulless person to get away with treating any animal so inhumanely and causing such horrific suffering!!!. IT IS TIME TO TURN IT ON HIM. You must not allow this opposite of human free in your communities for the SAFETY of ALL!!!! …OR WHERE DOES IT END …WHERE DOES IT STOP. YOU MUST GIVE JUSTICE AND STAND UP FOR THE INNOCENT!!!!!

  10. It’s enough to look at his face…to decide he deserves to spend the rest of his blady life in jail

  11. Piece of Filth!! What was he doing with all those nice dogs?? He then leaves them for a week?? He needs to suffer for that!!

  12. “If convicted, he could face up to 1 year and 45 days behind bars plus a $22,250 fine.“

    This. This is all the life of suffering companion animals is worth in the eyes of the law. What a sad world we’ve become.

    Run free babies. & to those who survived at the hands of this monster, may you never hurt again. ♥️

  13. This monster should have Animal Abuser branded on his forehead

  14. Starve this piece of shit to death. The world don’t need people like this!!!

  15. No animal deserves to be a victim of DEHUMANIZED, DESENSITIZED and MENTALLY-DERANGEED SADISTIC PSYCHOPATHS!! NO animal-abuser should get away with such a horrific crime.
    LAWMAKERS, stop these crimes by establishing harsh punishments for animal abuse! It’s your duty as humans.
    Tormenting, neglecting and killing animals has a brutalizing effect on our society and mankind as a whole.
    This pathological monster must be severely punished. He must also be forbidden from coming near animals ever again.
    SET a PRECEDENT, and punish to the full extent of the law!

  16. All you heartless degenerates who harm animals are going to be fully aware that those were the choices you made that will send your ignorant asses to hell..FACT!

    You will beg and pray to God and want desperately to be rescued from that agony but just as your victims suffered so will you..but worse.

  17. This scum of the earth is pure evil his turn is coming he will burn in hell for the horrific suffering he caused these poor beautiful dogs!

  18. Another piece of shit who should be in prison and let the inmates do the same as he did to these poor dogs. The only way justice will be served.

  19. Mariska Meszaros says:

    Enough is enough, so tired of the countless stories of animal abuse / neglect by scumbags like this POS!

  20. Agree all comments tie this fucker up leave to die a slow painful death. No excuse and laws need to change in this world now. Should be people who check premises for people that have animals and need to be on a animal register and must be desexed microchiped. Anyone without should be jailed and banned life having animals. People who are cruel to animals have the same done to them.sick of animal abuse and people getting away with it harsh punishment needs to be down

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